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Somewhere up in the clouds (as always)
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Real Name
I play guitar, piano,I draw anime sometimes (but I'm not nearly as good as AnimeFire03) and I've learned to put up with my 10 year old brother .
Anime Fan Since
Kayla introduced me to it
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Full Moon, Chibi Vampire, Naruto, Inuyasha, and FMA.
To be able to draw anime well like my friend Kayla, to play guitar like my teacher, Don, and hopefully to go to college and get a good paying job.
Drawing, playing guitar, listening to music (Evanescence is my favorite band next to MCR), reading Fruits Basket and Full Moon, watching Anime with Kayla, hanging out with my friends, and getting hyped up on sugar!!!
Playing piano and guitar, giving advice (eventhough I'm usually the one asking people for their advice), and embarressing myself.
| XheartbrokenX
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Thanx for the 200 visits!! ^^
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Hello guys! I'm sorry about yesterday. I was stressed about a lot of things, but I'm ok for now. How are you all? I'm ok. But there is one thing I'd like to say. No offense to anyone, but I'm starting to get a little irriated that when I visit people's sites, they don't visit mine in return. So for now on, I will not visit your sites unless you visit mine at least every two or three days. So if you want me to visit, you will have to visit me more. Thanx!
Anyways, today was much better. I don't have nearly as much homework as I have had all week. I have a collage to do for art, but that's about it. I have a presentation in Spanish to do tommorrow, but that's no big deal. I just read crap off a notecard to the class and I'm done. Whoo. lol.
I'm at the hospital right now visiting my mom (I'm using her laptop). She will be staying another night, but she should be coming home tommorrow.
My friends are at a temporary calm state, so we'll see how that goes. I talked to one of my friends at lunch today, and I told her to cool it, and she said she would, but who knows if she'll actually listen. -_-' Oh well. I'm not really all that worried.
My old friend and I are still getting along. It's sort of awkward, since we dated two years ago, but it's cool that we can talk to each other again. He's still as funny as ever, and he's still got that crooked's really funny looking. lol.
Weird moment of the day:
Me: *spots strange looking pipe poking out of the ground* *walks towards it, eyeing it suspiciously* *stomps on it with foot*
My friend: *looks at me puzzled* "What are you doing?"
Me: *looks up* "Ummm....nothing....I was just....stomping on this thingy sticking out of the ground...."
My friend: *laughs* "Ok then."
You had to be there for it to be funny, I guess. I can be SO dumb. lol.
Well, I hope you all are enjoying school and I will visit sites whenever I can. It's kind of hard since I have school, but I will try my best. Byez!
This is something Zach would say, AnimeFire03. lol.
| You scored as Earth, You have a mother personality. Much like the earth, you care for everyone whether you know them or not. A lot of people abuse your good nature, but you don't mind, as long as their happy. You're in touch with reality, and very reliable. You're not too stressed taking everything a bit at a time, many people find comfort in this behavior. Parties are most likely not your thing, you probably prefer hanging out in small groups with a couple of your friends. Please Tell me what you think! Negative feedback VERY welcome! Tell me how to fix it! :) 

Fire | | 75% | Earth | | 75% | Air | | 75% | Light | | 69% | Water | | 56% | Ice | | 38% | Darkness | | 38% |
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
So Tired
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I'm really sorry for not posting or visiting, but school's got me running around in circles like a crazy lunatic. Friends, homework, tests, quizzes, foreign languages, you name it! And I'm just so worn out that I can barely stay awake to finish this post. I just got done my current event article for World History, and it's 11 p.m.! I stil have other homework to do as well. Not to mention my mom's in the hospital because she had a SEVERE asthma atack this morning and she'll be there until tommorrow or Friday. My friends will soon be at each other's throats for whatever reasons they have to fight about sooner than later. One of my other friends, however has decided to make a suprising reapperance in my life, and I have no idea why or what the deal is with that, so I'm letting it flow wherever it may, and hoping to God that everything turns out ok. I hate to complain to you guys, because I hate making myslef look pathetic and desperate, but I really have nothing good to say exept that my grades are really good so far, and I'm having fun at school whenever my friends aren't being completley nuts. And for the people on theO that go to my school that are my friends (AnimeFire03 and aki-kitsune), I'm not really talking about you guys, but I'm sure you have an idea who I might be talking about. So, to sum it all up in one big sentence is that I'm having a really stressful day, and I'm hoping tommorrow will be better. I'm going to get some sleep, so I hope you all had a great day. I will visit later, if I get a chance. I have no idea when that may be, but hopefully, it will be at a less stressful time. Byez!
