arighty now today is my nothing day wooooo. cu i got nothing to do. well i can garintie that danae will call. but i will allso say is i might not answer the phone ^__^ im not responsibal the monkey made me do it see this even says so. well any ways heres some kewl icons on here for you all
AnnaBanana Alex lol dont u remember?
hey today im saposed to call heather ^___^ i hope u can come ok well danae called me and woke me up zzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZzzZZZZ OK UM...... i donno what else cuz im half asleep ok well byes
im kinda bored not that much. alright well wend. tommarow im saposed to go to the mall with heather and my mom gonna drop us off and pick us up so shes gotta ask u know find out. ok well heres a poem its my fav.
I didnt write this poem.
Just read it and you'll see.
It must have been some other guy pretending he was me.
I didnt write this poem.
I know it sounds bazarre.
and yet theres not a single word of this I wrote so far.
And this line, here I didnt.
And even these words too.
And this, and this, and this, and this it's strange I know but true.
I see you dont believe me, but still I must insist.
Theres no way I could write these words.
You see, I dont exist.
BY:Anna Stoll
P.M me and tell me if u like it that or just say it on ur comment please.
Your Summer Anthem is Best Of You by the Foo Fighters
I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again
Somewhere new
While you may seem bright on the outside, your insides have a distinct angst flavor.
yesterday i hung out with dejra at her house. she was like see my room is bigger then urs and it was like half she size O.o(loser) lol we also went to huron park weeee. we played vollyball she lost lol i won she was like rematch and it tuck us an hour and like 2 min to do one game and she wanted a rematch. i told her no shes likewhy do u think ull lose agen? and i was like no and then we played agen and i won agen. heres the funny thing shes on a vollyball team and im not on one cuz i didnt wanna join and lol funny funny i won. maybe i should join the one at the high skewl if they got one. i donno ill think about it. we watched tv lissioned to music talked um....what else did we do for 5 hours? well i donno i think that it. today im doin um.....nothin ^_^ hehehehe all my friends are doin somthin i think i didnt ask brooke but ill ask her to. other then her everyone is busy busy busy. well no i dont think alyssa is ill call her to lol ^_^ al right well that it ok wlel ttyl lyal byes
im fucking bored agen i have nothin to do T_T i wanna go to the mall one day with heather and brooke and alyssa it would be fun. well alex could come to if he wants to lol. ok well im makin another short post ok well sorry for it being short agen ok well ttyl byes
hey people wuds up? kelle forgave me yey im so happy ok well um.... i donno im dont have anything to do todayT_T boredness. ill see if brooke can hang out. lol ok well um....i donno agen i dont have anything to say today cuz theres nothin goin on today. oh yeah babysitting was kinda fun but debbie danaes mom was saposed o call me and tell me when she got the money cuz I WANT MY MONEY i babysitted cuz i wanted money an i was there from 7:00am so i had to wake up early way early ok well i will get my money today i will call her instead. ok well ttyl ok well byes
Quizzies cuz im bored like that^_^
^fake lol such a lieing quizzie
^that ones the closest one that ive seen to me lol^_^
i feel bad kinda now i did alot then but now i just dont give a fuck im sittin here tryin to have her forgive me cuz i feel bad and i have learnin disabilitey and i cant fuckin help it when people say one thing then ill think another and i cant remember things and i cant help it ok well as i said i dont fuckin care anymore ok well byes
AnnaBanana to everyone else
brooke ended not comin over yesterday T_T o well shes gonna come over today woot woot lol. ok well brookes gonna come to church with us woot woot im so happy i cant wate really. but heathers not gonna go and she hasnt been talkin to me that much latley. i hope shes not mad at me for somthin cuz i didnt do anything not that i know of lol^_^. well that means that it cant be me brooke and heather that sit together at church im gonna have to see if alex will site with me and brooke or go sit with sean or joe ok well talk to ya latters cuz theres nothin else to day ok well byes people^_^.