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myOtaku.com: xosweetpunkox

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Babysit but after nothing to do so if u know me call me lol^-^

hello people today i have to babysit in the morning then i eather have to find somthing else to do orrr......hang with her after >.< witch i will sadly have to pass on. awww im gonna miss hanging with her...NOT. i would reather get grounded in my room for the rest of the day then hang with her. yesterday i ate a ice cream popsicle type thing and it made my tounge blueee....weeeeeee. i brushed my teeth already yesterday(last night) and i also brushed them like a few sec ago. and its still there. its off my teeth just not my tounge >.<. ic everyone liked my short lil poem of mine. yes people it was about someone so stop sending me pm's >.<. goodness i got like 7 pm's about it. no i just wrote it for a friend(sarcasumess to people who pmed me)duh its for me and duh its about someone i like. ok now snaping out of sarcasume mode now*snaps fingers* ok im out of it now. well theres nothing else for me to say im sorry but im gonna go now got to get ready to babysit ok well ill ttyl ok wel bye byes.
AnnaBanana signing off

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