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Thursday, August 11, 2005
hello people my best friend is moving and its forshore there house got sold T-T i wanted her to go to the same skewl as me for high skewl like she did with me on jr. high T-T. theres nothing i can do tho im just a kid. ok well today i have nothing to do agen weeee ok well i could have somthing to do if i asked people but i mostly dont but i just might today. friday i cant wate weeee its tommarow and im going to the Roseville Theater and some people need to tell me if there gonna go or not. like today or during the day tommarow. ok Alex.P, Kelley, Tim i think kelley and Tim are mostlikeley gonna go but i donno about alex o well he'll tell me b4 the time comes. yesterday i made a note book it looks kewl. hold on takeing a pic rigt now of it: ok nvm i cant get a good pic of it im sorry. ok well i have nothing else to say but ttyl byes.
AnnaBanana signing off
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Babysit but after nothing to do so if u know me call me lol^-^
hello people today i have to babysit in the morning then i eather have to find somthing else to do orrr......hang with her after >.< witch i will sadly have to pass on. awww im gonna miss hanging with her...NOT. i would reather get grounded in my room for the rest of the day then hang with her. yesterday i ate a ice cream popsicle type thing and it made my tounge blueee....weeeeeee. i brushed my teeth already yesterday(last night) and i also brushed them like a few sec ago. and its still there. its off my teeth just not my tounge >.<. ic everyone liked my short lil poem of mine. yes people it was about someone so stop sending me pm's >.<. goodness i got like 7 pm's about it. no i just wrote it for a friend(sarcasumess to people who pmed me)duh its for me and duh its about someone i like. ok now snaping out of sarcasume mode now*snaps fingers* ok im out of it now. well theres nothing else for me to say im sorry but im gonna go now got to get ready to babysit ok well ill ttyl ok wel bye byes.
AnnaBanana signing off
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Stopped By^-^
yesterday i had nothing to do so i was online talking to people in my pajamas. then Alex and Derrick stoped by cuz Derrick got his drivers licence and it was also his birthday yesterday so people said happy birthday. ok well today i have nothing to do so im gonna finsish reading my IS book i donno but its good. Alex got his internet back i sappose. i got further in jet set radio future wooooo. go me go me go me lol^-^. Danae says shes helping but she isnt helping and doing as much as i am i have to fight the rukkaku police and do all the challinges. she onley says ok now u have to find this and then i go find it and then i go get it. i also was playing it before so i win lol^-^. shes just and exra that dosent need to be there lol^-^. ok well thats like it for today so ill be going now ttyal byes.
AnnaBanana signing off
Short Poem:
Theres feeling I cant understand.
Feelings Ive never felt.
I wish I had the courige to just shout it out.
Just to let you know.
I like you.......
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Monday, August 8, 2005
yesterday alex came over around like 8:00pm and he stayed till 10:50pm he made a post and we looked at some wired pics it was pretty awsome really. ill put one up for ya.

ok there ya go now. ok well today i have nothing to do as far as i know so jet set radio future it is. Alex drew a pic yesterday lol. ill take a pic of it hold on.

g2g so ttyl bye byes.
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Confuseness >.
yesterday i hung out with danae lol^^ she helped me get ferther in my game but other then that she was on my nerves. i got the new harry potter book harry potter and the half blood prince. and i also got the new shonen jump woooo. i have to witch craft necleses and i cant wate to take it to the guy in the store where i got it from and get them together then i can where them woooo. cant wate.i also got new clothing yesssss. i love new clothing as long as it my style lol Banana Style. no i dont mean like banana sutes lol nooo not like that lol. but that would be funny tho it would be called the peal line from canada lol^-^. ok well other then that i donno if i should ask him or not cuz i keep thinking that people will take him like someone will ask him out and hell say yess and i also keep thinking that i should be his friend longer but i donno. confuseness >.<
AnnaBanana signing off
 People see you as a Dreamer. You always have your head in the clouds and long for a better place. Dreamers are imaginative and creative and often have a very short attention span. My recamendation to all dreamers is to try to make all your dreams come true! Never say Never my dear dreamer!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 People see craziness in your eyes! Either that or they see bigfoot's reflection or something... You are really goofy and enjoy freaking people out. You probably have a good sense of humor to boot. Be careful though. Some people may mistake your craziness for stupidity. But just remember this: You do not suffer from insanity! You enjoy every minute of it!!
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla
 You like the sweet, shy type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs are trying to recruit you.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Roseville Theater
yesterday was really fun i got back from Paco's house around like 12:04 in the afternoon. i stayed home for 3 hours but wheni got home i went back to sleep watching tv. then after a whyal i went to kelleys house and i saw tim there and we watched a guy movie about some fucking fucked up christains i donno i wasnt to much iterested till they said that one of the girls boyfriends was gay lol now that was funny. lol....ok well ok well then i went home at like 4:30pm and then i stayed home till like 7:57pm but alex came over in between then and me and him went to the theater it was sooooo fun yesss. lol^-^. we meat kelley and tim there and it was soooo fun i saw jessica and me jessica and kelley did some wired ass shit. it was great a time to be myself. alex kept on staying by me like all the time pretty much. and he kept on gettin closer to me yey im so happy. and thanx u all for answering my poll i will ask him i guess well not right away. i feel really nervice. i donno. Paco went home with kelley and so did tim and tim got drove home and paco spent the night at kelleys.
AnnaBanana signing off lol^-^

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Thursday, August 4, 2005
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
hey anna here today im going shpping and then im going to arbies for lunch and then im coming back home after a wiyal and then me and my mom are gonna go vote at the library. then im goin back home and then im gonna call brooke and see if shes gonna come to church. if so then im watin for her then goin to church. wat a lovley wonderful day to keep me busy and still have fun. ok well thats like it so heres some pics of stuff. well bye byes.


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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Nothin Today
yesterday i talked to jessica agen. i cant wate untill friday^-^ roseville therater. party lol^-^ anyone wanna come its $10 at the door and $8 when u get it in idvance. Alex's ex girlfriend Ashley broke up with him for a guy named Charlie. Im glad it didnt hurt Alex. Im always here tho always for everyone. ok well thats like it cuz im not doing anything today cuz i dont have anything to do today. i donno i might find someone to hang i donno. i might go bug joe lol^-^ i donno. or just try and beat jetset radio future. maybe. ok well im gonna go now ok well bye byes. im sorry but i wont be able to get to anysites today ive been working on my
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Monday, August 1, 2005
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