I'm sorry to say that I'll be leaving MyO...
I will be over @ insanejournal & LiveJournal...
[IJ] http://xakuryoux.insanejournal.com/
[LJ] http://plaids.livejournal.com/
I've loved my f+list here and am hoping you'll join me over there too. <3
Okay . . . So I really lagged on my FanimeCon report. ^^;;
Here's the pictures I have uploaded as of . . . now: ALBUM
And . . . well, I wasn't the main person holding the cam. It was a friend's camera after all and me and my group were just being really random. 8D
I'm . . . the girl who looks like she needs sleep. BIG TIME.
There's so many videos I want to share too! (I haven't uploaded them all yet.)
Well. I arrived on Thursday, at around 4 P.M. (May 24) Friends picked me up and then I went over to Danny's house. We killed time at the mall while I waited for Harneet and the others (my "group") to get back. We were back late and Harneet was a little ticked. >__<
I spent the night at 'neets and only got about 4 hours of sleep. (We just couldn't sleep!)
The following morning we went to our old high school (Andrew Hill) and visited the teachers~. (Ah, the memories!) They were so pleased to see us!
Then we went over to Kinko's. We made . . . copies.
Then we dropped Danny off and headed to the Marriott to check-in.
We had check-in issues but were settled(?) in 3 hours. =\
We picked up stuff and bought my soy food (:3). Off to the hotel again. Picked up the last people/stuff. And I was whooped. While 'Neet and the others were out and about, me and Cynthia stayed and chilled. After a while we got bored an decided to explore the place. We were on the elevators, stairs, and just had fun trying to get lost. ^^
When Neet and the others got back, we rested and headed for Yuri night.
The next day was typical shopping and picture-taking. (We also got Zoidberg to do that thing for us.)
Then, come night-fall, we stayed a bit for Yaoi night, then left. ^^
We were outside talking when a fight broke out across the street. A security guard rushed over and dropped his water which my friend picked up. we headed over to the sidewalk next to the crosswalk, when the fight was a mere 3 feet away. Like, woah. These guys had their shirts ripped and what-not, while security had their pepper-spray and tasers out. We returned his bottle and went back to the room to catch what little sleep we could.
Next day, out late, pics, and - OMG - monopoly. Dude. I kicked ass in monopoly. My friend has the video of it, so when I receive it, I'll show you guys. :)
We also played a mad game of Uno which I won in 2nd (or 3rd?) place.
And whatever day the Masquerade was . . . I only stayed up to like the thirty-something . . . It was okay . . .
I also don't remember what day this was, but Zobeyda's bro dressed up as 'Vader and we put a glomp/hug sign on him to "join the dark side" and, wow, he was really popular!
Um, um . . . I really don't know what happened on what days so this is as best as I could muster.
I left Monday morning to go to my Dad's house (who still lives in San Jose) and at 4 (or 5) we (my Mom and youngest sis) left for the Amtrak station and were on our way back home. ^^
But, the stop at the Stockton station was scary. o___o
That's all I'm saying.
And that's all!
. . . I think. XD;
I came back with a cold, which I still have to this day. And this is also my finals week. UGH. At least American Politics ends tomorrow! Then Public Speaking begins Monday. .__.;
I hope whatever it is I have goes away soon . . . even without healthcare. ;__;
I am updating... Because I feel that I should let everyone know that I'm probably only going to update once or twice every three months.
In otaku news... I finally got caught up in the bleach manga and could the new opening be any more spoiler-ific? GEEZ. Like I wonder what's going ro happen to Orihime... And team Gai finally showing up in shippuden. Collio. ^___^
Well, Talk to you all later.
Or you can always try hitting me up on LiveJournal... where I'm most acitve!
And I've been passing all my classes in college... just to let you all know... :D
I start summer semester on May 7th... Ugh... I only got a weeks break. ;___;
I'm curious as to knowing if any of you have like, friends - that you normally hang out w/ and stuff - that like anime... 'Cuz I don't. xD;; Only some of my sisters do... But other than that... I don't know anybody personally who likes anime... :3
What is the Day of Silence®?
The Day of Silence (www.dayofsilence.org), a project of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA), is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bias unacceptable in schools take a day-long vow of silence to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT students and their allies.
About Day of Silence
Founded in 1996, the Day of Silence® has become the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. From the first-ever Day of Silence® at the University of Virginia in 1996, to the organizing efforts in over 1,900 middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities across the country in 2002, its textured history reflects its diversity in both numbers and reach.
