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myOtaku.com: xLordSesshomarux

Sunday, May 29, 2005

AHAHAHHAHA...well.......i jus went on my IB senior field trip friday and it was pretty fun needless to say......from wut i can tell...im guessing most ppl want me to show them some DDR skills now....(i played DDR at an arcade on a boardwalk type place)....so yeah.....also that water was freaklishly cold...ugh....it ttok me 15 mions. but hey i got used to it.....but man was that stuff cold......me and my friend saw a jellyfish near the shore and we decided to leave the water and go eat some sushi..later we went to some kind of wierd place where alll kinds of stores were at....i've been there before...(this is in San Diego).....so i dont know...i was somewut fun......seeing my friend walking around wit an asain hat and a flag and being all krazy..ahhh...that was funny....then me and my friends steph and woody got somewut "lost" and we had to spend at least 25 mins. trying to find our group...but hey it happens to the best of us.

Later that day, we went and saw this play...now i dont remember wut it was about cuz i slept throgh the entire thing mostly..so yea.....then we got home at like 1:26 in the morning....wow.....wut a day.....but hey it was all good.

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