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Sunday, March 20, 2005
I Met Alex Yesterday
yesterday i went over kelleys to hang out with kelley and her boyfriend. he seemed like a kewl guy and all just very into kelley and yes i understand u lover her dude just when im there kinda dont do so much of it cuz i was sitting there in a corner and i felt so lonley like a outsider. i know kelley asked me once she said do u feel left out anna and i was like no and the reson why i said it cuz it wasnt really all that bad yet but after the witch craft they where on the couch and i thaught soon they where gonna fucking fuck each other soon.
ok now i will tell u what i did over at kelleys house. we watched SAW witch i already SAW. i was in the corner of the fucking couch watching it and i lost my shading toll and kelley said she was gonna give me one of hers so kelley if u read this bring it on monday cuzz ur couch stole my shading toll and brooke gave it to me. then we went to go get a pizza no i mean 2 pizzas and we ate one on the way there. we came back to kelleys. then we went dont the stairs and we did a witch craft spell and u write down what u want to happen and u burn it to bits till it is all ashes then u say a chant but u have to make it up. mine wasin the force of the bring me happines and life long to me. ok then after that we lissioned to some music and i sat on a chair and kelley and her boyfriend not sat laiyed down on the couch. they where all tuchy feely and shit that when i kinda got all mad inside and i wanted to SCREAM cuz i was all alone. so preety much i just had to talk to myself in my head and ask the farow of god questions i know that sounds really creepy but u know i cant help it when i feel left out. i gotta do something. well im gonna go ok so byes.
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Friday, March 18, 2005
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr DAD
errrrrr this made me mad i couldnt go over to kelleys my mom said shore like 2 days ago but then my dad says no. errrrrr im so mad cuz then me and brooke had to do it alone but see when u had to put a drop of blood in the koolade i couldnt get one i was puting it so far in but it wouldnt give me a drop so i put what i could in there and brooke put a drop and then we drank it. and we had to put the paper inside the candles flames.well we did go to the library and we did do the witch craft just not at keleeys cuz my fucking dad said no. well thats ok im just gonna deal with it now wont i. well when it gets wormer im gonna go over there with brooke and where gonna meat alex there(kelleys boyfriend) and where al gonna do it cuz i really wanted to do it. well lets just say if we do do it all together u know with brooke and kelley and alex lets hope that no one has aids cuz i dont and brooke dont i donno about kelley or alex but i dont think kelley dose. well im gonna go now i got skewl ok well byes people. sorry about the miss happ kelley:-( i really wanted to gooooo. byes

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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Brooke+Me+Kelley+Alex(kelleys Boyfriend)=Fun I Hope
ok today brooke is gonna come over after skewl and right after skewl where gonna go to the library then when we get back at my house then me and brooke are gonna go to the $ store and where gonna see if they have a black candle cuz brooke wants one for some witch craft stuff. then after that where gonna go over to kelleys she dont live all that far from me u used to go there during the summer. then when we get back from kelleys where gonna eat i donno and then where gonna go on the computer weeeeeeeee. internet party. well i guess im gonna let u go ok well talk to u all latter ok erll byes. Alex(Kelleys Boyfriend) hope to see u there.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
brooke is gonna come over tommarow
omg im so happy but im so tired right now. brookes gonna come over tommarow and where gonna go get a black candle at a store and then she can do her witch craft. where gonna go visit kelley well i will have to find out if she can even have people over her house tommarow o well. im gonna go get dounuts lol weeeeee. well thats it lol^^ well computer to if brooke wants to do some stuff. well img onna go to skewl now ok well byes.
this is my friends club but i made the banner im incharge of it so ummm go to her site and cheack it out let me know if u think its good. u can just put it in when u sign her guestbook well if u do. so heres the site im incharge of.sorry the link wont work so heres her site name WoGoodCharlotteoW ok well i hope u like her site well ttyal byes.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
brooke+gushy writing=sad brooke
i talked to kelley yesterday and she wants a kity cat coller to so im gonna have my mom get her the green one cuz kelley wants the green one. but keleey has to pay 1st o well. well i got skewl today booooooo*thumbs down* as u can tell i dont like skewl. i got brooke a pic and it reminds me of me and her fooling around lol i will put it up

i changed it to a blueish green on my dads computer lol^^. it has like all this gushy stuff that i wrote on the back tho lol i think brooke might cry i know i almost did when i read it over. well thats about it and theres already a pick there for today so g2g to skewl so byes.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
my room feels so cold it is cold berrrrrr*shivers*.*rolls over to heater on the other side of the rom*. i finally got a cat coaler its blue and it has a blue bell im wearing it right now weeeee. my friend amber(jamberlynn)she got me and brooke friendship bracletts they have monkeys on them and me and brooke love monkeys weeeeeee. *sits there rattaleing bell*ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben bens the man going to work got his tie got anbistion he know one day he just could become super viser. ok dont ask it was on a camer. and now im singing it and typing it and stuff ya u know what im mean. ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben the man going to work got his tie got anbistion he knows one day he just could become super viser. weeeeeeeee ok i think im tottaly wired and i got alot of friends who care about me its wired weeeeeeeeee. ok i think thats it for now so have a nice day and byes. cut cut cut

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Sunday, March 13, 2005
brooke didnt come over yesterday or call me so i hope she can today. so brooke if u see this witch i dont think u will call me #778-2018 please brooke u asked on friday if u could come over on saturday but u had to go to ur cuz's house so call me. well im still bored and lingo made me a new banner thenx u lingo i love it. well thats it so byes.

these guys are some of the people i hang out with just as u can tell they where at a kareoke or how ever u spell it bar.
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
today is my weeeeeeeeee day cuz im just weeeeeee. ok dont ask i wanna see if this works. its this new border thing i learned i might have to like fix it and stuff like change the color and every thing but i will give it a try. brooke might come over today yey but she has to go to her cuzes house cuz her cuz wants her to come over. well thats really it well gonna go now so byes.
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Friday, March 11, 2005
wow i feel so populer on my otaku lol but im not so nvm. im so boredd right now i have skewl today agen. but i dont have skewl on monday so i get sat. sun. and mon. off lol hahahahahahahahahahah^^ as u can tell im pretty happy yey. i want kelley and brooke to spend to night be for brooke moves. that or at someone else's house. see but i got anime move's yeah woooooo anime go anna go anna i still got anime i still got anime. kelley dont have cable neather dose brooke right now.T_T well i guesses i will be the person who saplies the anime lol i dont mind it lol. just as long as i get the tape back for i can put some more on the tape or when they come over to have it be something they whould watch. like i like to watch the girl power and the funny or comedy weeeee. ok well i think that it peoples so heres a pic. then i got to go. thats who is left in there band as far as i have watched the movies. well i g2g now so byes.
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
and weeeeeeeeeeee
hey people i got some of the books i wanted but i didnt get any yu-gi-oh T_T. o wells^^ well i got chobits 1,3,5,8 inuyasha 1,7,12,18 and i got to books about japan and i got a instant japanese thing i has a casset and a book and u can read along with it and stuff its so kewl. well to me. hey at least i have something to do now. READ WEEEEEEEEE ok well i thinmk im gonna go i have skewl still ok well ttyl people ok well byes.

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