Here's a brief history. 1996 - The Day of Silence® is born. Students organized the first Day of Silence®, its original name, at the University of Virginia. With over 150 students participating, those involved felt it was a great success. The Day of Silence® received extensive local press coverage and a positive response from the UVA community members, motivating Maria Pulzetti to take the Day of Silence® nationally. 1997 - From one, to one hundred, National Day of Silence® takes off With a web page and much dedication, Pulzetti and then 19-year-old Jessie Gilliam, developed the project to be used in schools across the country. It was renamed the National Day of Silence®, and that year nearly 100 colleges and universities participated. Some schools in Australia heard about the project and modeled a similar day for Australian schools. 1998 - The Day keeps growing, the Project begins Pulzetti and Gilliam realized they could not expand the National Day of Silence® alone, so they organized a team of regional coordinators who could assist schools better by working with and understanding local networks. Expanding from a one-day vow of silence to include additional actions and educational events, the Day of Silence® was officially inaugurated. That year, for the first time in a recognized number, students in high schools joined the organizing efforts, helping double the number of participating schools to over 200. 1999-2001 - More people, more time, a message of unity sets in Through the sponsorship of Advocates for Youth, Gilliam worked part-time over the summer of 1999 to maintain and expand the Day of Silence®. A first in the project's history, a team of volunteers met for a weekend in Boston to discuss strategy and develop future plans towards assisting schools. The Day of Silence® continued to support high schools, colleges and universities around the country with volunteers led by then 18-year-old Chloe Palenchar, as the National Project Coordinator. Over 300 high schools participated that year. 2001 - Day of Silence®; still growing, still strong Chris Tuttle, GLSEN's National Student Organizer, Gilliam and Palenchar developed a proposal to provide the Day of Silence® with new funding, staff, volunteers and an official organizational sponsor, GLSEN. To ensure its success, GLSEN developed a first-ever Leadership Team of high school students to support local high school organizers around the country and a partnership with the United States Student Association, to ensure colleges and universities receive equal support. 2002 - Making noise, making history In what has become the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools, the April 10th Day of Silence® was organized by students in more than 1,900 schools across the country, with estimated participation of more than 100,000 students. Representative Eliot Engel introduces the first ever resolution on the Day of Silence® in Congress, which received support of 29 co-signers; additionally, Governor Gray Davis of California issued an official proclamation making April 10, 2002 the National Day of Silence®. Local Day of Silence® organizing efforts appear in over fifty media stories across the country, including USA Today, MSNBC, CNN, Voice of America and a live broadcast on NPR. Breaking the Silence rallies are organized with tremendous success in Albany, NY, Kalamazoo, MI, Missoula, MT, Ft. Lauderdale & Sarasota, FL, Eugene, OR, Boulder, CO and Washington DC, among other places. Today - The possibilities are endless Just imagine: tens of thousands of students, from San Francisco, California to Irmo, South Carolina, united in a visible silence to create real change in local schools. Whether used to educate classmates on the damaging effects of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment or to demand passage of a statewide nondiscriminatory act inclusive of LGBT people, the Day of Silence® is an awesome opportunity to create more inclusive school environments and make some noise. Students will hand out "Speaking Cards" which say: - "Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discriminaton. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today." What are you going to do to end the silence?
For more information on the National Day of Silence, please visit dayofsilence.org
THE COLTS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*exstatic as hell*
Now I wish I betted on it!! I always bet every year... but this year nobody wanted to!!
Well it's all kool... =3
I love when tha superbowl comes around... =D
I'm so competative... haha... i love it... <33
HAHA! xsasukexisxlife was going for bears and HAHA!!! Take that klumzy_eli! But me and kotoROX were both going for Colts so ... ;P heck yes... =3
And ohmeegosh... I had my math test on thursday, and I freakin swear... there was this freak who just kept looking at my test I swear to gawd he was creeping the sh*t outta me. I was like fuck, I'm gonna get in trouble of cheating because this crackhead kept trying to cheat off me... So I finished as fast as I could and yeah turned it in... and left. But I feel really confident about it... :) That reminds me, in the same class, earlier during the week, some cracky asked me for a pen, and being a good person, I loaned him one. Then class ends, and right at that moment this dude gets up and dashes out of the classroom... I was just like... :O this idiot just took off with my pen!! ... He could've asked me for it... at least.... damn...
My Argumentation class and Earth Science class was meh... :P
That's it... oh, I finally got my photoshop working again! :D yay me!
AND THIS MORNING I got tha test back and I was 1 point from a B... ehhh... damn cracky... D:
And I have to get ... stuff ready for FanimeCon ... ugh... I'm going as Cammy and my "partner" is going as Chun li... xD ... get???
I REALLY wanna watch Love My Life!!! Anybody know where I can?? SITE:lovemylife.jp
and to all yahz great friends here at myO; I thought I'd give ya a doujinishi I scanned! ;D Tis sasunaru though.. but ... meh... ClicK heRE!
Consider it a Valentines gift in case I dont update by then... ;p
That's it...?
oh... and theres also the fact that I'm obesessed with Snarry, Seifer/Hayner, and RukiOri.... Please help me feed my cravings... O____O
Roxas ish my uke... x__X
haha! ♥
It seems i only have time to update when I'm sick!
