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Xioz Taschez
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Decatur, Illinois
Member Since
Fry Cook.... Culvers Family Resturant... I get a nifty blue hat... yay [/sarcasm]
Real Name
Adam Fisher
Semi-Successful website, still need members. Drumline, other stuff... >.>
Anime Fan Since
Not too big into anime, I just was reffered to this site.
Favorite Anime
Sonic Sat. AM
Revenge and to lick my elbow.
Music, Halo/Halo 2, and the computer.
Drummer, semi talented computer programmer, and I can make the meanest fried walleye this side of the Mississippi.... If you order walleye whilst I'm at work... I'll gut you.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sunday, September 4, 2005
Yup yup, I actually made a post... :P
Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post, about 4+ months ago. Now it's time to bring everyone up to date. I'm currently dating a beautiful and wonderful young lady named Amanda, I'm still working at Culvers... as the kitchen bitch, and I have switched drums. *gasp!*
Now instead of a tenor drum player... (for those of you that don't know what a tenor drum is there is a picture below.) To the snare drum. A little lighter, my back was killing me with the tenors.
Also, this comming friday... I turn 18... yes... I become an adult... Look out world, my insanity is to be unleashed upon you! Muaha.
That's all I can think of at the moment, so I leave you with this.
Confucius says, "A constipated man does not give a crap."
Tenor Drum = 
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Check it, bitchs
4/22/05 Friday
Waiting under an overpass with at least 50 other marching bands, each one warming up, each one coming to attention and marching out 'till it was our turn.
"BAND TEN HUT!" It was go time from that point, we started out of the shade and into the evil sun. The first cadence starts before we get to the first big group of the 350,000 people that attended. We play, a little intimidated, but we play with our hearts anyway. We come to the snare break, visuals everywhere as the snare drums have their solo, then suddenly from the entire band comes "HOO-RAH!!" and the sousa's start their Illini Kick..... San Antonio goes crazy, the air is filled with cheers such as "GO DRUMLINE", "COME ON MT. ZION!", and "WELCOME TO SAN ANTONIO, BRO!"
The parade continues, the support from the audience and will to survive keep most of us in the game. We've lost Schwalbe and Kallie-Jo to the first aid station... Chris and I are definately next, untill we see the last bend. Everyone is hot, tired, and near to passing out. The support grew, and from the trombones and sousas we here, "LET'S GO DRUMLINE!"... the final stretch. I straighten up and look toward Matt.... he nods and we look straight ahead. One last run through the cadence, I'm determined to make some noise as I am requested by one of the locals. Then it's over, the parade that is, the heat remains as we pack up, and dump a few gallons of watter into us. And yet, we all had a blast, a tireing one, but we had fun none the less.
"Alright guys," I started, "we marched 2 and a half miles in the hot sun, in 85-90 degree weather, 100% humidity, and we all nearly died..... who would do it again?" Everyone raised their hand.
4/23/05 Saturday
I awoke to the sound of someone pounding on our door, Bradshaw opened it, and there stood Alec.... "You guys, we won FIRST PLACE."
"Your fucking me!" was Bradshaws initial reaction.
"We did what?" Scwhalbe and I asked together...
"We won first fucking place!" Alec held up the paper, we all blew up. We came, we saw, we conquered. We did what we do best, we went and couldn't help but Stick it to the MAN!
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
It's not easy...
I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naive.
I'm just out to find the better part of me.
I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane,
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train.
And it's not easy to be me.
I wish that I could cry, fall upon my knees.
Find a way to lie about a home I'll never see.
It may sound absurd, but don't be naive,
Even heroes have the right to bleed.
I may be disturbed, but won't you concede,
Even heroes have the right to dream.
And it's not easy to be me...
Up Up and away, away from me.
Well it's alright, you can all sleep sound tonight.
I'm not crazy.... or anything.
I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naive.
Men weren't ment to ride with clouds between clouds their knees.
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet, diggin' for kryptonite on this one way street.
Only a man in a funny red sheet, lookin' for special things inside of me.
Inside of me....
Inside of me...
Yeah inside of me...
Inside of me...
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet, I'm only a man looking for a dream.
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet, and it's not easy....
It's not easy... to be....
Superman (It's not easy)
~Five for Fighting
Xioz Mecallean Taschez
Adam Leslie Fisher
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
22 hours of work, pro's and con's
Yeah, this is my first week with more that 22 hours of work... pro's... nearly $130 on my paycheck.... Con's.... lack of energy and good mood failure....
Oh well... I guess the money is good enough *shrugs*
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
LTE is teh schiz!
Listening to the awesomeness that is Liquid Tension Experiment, some of the best music you will ever hear. Beautiful, instrumental, progressive rock!
Also, I'm talking to my sweetheart, Christine. I love her very much. Although she lives a great distance away, I know that she loves me as well.
Her and I were talking, Nate was in the convo as well, and I was outside for some reason. (It was colder than a mother out there!) Anyway, I told her to look at the moon.... and to know that no matter what... that I would never be so far away that we couldn't look at the same stars and the same moon.
Alright, I know you are all probably gaggin at the last paragraph... so I'll just move on to more interesting things...
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
The last two days have been... boring yet filled to the brim with shit. Work sucked last night, not too much though, I ran food to people rather that risk loosing the skin on my arm due to grease burns ^^;
Today, I shall sleep and work. Oh, and play Mech Crusaders somewhere in there, . That's it....
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