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shonen jump came to my life
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| xgale forcex
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
hey im back i long vacation off of otaku well reallyi was too lazy to update . well i hope u guys had fun while i was gone but u have to go now (so sad) but 1 thing i still play maplestory that thing id addictting xD u guys should try it i'll upload a pic of me in the game.well cya guys laterz

thats me in the game xD
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
ff7 contest
hey pplz im deciddin imma stay in myotaku..oyea if u check the contest on reno the turk its done today 24 more hours away. I'm finally finished, heres my pic.

hope u guys like it (i didn't submit it in myotaku fanart yet but i'll do it l8ter ..i feel lazy)k imma keep this short so cya around
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
hey how its doing tyin to stop playin maple often but too addicttin oyeah nue char named xngokid94x(if u wanna find me).ok i gotta sleep cuz it is like 1 sumthin n da mornin so nite nite -.-zZzZzZ
oyea i don no if i wanna quit MyO tell me cuz i don usually put in nue post so juss tell me pm me,comment,n 4 nuecommers sign my gb
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
hey pplz haven't update in a while cuz i juss download "maplestory" cuple dayz ago(it is an online game)i'm sooo addicted to it, n if u guys play maple story too tell me n i'll try to find u n the game n 1 thin 4 sure 4 pplz who wanna c mein the game(who download maple can), i always go to ch. 5 in windia, n my name in there is "shenrika" (i'd juss piced a name)(made up)ok imma go to play maple hopefully or go to sleep so cya
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
my fucin uncle
i hate my fucin uncle mang he always starttin wit me like today... i was juss puttin sumthin bac in his room n his duaghter which was in the room wit sum lil cuzzin of mines gotta have to start about " u put that thin in here" n then i was tellin here y n shit n she keeps come at me(btw his duaghter is like 5 years old so she a brat n her name is lily)n then one of my lil cuzzin (alex) went out the room cuz he doesn't want to play wit anymore so then she said "alex!!!"she was yellin at him so i bac him up say "alex wat?wat cha gonna do?huh?"then she stop so alex litto sister went out to then lily lil sister went out too cuz she is like a fallower so lily yelled out her name but lily 'lilsis didn't hear it so i left the room then she started to cry then her ugly father came upstairs(my fucin uncle) n ask lily wat happend (of course imma out of the room n into my big sis room) then lily said i..I", so i heared my name yelled by her(this house is echoish)i open the door n yelled "no don't u start about me then her fucin dad said stop yellin so i got pissed off by him so i slamed the door..den lily said I.. was triyin to scared he,so he open the door n start yellin at me so i started bac n he gonna tell me to grow up.. i was like wtf? i said i am growwin up n he said no im not how he suppose to noe bout my personal i said u wanna noe proof then go to my skool n ask the teacher..n then he gonna say stop yellin ur not a litto kid any moren i told him off sayin i am a litto kid u c im litto u c that im still a kid?n then i started to cry a litto so then he said yea cryin (cuz of yellin at me )(i can't stand someone yellin at me)i said i am then he gonna said yea cryin more then den i said can't u c im cryin..god that bitch always in my fricken nerves all the time... he always defenddin his daughter he nver take other pplz side if they talkin bout his daughter.. he tellin me to grow up wen he yells too...he tellin me to grow up wen he always starttin at me...n i nvere seen him yell at his daughter only wen she does stuff to him...n i don no y the grow ups always take his side..n he yell at my aunt(his wife)juss 4 a simple thin..n he always try to b a smartass...owellz 4 now i dink i written alot so imma stop so cya l8ters
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Friday, April 21, 2006
hey pplz just submit 2 more pics. so check them out...^^oyeah click my nue pet neko hell chase ur mouse around=^^=
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
hey pplz i finally submited my fanart in n i drew 3 fanart n i hope u like it .....i drew one with reno,another wit garra,and last one with rock lee...^^ n i made the reno one 4 my friend reno 4 thnx 4 wat he is doin 4 me
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Monday, April 17, 2006
bored dis mournin
sigh*i had nottin to do dis mournin cuz i didn't have skool today cuz of easter break-_-
my break started on thursday last week so dat is like umm...5 days if u include the weekend.....dis skool im in relle suck
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hi there, im nue to this otaku thingi so can sum1 who has sum free time help meh out please but anywayz sign my guestbook please(^_^)n comment me bout my myotaku if it iz good or not please
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