hey people i havnt been on here in sooooo long. im sorry. alot has been goin on. this site is a little boring compared to all the other sites that ive been on. sorry agen. it is just boring me now >.<. i got a boyfriend now. his name is james. hes nice but he needs to brush his teeth. i got ozzfest tickets to. its gonna be AWSOME! i cant wait. i asked james(my boyfriend) if he will give one of his extras to my friend derrick. he said maybe that he will think about it. i was extreamly late in the morining on friday. i feel bad cuz i didnt wake up and the people in the morning that pick me up had to wait and go threw all that trouble. now i think they dont like me all to much any more. i feel so bad. all next week im goin to Tennisee. its gonna be so AWSOME! half of the week im gonna spend the night at my friends house. witch will be AWSOME also. well here ill give u all some new pics of me..
so yea i think the drama is all done now. yay ill be sooooo happy if it is lol... so yea uh..im tryin to think of some stuff that i gotta say..derrick was over yesterday cuz i had to help him with his pics for his myspace. there some hot pics lol ^-^ woo hoo..... there still on my camera lol..brooke if u see this then give me a call i gotta talk to ya about somthin..that i dont think other people would really care to hear lol.. oh and bewear i might do a little scream on the phone by the way..a good scream like a squeak lol. hey my grammer aint all that bad lol..what are u talkin about brooke? i use slang smart one. my doggy got a hair cut not to long ago..he looks sooo cute ^-^. im gonna be cutin my hair soon..im gonna get some bangs maybe..and dont forget the purple streaks w00t w00t..as u can tell i kinda cant wait lol..oh and i got some funny videos for u all to see.. i got them from cassie..thanx u cassie there sooo funny >.< oh and some are from me not all from cassie..
yes i made them.........yes i made them..........
ok im in a fuckin confristation with kelley and tim.. and kelley keeps sayin shit about me and im not sayin nothin about her or tim.. i never started anything with her i did with tim tho..he was in my backpack and he keeps doin it..well u know now hes not cuz im not talkin to them. but he tuck money from me b4 and he borrowed doo maybe books feom me and he also tuck my cd's and lissioned to them when ever he wanted to. oh cant forget this! he keaped on ticklein me..and he tuched my but b4 its like come on wtf u have a gf for a reason and im not her so go to her not me. and i do have a gob for the summer and so what if u dont beleve me i dont give a fuck..i gave u alot of money to for ur luches cuz i thaught we where friends instead i know u where using me..so cut the crap and shut up about me im getting sick of it ok? im not sayin shit about u guys so STOP IT!!!! also i would like to say is if tim said i dont have the project thinggy then ok w.e i didnt make it a big deal chris was the one who asked me who went in my fuckin backpack and i said well tim and ben did. and then i told him that it was in 5th hour thats beacuse it was.. and also chris didnt make it that big of a deal.. so shut up agen..ok? thanx u i guess oh and P.S. dont talk to me any more..and if u call im changin my phone number:-)
<33--AnnaBanana Comments (4) |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
no one has been coming to my site any more on here soo i just might go. im sorry all but i have no reson to be here...im not populer any more on here..soo who eer is my true friend on here and will read them. then leave a comment and i might stay..
<33--AnnaBanana Comments (3) |
Sunday, January 1, 2006
im sorry i havnt been on here to much im starten to kinda u know grow away from it. haha im watchin next on MTV. i had a good christmas. hope u all did to. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 0 WHAT!! 06 0 WHAT!! 06 lol im kinda happy. in still sorry i havnt been on here. i got glasses i dont think any of u all have seen it tho. so uh... heres a picc..
im on the phone now lol
gonna go now im happy but bye...
<33--AnnaBanana Comments (1) |
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
sorry long time no talk
hey all im soooo sorry i havnt been on here all to much ive been busy u know. skewl and such. i just got done makin dinner not all to long ago ok well um... i got glasses on sunday lol..some people said they liked them and uh.. theres some people who said a whole lot more then that haha.. heres me now..
<33---AnnaBanana Comments (0) |
Saturday, November 5, 2005
long time no post
ok im sorry people that i havnt ben on here my dad was on his computer then somethin went wrong on my computer and i didnt know how to fix it then i figured it out. i did a viris scan and it told me that i had a viris then it tryed to get it out but it wouldnt take it out. i had to go find it and take it out manually. there was alot of shit that was conected to it o well. its out now. yesterday i went to the roseville theater and it was rock and screm-o night yeyyy. it was awsome. on wednsday this kid Dan at my skewl hes like new. he likes to make out with people and like bite them.(in a hott way). lol he bit me woot woot!!. the marks gone now tho its been gone on thursday. it was sweet tho. to top it all off hes cute to lol. most of my friends keep eatin off my candy neckless. people like it to much. ok well i think thats like pretty much it i think...if i forgot somthin then ill add it on the next post. when ever that will be..
<33----AnnaBanana Comments (3) |
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
hey people im like bored and stuff like that. read my other post it says all the stuff u all need to know oh yeah and comment on it please... or comment it here..
AnnaBanana Comments (2) |
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Sick T_T
hey people what is up? ive been just going to skewl and coming home and being bored..i have nothing to do latley blah-ness. sleep, get up, go to skewl, come home, stay up then go to bed. im sick now blah. my throte hurts. and my nose is stuffy. o well... i want a fricken guy to like me. im still alone and i think i might be one of them people who will always be T_T. i like being positive and all but i dont think i can any longer. theres drama going on with friends and stuff. well i redid my site agen. im gonna get my dance pics by friday yey-ness. i wish my moms work had one hour photo but nooo. oo well i will just have to wait. well thats like it fokes so um... ill end it with a poem. please dont think thaughts about me. thanx well byes..
a shot to kill the pain.
a pill to drain the shame.
a purge to stop the gain.
a cut to break the vein.
a smoke to ease the crave.
a drink to win the game.
an addictions and addiction
because it always hurts the same.......
By: AFS Comments (2) |
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Homcoming+ hotties=grinding party fun
hehe it was soo sweet today it was fun i loved it lol. 1st i was walkin and stuff with brooke and char and some other friends of mine then i saw heather lol started to bump and she started to grind me so lol dancen nasty haha ^_~. then i started to dance with jon a friend of mine for a slow dance cuz like he wasnted me to so i did lol. um....then i walked some more lol. then i saw danielle and aleshia and some other friends of mine and we all started dancin nasty haha ^_~. ok it started with me and ashley then danielle and her cuz she braught. then danielle started to get all up on aleshia lol then me and danielles cuz stared to haha dance wrongly lol. then ashley came lol and shes bi but o well it was awsome lol.. brooke joined in for a lil bit but then left o well... then the other askley and pam joined in lol ^_^ then my friend steph and some of her friends joined in to lol. aleshia and danielles cuz where like fightin over alex lol.. then aleshia kept on sayin come on Anna back that thang up lol so i started grindin alex some lol. one of stephs frineds that was a guy kept gettin in back of me haha..i guess he liked it then. did i meantion that alex was in the middle....goo alex the pimp master P the p is for ur last name lol. Alex i still smell like ya lol nice calone or w.e it was lol it smelles good. um i donno if u noticed or not but Alex u tuched my but alot lol. ttyl and steph and ashleys call me haha:-)
AnnaBanana Comments (2) |