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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Hello everyone! How have ya been? I've been at school for the past two days, so I'm sorry I haven't visited or anything. School was....interesting. I had fun, but I'm already kind of sick of it. I hate Spanish. I stink at it, and it's annoying to listen to. But, I have to have two years of a language if I want to go to college, so I will try my best.
I have a lot of classes with my friends. I have Biology with aki-kitsune and a couple of my other friends who aren't familiar with theO. I also have World History with my friend Larissa. So, it's cool, I guess.
I made a new friend on my first day. Her name is Sara. She's in my grade and she's new at the high school. I met her in English class. Our teacher told us to get into groups, and we were in a classroom FULL of preps and jocks, so I was like "Geeezzzz..." and NO ONE exept Sara came over and said, "Hey, wanna be in a group with me?" and we had to have 4 people in our group, so the teacher made two preppy guys join our group. It was mortifying. Sara was like, "Wow. That makes me feel good on my first day of school." Jerks.
Well, I need to go do my chores, so I will try to visit sites later. I won't be on as much, so I'm sorry if I don't get around to everyone's sites. Byez!
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Monday, August 27, 2007
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Hey guys! What's up? I had the best weekend! On Friday, my cousin and my aunt picked me up and we went to the mall and we walked around for like, 5 hours trying on clothes and stuff. I got a Fruits Basket t-shirt that I really wanted and 4 other new shirts for school. Then, we got some pizza and went back to their house, and I slept over. Then on Saturday, we went up to the mall again and looked around at some stores we missed the day before and then we went and ate at a resturant called the Texas Roadhouse and I ate chicken tenders and they were really yummy! ^^ Then we went to Borders for awhile and I got a book called Tantalize and it was really good. I finished it yesterday (I'm a really fast reader). Then there was a big thunderstorm and it was all dark outside and the lightning was really cool looking. Then on Sunday, I went to a baseball game with my grandparents. They lost, but that's ok, cuz I still had lots of fun. It was REALLY hot though. I was covered head to toe with sweat. ewww.... >_< Then we went home and my mom cooked dinner for my family and we all ate dinner together and I saw my baby cousins Ben and Dylan. Then they went home, and I watched a really funny episode of Family Guy and went to sleep.
School is starting tommorrow. I'm actually looking forward to it because I'm really bored, so I can't wait!
1.)Have you ever been to California?
2.)Have you ever been to Disney World?
3.)Are you as mad as I am that I have to buy a PS3 in order to play the next Kingdom Hearts game?!? grrrr.......
Well, have a good day everyone. I will be around to visit sites whenever I get a chance. Byez!
 | You scored as The world of a romantic, You live for a world of romance. Someone who would just love to hold your hand and sit by a roaring fire and talk about dreams with would make you very happy. With you romance is not a dead thing, but a must. Don't give up. click
The world of a romantic | | 85% | The world of child | | 70% | The World of Mystery | | 55% | The high rollers world | | 45% | The fantasy world | | 40% |
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
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Whoo! I had an awesome weekend. I'll tell you all about it later. I'm getting ready to go to a baseball game. Have a good one!
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
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Hi everyone! How are you? Good, I hope. I'm at my grandparent's house again today, so I'm just surfing the net and visiting sites.
It turns out that I'm not going to the concert on Saturday after all, but I will be spending the night at my cousin's house and taking the light rail to Camden Yards on Sunday with my grandparents to watch an Orioles game. They lost last night. The score was HORRIBLE! They were playing the Texas Rangers, and they got beaten badly. The Rangers had 30 and we had 3! -_- I guess you can't win them all.
I'm still not sure what's going on for tommorrow. I was supposed to go ice skating with my friend Britny, but she hasn't called yet. I guess we'll see what happens.
1.)Do you get annoyed with people who do nothing but complain?
2.)Have you ever gone ice skating?
3.)Are you bored?
Well, I hope you all have a nice day! I will be around to visit sites whenever.
 | You scored as Blue, Your heart is blue. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You are very caring and like helping others. You're grateful for what you have in life, even if it's not perfect. People love you for who you are, don't ever change that- it's what makes you the great person that you are.
Blue | | 96% | Pink | | 71% | Red | | 57% | Black | | 57% | White | | 54% | Yellow | | 54% | Purple | | 50% | Green | | 21% | Orange | | 4% |
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
6 Days Till School!
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Hi! How are you all? I've been ok. Kind of bored, but ok.
