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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Hey people. Long time no post. First of all I'd like to wish Dan a happy 15th birthday!
I'm sick again --; I'm taking medicine and I'm all drugged up I'm in my room now chilling out, sleeping, playing videogames and whatnot. ^^; ::yawn:: My locker is all jammed and stuff. I couldn't fully close it so I brought my lock home. When I go back to school Monday I'm gonna have to get a teacher to call the janitor down to my locker 'cause I need my books. Welll Ima gonna go. C'mon people leave some comments for me. Im beginning to feel lonely!
Oh yeah and I quizzie. How did I know i'd be my favorite ff7 character? I dunno. I answered as truthfully as I can as I do all other quizzes I take!
![](http://images.quizilla.com/1033392411_7charcloud.jpg) Cloud:
The leader of the pack, if he does the job he expects to get the rewards. If he don't know you, he's stone hard with emotions, otherwise he doesn't try to show it, but he cares. He's extremely strong and nothing is to big of an obsticle for him.
What FF7 char are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
![He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he will always love you from the bottom of his heart! And if your friends start](http://images.quizilla.com/A/ancient-secret/1094664138_cs00-loner.jpg) He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he will always love you from the bottom of his heart! And if your friends start telling you hes not your type, ignore them or laugh in their faces. You are the key to unlock that heart of his^^.
What kind of boyfriend would you have?(with pics and obviously for girls^^) brought to you by Quizilla
Hey, what's up? Just came back from karate and I'm chilling. My parents just came home from Back to School Night, and AHA they admit that ALL my teachers are awesome. They are. And my math teacher is CRAZY which is cool XD Well I'm gonna go people. ^_^ See ya.
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Interesting day we have here
Yeah right like any of Mondays are magically fun and lively. Hey this is an interesting quiz result.
![blue](http://images.quizilla.com/J/Jovifreak/1090463442_icturesfa1.jpg) Your tears are a grayish, misty shade of cyan. Also known as mysterious tears. You are a loner. When around people, you feign the personality of a sweet, shy, timid one, but inside, shadows lurk. Each one of your tears is packed with wonder and suspense. You are sexy and seductive, and tend to be quite sly. Your life is a Nancy Drew book.
What Color Are Your Tears brought to you by Quizilla
Cool huh? Yeah.
I've been playing videogames right after I finished my homework. Lalalala.... Damn I wish it was a Fridayyy... I'm more energetic on Fridays and Mondays go by so slowly it's seriously driving me mad! Arrrggghh.
Soon I'll be going to my first meetings of clubs. I saw a bulletin about the anime club, ceramics, and art. WOOHOO! I have to tell Cassie and all the other peoples in my club. StrangeAngel (Stef) Is in ceramics with me. Arent I lucky? ParnoidPerson (Kate) is in anime club wiff me. So is Insane Hobbit (Cass)
Kirby Freak (Kyle) is in anime club and visual arts club with me. Dude this is going to seriously rule!
Well I'm gonna go! See ya! ^_^
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Feeling better.
Well last nights injury is now being healed with an ace bandage lol. Turns out theres no fracture or broken bones. I smashed the place where the funny bone is, ya know where you hit it and its numb. Its permanently damaged! Yes, nerve damage! Arent I lucky? >.>; Well if I ever hit that place again it will never be numb. Awww I like the tingly-ness... lol
![ryousoulmate](http://images.quizilla.com/E/E-wolfgirl/1065572199_lderBAH-44.jpg) Your soulmate is Ryou! Though he is adored by most girls he is quite unconfident in himsef. Your outgoing you can't stop me attitude will help him come to understand the fact that people like him and want to be around him. Your fiercely protective and loyal, and like to spend alot of time with your lover. Making you perfect for him. He will soon get braver and more outgoing. Though he will still come back to you with his quiet devotion for you are his loving protector.
Your yu-gi-oh soulmate is waiting! (Girls only sorry) brought to you by Quizilla
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesh all my friends know I'm overobsessive over Bakura.. LOL I was so bored I like built a shrine of him. XP Oh yeah and me and dan started a Bakura cult. Im the leader. Wanna join?
Members so far:
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Lots of homework, ick. Okay no one is home and im typing with one hand cause I think I broke my arm! Seriously I cant move it at ALL... I'm screwed... Hurts like a bitch. Well I wouldnt say BROKEN possibly a fracture. I need a sling owwie... I smashed my arm into like a chair (Sounds stupid but it hurts badly. LOL Looks like i lost a fight to a chair... ::cries:: O.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Eheheh. This is REALLY funny to me. I was rolling on the floor laughing, everytime I replayed it.
Watch this!
Hahahahaha! XD Woooooo! Need to breathe. ::breathes:: Well I'm gonna go finish ... You know what? Screw spanish homework I can do that in study hall tomorrow. See ya!
Oh yeah and my fanfic stuff!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
One thing that sucks. School. 6 letters in a word, 9 months of homework, and 1 and a half months of no vacation.
Oy, I'm so bored. I finished my homework, played some video-games, blah blah blah. Still joining anime club, art club, and ceramics club. I hear activities end at 4, so I can't take a bus I have to be picked up from my dad and taken straight to karate (starts at 4:15) Well I'm gonna go. I dunno what I'm going to do. Probably read manga, draw anime, be bored. The usual. ANYONE JOINING CLUBS (in my school) ARE YA SURE WE STAY AFTER SCHOOL WEDNESDAY (This Wed.) TO SIGN UP?? IF SO WHERE? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
FYI I capitalized that on purpose. Caps lock was not on. I need to know people in my school PLEASE tell me because I am SO lost. Please? =3
See ya.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Heh. A sword twice my size will still be small................
Heh .. Interesting phone conversation.
Me: Cloud is like the king of cute...
Kyle: What about me?
Me:....The other king?
Kyle: Bwahaha I will rule you all.
Me: Meep... That means I'm gonna be tied on chains and ... and... be pulled on a leash...? And if I disobey even a little you'll crush my bones...?
Me: >_>;;;
Kyle: And CLoud will be the royal jester! And Sephiroth will be the royal pesant!
Me: >.O And I'm the queen!? WHY AM I IN CHAINS THEN!
Kyle:...I never said you're tied in chains!
Me: You agreed. You are so abusive.
Kyle: I'm sorry...
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![Yaoi Boi](http://images.quizilla.com/M/mangacatgirl/1035252907_estyaoiboi.JPG) You're A Yaoi Boi (Gay Boy)!
Sensitive and caring, you just want some boyXboy love! Is that too much to ask?
What Type Of Anime Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh yay im a gay boy. O.o;
Nothing much happening. Planning to go to the movies and invite a friend(s). Anyone wanna come? Lol Well I'm gonna go read my magazines/manga/watch dvd's/play ff7/clean the house/call people. See yeh.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Yay I have recovered from my sickness
Wowie, I'm a fast healer. I'm back to normal again! The medicine made me dizzy throughout school, but I still have the sniffles. Otherwise I'm fine ^^
School is chaotic. I have a project due NEXT WEEK. And I have loads of hw. Heh in science we had to pick a nursery rhyme and put it into scientific method XD!
Welllll I'm gonna go play ff7. See ya!
Oh yeah...
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