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Name: Raven
Nickname: Kitsuko or Kits
Birthday: October 18, 1990 (Age: 16)
Favorite Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho, Sonic X, DNAngel, Wolf’s Rain, Gravitation, Loveless, .Hack//sign
Manga: Ceres, Gravitation, Loveless, Wolf’s Rain, DNAngel, Yu Yu Hakusho.
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~No stealing anything from here. If you want something pm me or HardLuckWoman for she has given me all this stuff.
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~Have fun here! ^^
Hey, how is everyone? I'm pretty good I guess. lol it's been a while. I guess I don't get on myotaku that much anymore. Sorry about that! Anyway, I guess I am not hurting as bad as I did before when Zac movied. We still keep in contact and I'm hoping that he gets his internet up soon. Maybe then we can figure out how to play ddr with the pad on the internet, that way we can still compete against eachother. That would be really fun. lol oh and a friend introduced me to the yugioh card maker. He made me one and then I made one for Zac.
The day Harry potter came out me, Kris and Shelby went to see it. It was amazing! They barely left anything out unlike the Goblet of Fire. I have to say this was much better than the last two. I heard Chris Columbus will come back to direct if the actors for Harry Potter are not replaced. I hope he comes back! He was a very good director. So for those who want to see the movie but haven't read the books, be suprised lol. For those who want to see the movie and read the books, be suprised of how good it is. I recommend seeing it! ^^ Well it's 2:09 Am so I am going to go here. Sayonara and I will try to repost soon.