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Name: Raven
Nickname: Kitsuko or Kits
Birthday: October 18, 1990 (Age: 16)
Favorite Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho, Sonic X, DNAngel, Wolf’s Rain, Gravitation, Loveless, .Hack//sign
Manga: Ceres, Gravitation, Loveless, Wolf’s Rain, DNAngel, Yu Yu Hakusho.
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~No stealing anything from here. If you want something pm me or HardLuckWoman for she has given me all this stuff.
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Well...this is it. Let the hurt begin. My first best friend is now gone to Florida. I will not see him for a long time. I have already cried enough today, yet the tears wont stop. I didn't tell him everything I wanted to, because I could never find the words to. Now it is too late. Me, Kris, Chris had a party for him. I had to leave early and it was so painful to see him in that pain. I could not stop crying. When I went to his house to pick him up to be with him one last time...his house was so empty. Even though his dad, mom and his dog was in there. The house felt so empty and held so many dear memories to me and my friends with him. I actually wanted to take a picture outside of his house before it was changed. I have so many memories and possessions of him. I get so hurt when I see something he gave me or something he valued. I may not post for a while, I know people may say it's ridiculous to be this upset. But it is a big deal to me. I can't help but think I may never see him again. Too much pain this summer. My friends moving to where I won't see them for a long time. That is all I have to say at the time. Hope everyone has a better day than me. Sayonara...