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Somewhere up in the clouds (as always)
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I play guitar, piano,I draw anime sometimes (but I'm not nearly as good as AnimeFire03) and I've learned to put up with my 10 year old brother .
Anime Fan Since
Kayla introduced me to it
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Full Moon, Chibi Vampire, Naruto, Inuyasha, and FMA.
To be able to draw anime well like my friend Kayla, to play guitar like my teacher, Don, and hopefully to go to college and get a good paying job.
Drawing, playing guitar, listening to music (Evanescence is my favorite band next to MCR), reading Fruits Basket and Full Moon, watching Anime with Kayla, hanging out with my friends, and getting hyped up on sugar!!!
Playing piano and guitar, giving advice (eventhough I'm usually the one asking people for their advice), and embarressing myself.
| XheartbrokenX
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Monday, July 23, 2007
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Hello eveyone! How are you? Good, I hope.
~Harry Potter~
It was fun! We went to Borders and ran around like maniacs and we went outside for awhile because it was SO crowded and there was barely enough room to breathe in there. I met a bunch of new people and they were all very nice. I didn't see a whole bunch of people I knew there, though. Just Kayla and Ash and my cousin. Either way it was fun, and I finished the book last night. It was good, but SO MANY PEOPLE died! I cried a little, but it was a good ending.
~My Posts~
I pretty much figure that you get bored reading my posts, so I have decided to try to find a picture, a quiz, and either a quote or three random questions to add to the end of my posts. Since I don't have much to say today, I will put that stuff up. Hopefully my posts will be more interesting.
Well, that's all for today. I'll be around to visit sites later. Have a nice day!
what fruits basket character are you?!
 you are tohru! tohru is very sweet and kind and trys to do her best on everything sometimes a little to much! she is great but has no parents and was living in a tent tell she then learned the sohmas secret and then start living there with the sohmas! she is 16 and has 2 best friends! she is a great friend and a very pretty girl who trys to please others! Take this quiz!

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1.What's your favorite color?
2.Have you ever been in love?
3.Do you have any pets?
Also, I just made a wallpaper! I don't think it's the right size, though. Oh well.
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Friday, July 20, 2007
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Hello everyone? How are you? Good, I hope.
~Harry Potter~
I'm going with Kayla (AnimeFire03), Ashley (SesshysBride2Be), and Matt (my cousin) to get the new Harry Potter Book tonight. It is gonna be SO fun! I'm really excited about it. I will probably see a bunch of other people I know there as well. Is anyone else gettting a Harry Potter book tonight?
Imeem is where I get my music from to put on my site, but lately, it's been being a pain in the you know what, and I'm really starting to get angry. So if anyone knows where else I can get music to put on my site, please let me know.
Well, that was a very short post, sorry. I will have plenty of things to tell you all tomorrow, I'm sure. I will be around to visit sites later. Take care!
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
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Hello everyone! How are you? Good, I hope.
I am at my grandparent's house. YAY! ^^ I went swimming in the pool for awhile, and we'll be going uot to eat crabs later. YUM!^^
Yes, I'm feeling much better today compared to yesterday and the day before. I cried last night, and I think that's what I needed to feel better. So, yay for happy! ^^
I don't have much to say, so I will leave you with a quiz and a picture. Have a good day, everyone! I will be around to visit sites later.
What kind of soul do you have? (great anime pics, detailed results, girls only)
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
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Hello everyone! How are you today? Good, I hope.
~The Sleepover~
I slept over at my dad's with Bobby, Chris, Bobby's brother, and my brother on Saturday. I had fun with Bobby. We played Kingdom Hearts and Burnout 3 and a whole bunch of other games on the PS2. There was a bad part of the sleepover that I'd rather not talk about at the moment, so I'll just keep that to myself.... -_-
Today has been a very lazy day. I've been watching The Lord Of The Rings movies with my mom, but she fell asleep about an hour ago, and I got bored. She is having surgery tommorrow, and she'd preparing for it, so I'm taking care of her. Hopefully everything goes well. She is getting a tummy tuck. I'm just enjoying my last day of freedom because as soon as she gets home, I'm going to have to do EVERYTHING for her. My brother will be at his friend's house and my stepdad will be at work, so I will be the only one around to take care of her. bleh. -_-
Like I said, my mom will be getting her surgery, so I'll be at my grandparent's house. My mom told me I could bring a friend along, but know she's saying that I can't because I need to spend time with my grandparents. I have no problem with that, it's just that I already told Kayla she could go with me and I haven't seen her in awhile since she has to work. Oh well. Perhaps another day.
Kayla, Matt (my cousin), and his parents will be going to Borders to get the new Harry Potter book at midnight. I don't know exactly what's happening yet, but it should be fun. I'm goingto try and dress up as Tonks, because she's my favorite character, besides Hermione, and Kayla said she's going to dress up as a female Sirius. It ought to be interesting. lol.
Well, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves and I'm sorry about yesterday. I will be around to visit sites later! ^^
What Twilight Character Are You? (Bella, Edward, Alice....)