I changed my site to Naruto! ^^ I watched the Naruto Hundo last weekend on Cartoon Network. I can't wait to see the next episode! And Naruto's "sexy jutsu" is hilarious! lol.
Anyways, I might not have History with Kayla after all. She wants to change her Geometry class to advanced, but in order to do that, she has to change her History class too. So dumb. XP Well, at least we'll have homeroom and lunch together again like last year. Since the cafeteria got demolished, we plan to have lunch in our old math teacher's classroom. His name is Mr. Yost (weird I know), and he's really funny and sarcastic, so lunch should be fun.
I might be going with my friend on Friday to her friend's ice skating party and I might even go to a heavy metal concert on Saturday. My guitar teacher's band is playing, and the concert's for all ages, so he said he's give me some tickets cheap to go to the concert! I hope I can go.
1.)What grade are you in?
2.)Who is your favorite Naruto character? (If you don't have one, who is your favorite anime character?)
3.)Are you looking forward to school?
Well, I hope everyone enjoys what's left of the summer. And for those of you who are already in school, I hope you are doing well. I will be around to visit sites whenever I can.
 | You scored as Lonley Angel, You are the lonley angel. You spend most of your time alone. When you do have friends they dont understand you or what you go through. You are very emotional, most likley a poet or artist of the sort. You are quiet..a mistery to others. Its hard for you to make friends because you are haunted by the ghost of your past.
Gothic Angel | | 88% | Lonley Angel | | 88% | Fallen Angel | | 75% | Innocent Angel | | 63% | Misunderstood Angel | | 63% | Perfect Angel | | 38% | Angel of Death | | 25% |
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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Hello guys! How are you? I'm totally bored out of my mind, but other than that, I'm ok.
I got my schedule in the mail the other day. Here it is:
Period 1: Geometry CP
Period 2: Biology CP
Period 3: World History
Period 4: English 10 CP
Period 5: LUNCH TIME!!^^
Period 6: Health/Safety Ed./Gym/Study Hall
Period 7: Spanish 2
Period 8: Art 1 Fundamentals
It sux that I have math first thing in the morning, but oh well. I have homeroom and History with my best friend Kayla! I'm so happy!^^ My mom bought some of my school clothes today. I got 4 new pairs of jeans, a new pair of Etnies, and some socks. I absolutely love my new etnies! They are so pretty!^^ My mom also ordered my new backpack a couple of days ago. It cost $81!! O.O They're crazy for charging that much for a backpack! It's outrageous! Stupid L.L.Bean.... -_- So, I'm all set for school, and I can't wait!
I hope all of you are doing well, and I will visit sites whenever I can. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
| You scored as Laid Back Fun Guy..., This guy attracts you because he makes you feel safe and secure. He will always try to make you happy and knows exactly what to say to make you laugh. He can be very romantic and fun to be around. He will rarely get angry or say hurtful things because he is so caring. This guys a keeper!
Laid Back Fun Guy... | | 96% | Deep Emo... | | 89% | Skater Guy... | | 86% | Geeky Sweetheart... | | 54% | Outgoing Athletic Guy... | | 43% |
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
I finished Eclipse!!
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Hello everyone! How are you? Good, I hope.
I finished Eclipse a few minutes ago. It made me cry. TT_TT It was really good though, possibly one of the best books I've ever read. It was funny, sad, action-packed, suspenseful, everything there is to be in a fantastic book! I'm kind of sad that I have nothing to read now though.
I'm at my grandparent's house again with my family. We're going to eat crabs tonight! YUM! ^^ It rained a lot, so hopefully we can swim after dinner, not that I would mind swimming in the rain. It's fun until the lightning comes around, of course. My uncle came back from Iraq a coupe of weeks ago, so he's here to visit for a week. Hopefully he won't have to go back anytime soon. They don't really have that many people to send over there, so some soldiers have been over there three times already. Just as long as it's not my uncle. Not that I don't feel bad for the soldiers that had to go through that. *sigh* It must be tough.
Well, that's all I have to say for today. I will be around to visit sites later!
1.)What is your favorite book?
2.)Have you ever read Twilight?
3.)Do you like to eat crabs?
Have a nice day!
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Friendship You are Friendship. Friends are those who can be counted upon in times of need. Friends are those who share in your joys and your sorrows. Friendship unites us with others beyond family and brings happiness and comfort to our lives. "Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." | Love | | Courage | | Charity | | Faith | | Peace | | Which Positive Quality Are You? |
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