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myOtaku.com: xfalloutgirlx

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Hey, i suppose im a bit of a novice, and i prefer to work in pencil so i havnt done any colour pieces yet.. but thats left to be done x
This site building thing might take me a while, im such a ditz!
And i love pop-punk/skate scene, Yu Gi Oh, cardcaptors and sailor moon.. so most of my art revolves around that..

Thursday, September 9, 2004

I passed everything but german, i am SO GOOD. I didnt turn up for german, wasnt too bothered... I got 2 A's in English and an A in sociology. And a B in maths. AMAZ. Totally didnt hardly revise and wasnt a good girl during exam week... ehe.. go me <3
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Monday, August 23, 2004

Im off to Brighton in a minute, to buy things for READING FESTIVAL, held in the UK every year featuring loads of well known and famous bands, as well as a whole weekend campsite where you can get up to anything you like.. hehe it's going to be so good! The sun's out too <3

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Friday, August 20, 2004

There are some amazing artists on this site, i feel really ametuer.
Psh we all learn sometime huh..
(-,-) it rained so hard today, sucks. Couldn't be bothered to go out. Might stay in and sketch, then go comfort eat with my friend Nin, she got her A-level results today and passed! (^-^) Clever girl. My GCSE results come on thursday :( Im done for. x

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