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myOtaku.com: xLordSesshomarux

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hey guys....well....its all done and stuff....i finally garduated from my high school. man.....i tell ya that was some of the most stressful stuff ive ever experienced in my life and wutnot....geez. But its all good now....im gunna attend Cal State. I think imma go there for a year then transfer to UCI or UCR. One of the two should do good for me. I jus need to actually figure out wut im really gunna focus on. I mean i dont jus wanna go undeclarde for all 4 years. Ugh...its really hard trying to figure out wut major u should do but....i think ill figure it out soon. I mean when trying to get a job with the FBI or CIA...i think imma have to do stuff wit chemistry bio, and crimianl justice.....but i dont know....ill find out when i ask around....which is something i should be doing.....*sigh*...i dont know....ill figure something out.....but ....foe now....i think ill jus hang out wit my friends and raid ppls fridges for food and wut not.
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