YOU'RE BELLA you are an all around person, even if you think that at times you may be shy to confront someone new, you should always take your chances. YOu're daring and always to take a chance at a new task at hand. YOu like to be with the one's you love and hate it when you see someone hurt, especially if you two are close. If you've been hurt, you too have friends that are willing to help you, but it takes a while to recover.YOUR LUCKY NUMBER IS 13YOUR COLOR IS BLUEAND YOUR DAY OF THE WEEK IS TUESDAY Take this quiz!
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Monday, July 16, 2007
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Hello everyone. I really don't have much to say. I'm having one of those days when I feel like my heart is being torn out of my chest, so I'm kind of upset. I might be on later, but I doubt it. I have to go to a carnival with Bobby and Chris. ttyl.
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Friday, July 13, 2007
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Hello everyone! How are you? Good, I hope.
So, I had a REALLY awesome day yesterday. Bobby's mom picked us up and we ate pizza at Origional's Pizza (they have really good pizza). Then we went to their friend's house where they're staying and we goofed off on the trampoline and the computer.... and I hung out with Bobby's friend Chris a lot.... >///> He was really nice. >///>
Unfortunately, I won't be seeing Chris or Bobby or any of them today. I have to do a bunch of chores and wash my mom's car and whatnot. So there's not much going on today. I might sleep over at Kayla's, but we'll see.
We are going to have a sleepover at my dad's house with Chris, Bobby, Michael (his brother), and my brother. Bobby wants to beat the first Kingdom Hearts because we never got to do that. It's going to be really fun. I can't wait!
Well, that's all for now. I will be around to visit sites later. ttyl!!
Your Element Is Water | 
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. |
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
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Hello everyone! I don't really have that much to say exept that I will be going to see Bobby today, and I'm not really sure I'll be back, so I will visit as many sites as I can before I leave. ttyl!!
btw, thanx for the 100 visits!!
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Sauske
Likes: Rice Cakes and nice people
Dislikes: Leeks and annoying people
Owner: XheartbrokenX
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
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Hi everyone! How have you all been? Good, I hope.
~Emotions Gone Wild~
I have no idea what kind of mood I'm in right now. I have SO much on my mind, I'm going nuts. I stayed up late talking to my cousin last night because I haven't been able to really sit down and talk to Kayla since she's been pretty busy between work and her personal life. ^_- We talked until three in the morning about anything and everything. It made me feel better, but it didn't make the things that I worry about dissapear. *sigh*
My friend from Alabama is finally here, and that's got me twisted in a knot because I have no idea if he even wants to see me or if his real purpose here is to see his old friends from his old school and nothing more. He makes me feel kind of worthless sometimes. He tends to blow me off a lot. At least I'll get to see him.
Anyways, I'll be seeing him and his friend Chris and his mother and brother on Thursday.
I'm also going to see Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phenoix tommorrow at 6:30 with my cousin, Kayla, Ashley (SesshysBride2Be), and Shawn ( Kayla's brother). It should be interesting. I havent seen Ashley in years. She moved away a few years ago, and I haven't seen her since then. Kayla has told me that she has changed quite a bit from the last time I saw her. It should be fun, I suppose.
And then there's Alex. The dreaded Alex (my best friend's ex). He has called SO MANY TIMES today and yesterday, it's not even funny. And today I wanted to punch him in the face over the phone for reasons I'd rather not get into. It just makes me mad, so I'll let it go for now.
I don't exactly know why, but the pressure of school coming is starting to overwhelm me. It's not even August yet, but I feel awful worring about it. There are so many things I will have to do. All new classes, all new teachers, no cafeteria ( which is great because we get to eat day old bag lunches. yum. >_< ), and I will get to see all of the WONDERFUL people that populate the student body, including the new FRESHMEAT. It's making my head spin, and I honestly feel like I could sleep through the rest of my life and forget everything for awhile. I'm mentally exausted, and I'm trying the best I can to try and relax and enjoy the second half of my summer, but it's hard. I'm terribly scared that I won't do well enough to get into college and live the life I want when I get older. Sorry for the huge speech, but I needed to get it off my chest. I am so tired. -_-
Well, I hope everyone is having fun and enjoying their summer. I will be around to visit sites later.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
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Hello everyone! Hope everyone's 4th of July went well.
We could see the fireworks from my high school off my back porch, so we stayed home. My dog FREAKED OUT. He was running around the house with his tail between his legs, trying to find somewhere to hide. He got so scared, he peed on the carpet upstairs. My mom was really mad, so while she cleaned up the mess, I took him out. That wasn't very succesful. He was acting like he was in the middle of a war zone, trying to drag me back inside. What a pathetic animal. I love him though.
Thank you so much Crazy angel for helping me figure out how to change it from TIF to JPEG! I was so happy that I got it to work! So, whoever would like to see the picture I drew, it's in my portfolio now. YAY! ^^
If you hadn't noticed, something screwy is happening to my posts. I have no idea what I did, but when I see Kayla again, she's going to help me get it back to the way it was.
Well, I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. I will be around to visit sites later.
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