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myOtaku.com: xosweetpunkox

Monday, March 14, 2005

my room feels so cold it is cold berrrrrr*shivers*.*rolls over to heater on the other side of the rom*. i finally got a cat coaler its blue and it has a blue bell im wearing it right now weeeee. my friend amber(jamberlynn)she got me and brooke friendship bracletts they have monkeys on them and me and brooke love monkeys weeeeeee. *sits there rattaleing bell*ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben bens the man going to work got his tie got anbistion he know one day he just could become super viser. ok dont ask it was on a camer. and now im singing it and typing it and stuff ya u know what im mean. ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben the man going to work got his tie got anbistion he knows one day he just could become super viser. weeeeeeeee ok i think im tottaly wired and i got alot of friends who care about me its wired weeeeeeeeee. ok i think thats it for now so have a nice day and byes. cut cut cut
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