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Insane Asylum
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October, 10 or V
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SpeedRacer, MegaMan & SailorMoon
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Witchblade, VAMPIRE KNIGHT!,Blood+, Boogie Pop Phanthom, Tenjho Tenge, Cowboy Bebop, Deathnote, Trinity Blood, Bleach, Gunslinger Girl, FLCL, FMA, Howl's Moving Castle, Witch Hunter Robin, Ergo Proxy, Samurai Champloo, Rurouni Kenshin
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Taking Pictures Everywhere, Poetry, Watching Movies, Painting, Sleeping, Reading, Listening To Music, Watching Tv, Dancing Around Like A Spaz. Just Being Myself..
Back In The Day I Could Tie A Cherry Stem Using My Tongue Only! XD Oh Yeah! And I'm A Funny Drunk Lol
| xDarlingxDollx
Friday, May 22, 2009
I've Grown Patient...That's Just Abnormal! Lol Jk XD
ROSIE!!! XD *glomps* It's been awhile since i updated. well not much has happened with me but alot has happened with Justin. Very Frustrating at the moment. He's moving out of nick's 'cause they're ( when i say They're i mean Alicia nick's Gf & her Mom) are giving Justin shit so He's moving out & he's going to get a place of his own. Plus if he stayed there he'd had to ask alicia's mom if i could stay & since i'm a stranger to her she would have said no.
So Since he's getting his own place he won't have to ask anyone if i could stay. i dunno if i said this already but he got his truck =] We're both healthy & well. His job isn't going to give him a raise so he's going to quit that job & get another one. As for me, i've been learning how to be patient & learning that in relationship's theres alot of give & take. Sometimes at night i don't get to talk to him 'cause he's exhausted so he just wishes me goodnight & we just talk the next day ^_^
Hmm... i bought a Domo plushie at Boarders =] Oh! & i seen the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" OHMYGAWD! It's effing awesome! XD I've been reading this book that i bought at the thrift store, it's called "Prozac Nation" The girl in the book reminds me of myself so much that it's creepy, Lol. Except i never did coke to calm myself down -_- that is one drug i will never fucking touch.
I've been good, truly. Been thinking about you alot Rose, I miss you sweetie, tons & tons. I wish so much to email you & that's another thing, i have a new email. Well they say tomorrow it's suppose to rain.. i hope so =]
Update soon Doll i miss hearing from you, even though i know your exhausted from work, Heh & all you wanna do is just sink into your bed & just sleep. Well heres some pix that i took just yesterday, Enjoy! ^_^
This pic right here i took on the second of this month. it's not that new but i still wanna share it with you. It's a Geisha theme. My own version, sucks you can't see the lipstick tho.

Nobody puts baby in the corner.. NOBODY!

A friend of mine says i look so "Asian" in this pic, Lol.

"You look SO Japanese, General!"-Tyler

Listening to atmosphere & Lily allen

I lost my stud so now i'm wearing a hoop nose piercing :) My lips are sexy as hell tho! XD

Chillin' with my ma's plants & yes i have freckles >_<

Justin's my lithium. He's my favorite drug :)

I don't like the fact that i have a tan now >_< But Justin says i look like i'm gold like the goddess that i am, Lol.

In ten days there gonna open the pool! I can't wait! Summer is so fucking awesome! XD hope to hear from you soon Rosie *Hugs & kisses your forehead* Later sweetie, take care ^_^
Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I put up my Snapvine player so you can hear me. 'Cause my sister is having a fit so she's not letting me on so i'mma just leave voice comments so you can know how i'm doing. I will go to your site & see how your doing. I can only comment on your post's from my cell, I can't even post on my own site 'cause it logs me out on my cell -_-
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