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myOtaku.com: xMsxMerrixDeathx

Monday, May 24, 2004

Ok so today I found out that I have depression. I don't know what to do. I know for a fact I have it...well thats what the doctors say.
I don't want to tell people. It will just cause more problems and yet again it will be all my fault. My guidence dude keeps saying nothing is my fault I just have programed in my brain to think that. But thats a lie.
I mean because of me last year my boy friend killed himself. And yes I know that it is because of me he wrote it in his sucide letter. Yeah it said "Ash is mad at me there is nothing left to live for".
The sad part is when he killed himself I was on my way to his house to tell him I was sorry for getting mad but it was to late...

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