My voice is almost gone!
Got any remedies out there?
OK.... Since I was last here, loads have happened!
I'm gonna summarize it all, cuz you will all hang yourselves if I put u through my shiet...
-My cousin overdosed on his "crystal" and "meth" ... he's now officially menatlly ill
-He then had to repeatedly go to a mental hospital more than 3 times
-He is currently lost in the mountains (I kid you not;he ran off this morning w/ a blanket and said he was goint to the mountains to live like Jesus.... >_>
-My lil sis feel down the stairs and some of her teeth broke. And all the blood 0.0 I like blood (a little too much, that I began to play with it;NOT with my hands, mind you!)
-I passed all of Fall semesters classes!!! yay!
-Bought all of my sisters yaoi doujins for christmas.. ^^
-Uncle is in jail for the nth time... -_-'
-my sister (and sortof I) got drunk for new years! *party*
-UMMMM............ Forgot... ^_^'
About the layout... I was originally gonna go with Maria-sama ga miteru, BUT I decided to give the non-yuri anime's a chance again... ^_^
I would've liked to also do RukixOri (bleach), BUT so little art of the two!!! (If you know any good sites, please share!)
GOODBYE kannaduki no miko!!!
WATCH THE YURI AMVs UP THERE!!! (I like the second one lots)
OMG! and thank whoever, that the bleach fillers are over and done with!
Naruto fillers to end soon too! XD
A friend of mine told me to watch Beating Angel: Dokuro-chan like years ago! I just finished it! ^_^'
Spring semester starts the 8th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg.... earlier today, I was on the [adult swim] forums and the ppl are so touchy! *_* It's kinda funny...
hola, my fellow otaku-ians!
So how is everyone doing on this wonderful august morning?? :D
I am SICK... *cough* ~hate it... <,<
I am DROWNED in homework...
Well basically because I need to get my butt in gear on my research final paper... And I need to study my butt off for my math test because I so didnot do well at all at the last one... :P
My little sister got me sick.... this blows!!!!!!
I wonder which ppl got me sick... *pondering* I know it's not the way I eat because I don't eat no dead animals... or junk food... or things w/ high sugar content... lol, I sound like an old lady ;P
OMG! [the other day]
--->> I .... saw... my ... crush... with... *just cries and breaks down* ... [nvm, I don't wanna talk about it...] *sniff*
ALSO! [da otha day] --->> I had the most scary nightmare! Like, I don't remember anything about but the part where my sis shot me in the face! o.0 maybe I gots issues....
(i have a ItaSasu complex!!! Let me be!!!)
Oh yeahz! And you allz noe (or maybe not) how national coming out day was yesterday... well one of the schools club did a little sumn' AND then a group of protestant church ppl came over and were lecturing the whole populace on: smoking, mormons, gays, women needing to be silent for men, and the list goes on... =_= they were eventually escorted of the campus, but -(lol, the Speech professor said he gave their speech a D-)- it amazes me how, like religious ppl (some) can say the most rudest things and be very impolite - from what I knew about God, is that he loves...? right? But these ppl who preach and teach this don't seem to do it...? I dunno... >,> [BTW, I'm not trying to offend anyone with this...]
*sigh* Anyway... omg- I swear I love this site!! -->naruto-yaoi, It's in spanish, but they update douijin all the time!! >.< I wish, though, it had more: ItaSasu, KakaNaru, and maybe more Naru-seme, thing-ums... Because when Naruto is an uke... they make him all girly- don't get me wrong he is adorable and I just wanna pinch his cheeks!! >.< BUT, if either had to be uke, they'd take it like MEN!!! Not like a female... pshh... But either way, sasunaru is hott, yaoi is hott.. it's all just hott... >.<
JUST LIKE SHISHI!!!!!!! XD (SatoshixShigeru!!) I love it!! [or aka. garyxash]
Also does anyone here watch Noahs Ark??
(If you don't know, It's basically a Sex in the City- black gay men version; for a fuller description see below)
Well, I was barely watching the second series and omg!!! I saw Wade's new man!! And, omg... WADE!! lol! When Ricky sees him.... oooh! he so wanted to kick his ass! LOL! like the 1st seasons 3rd ep. all over again!!!!
Also, omg- I just don't shut up do I? (an dI'm supposedly sick!, aside from finding good yaoi, I found some good yuri!! *squels* It's mature btw, see --->>otenba-quality
I reccomend Shoujo Sect... but, MATURE ppl!!! Unless you want me to put some sample pages, here... ;) I will for u guys, too...
I miss my friends since leaving to college.. :( ... But... you guys cheer me up!!! (thankfully, I'd go insane w/ no communication)
For those who read this far, I LOVE YOU EXTRAS!!!
wait, that's favortism.... I love you all!!! But, Thank you so much who actually put up with my nonsense and emo-ness here, and there... much luv... <33