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anything that varies from vampires,demons,romance,and comedy.
i wanna become a fashion designer and i want to travel
writing,drawing,listening to music,modeling
i can speak 4 languages:english,spanish,french and japanese
| xkissmedeadlyx382
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Monday, March 26, 2007
so...srry i wasnt on fer the past days...i was in mourning...i lost him...and my werld has crumbled rite before my eyes...friday afternoon i sneaked out and took a 2 hour ride to see him...when i got there...he was still unconscious.he had the necklace i gave him still around his neck.i started to cry and my cousin told me it would b ok.i told him how much he ment to me and that he would make it out alrite...after another hour or so i left.
on sunday morning i got a call from my cousin telling me that yuuya had werld started to am i supposed to live without him?
i cried my eyes out.i miss him terribly.after i stopped crying,i called his parents...i have one final request...since he's being cremated...when i get outta highskool...i want to take his ashes to japan with me.he's always oved koi fish and we believe that when a koi dies he turns to a dragon...i will travel to nikko falls and set him free.yuuya will be a dragon...
i hope he's watching over me fer the time being.and i hope he guides me in the rite direction...
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
fooly zuly
my life sux right about bf was just in a car accident and the doctors dont think he'll make it....i dont kno how i can stay calm...maybe its cuz yuu(my bf)taught me how to not overreact...anyways he'll make it out...i kno he will...he's a strong caring person...i'll keep on praying.but wut if i lose him...that would be the 2nd person i lost that ment alot to me.i lost my friend aki last summer to suicide.LISTEN UP PEOPLE,SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR need to face reality....
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
welp today was one of the most tiresum days of my highskool life...
computer animation class sucked today.all we did was watch flushed away...
so tomorrow we're doing clay animations.
hopefully that will be fun.
-sigh-i need to return to the city to take more pictures of the gothic churches.
and i should call that guy i met.maybe i can get a few snapshots of him and the church.
i'm happy when i take photos.
so,right now im bored.i came back home from violin and now im listening to dir en grey.
but when am i not listening to
i love them to death.
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
yah oh!
today was a cool day.
i got the new dir en grey cd and
i also got to take great pictures of
a gothic church and a cemetary.its a major
advantage in photography.
im a super happy kid!
when i was takin pix of that church i thought
of the vampire i met a long while ago.
i kno it sounds dumb but there really are vampires out there.just
like witches.
well anyway if i could find him i'd ask to take pix of him at the church.his porcelaine white skin would be perfect.
i think vampires can be beautiflul but thats just my oppinion....

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Friday, March 16, 2007
im in computer animation class.
and i got into myspace.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
so right now im in my computer animation class.i get to do whut i want now since all my projects are,im a bit bored.someone pm me.i wanna chat.really bad.i have no friends in this such a doofus.ooh!but the good news is that lunch is in a 1/2 hour so i get to eat finally.i ddnt have time to eat breakfast or i would b late fer skool.i wake up at 6:45 every morning and i have to leave at approximately 7:00.
sometimes i make it and sometimes i really gotta start doing soem things fer a better background.i still have no clue how to do it.maybe i could give my passwerd to a trustwerthy pal and they could redo it>.
i'm a hara-kid if u guys ddnt into harajuku and,i can be anything with ing fashions.i like the kawaii look and the gtg.ttyl.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
best weekend
so,this weekend was awesome.we went to the karaoke box juice was so much fun.
me and my cousin sang alot of hitomi's songs and we also did dir en grey's clever sleazoid.
yes,i am an obsessed dir en grey fan.
i own a few of their cds.i just got their new one:the marrow of a bone.
its really great.anyways,the guys
did alot of 12012 and alice nine.
i think yuuya did kasumi.its such a sad the karaoke box there werent that many was weird.i thought americans loves to karaoke as much as the japanese.^^
we also stuffed our faces with takoyaki and dumplings>..<
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
today was like any other crazy day!which means i was normal!^.^i went to skool,it was cold as i the only one that realizes how warm a highskool can be when all the students are flocking the hallways?lol.i like the animation was fun today.all i did was show the teacher my werk and then i watched dir en grey videos all class.i logged in to see if anyone left me anything but nope.i got nada.then i started to try to get a background and i sorta got nyago but then the white part of my site comes in.that bite.does anyone kno how to get a cool background to show?i'm as stupid as hell and cant do that many things on my own.T_T
i suck at things.ah!i took some pictures fer photography.but then i just ended up taking myspace pix.yes,i have a myspae and its addicting.i also have yea if anyone can help me with the background it would be great.welp.i gtg.ttyl!
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
so not only am i lost and confused but im disorganized.i lost all my lip rings and i cant find my miyavi cd.gosh.i dont even remember whut i did with duck prince.its a great series bth.u guys should def check it out.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
so,im uber confused.i need help!T_T
i cant seem to find out how to get a cool background.i want a cute one and it sorta showed but then it ddnt.can someone please help?i will be so greatful to u!!!*bows*
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