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myOtaku.com: XharuX

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Hello! I'm XharuX! Nice to meet you! ^_^ Plz sign my guest book okay? My fav. show is fruba and my fav. Charecter is dun dun duh! Haru! LOL ^_^

Saturday, May 7, 2005

  I really need to change my site more often. I haven't updated for a thousand years. Why do I make my self look so pathetic?
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  I am so excited that Adult Swim is going to have more anime on Saturday nights? I hate having to spend so much money on shows that I just as easily tape. I'm really cheep and lazy aren't I?
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  I'm so glad that the new Fullmetal Alchemist dvd was realesed! I'm so lazy that I hardly ever stay up to watch it. I can barely stay up that late. ZZZ... What was I talking about?
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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Hello,do you like my back round? Thank you Kyo-kun45 for showing me how to put it up! Hope you ll like it!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

   Hello! Like Fruba????
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Do you like fruits basket? I'm looking for friends that do so if you do, let me know kay? ^_^ o course, you dont gotta like fruba to be my friend ya know! ^_^

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   Harus Sides: the good and the bad...
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Witch haru do YOU like best? Black or white??????^_^

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Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Hello! ^_^ welcome to my site! I hope you enjoy your stay and sign my guest book! ^_^
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