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Name: Raven
Nickname: Kitsuko or Kits
Birthday: October 18, 1990 (Age: 16)
Favorite Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho, Sonic X, DNAngel, Wolf’s Rain, Gravitation, Loveless, .Hack//sign
Manga: Ceres, Gravitation, Loveless, Wolf’s Rain, DNAngel, Yu Yu Hakusho.
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~No stealing anything from here. If you want something pm me or HardLuckWoman for she has given me all this stuff.
~Don’t sign my guestbook saying to go to your site or add you.
~Have fun here! ^^
TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE IS AMAZING!! I loved it so much. Me and my friend Kris went to see it with alot of friends. Cameron and Ethan and someone else lol. Anyway, it was great graphics, the best fight scenes I've seen in a while, and it was just flat out amazing! Yeah, as you can tell I am loving this movie. Right when it comes out I'm getting it I swear! And I had the urge to watch the old Transformers Amarda cartoons. I missed those minicons and hot shot. He's my favorite! Kris' Favorite is StarScream. lol ironic since in the cartoon they are rivals.
So yeah, it's 5:21 am and I'm posting, and Kris is spending the night. I might not update tomorrow cause of the huge BBQ and pool party and other stuff. It's going to be fun! But I can't go swimming for certain reasons. Dumb isn't it? Oh well, still alot of fun I can do there. And there will be lots of food I can steal! I mean...borrow lol. Anyway, I'm going to go now. Kris wants a picture of Matt from Deathnote. So Sayonara!