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myOtaku.com: xosweetpunkox

Sunday, January 29, 2006

ok im in a fuckin confristation with kelley and tim.. and kelley keeps sayin shit about me and im not sayin nothin about her or tim.. i never started anything with her i did with tim tho..he was in my backpack and he keeps doin it..well u know now hes not cuz im not talkin to them. but he tuck money from me b4 and he borrowed doo maybe books feom me and he also tuck my cd's and lissioned to them when ever he wanted to. oh cant forget this! he keaped on ticklein me..and he tuched my but b4 its like come on wtf u have a gf for a reason and im not her so go to her not me. and i do have a gob for the summer and so what if u dont beleve me i dont give a fuck..i gave u alot of money to for ur luches cuz i thaught we where friends instead i know u where using me..so cut the crap and shut up about me im getting sick of it ok? im not sayin shit about u guys so STOP IT!!!! also i would like to say is if tim said i dont have the project thinggy then ok w.e i didnt make it a big deal chris was the one who asked me who went in my fuckin backpack and i said well tim and ben did. and then i told him that it was in 5th hour thats beacuse it was.. and also chris didnt make it that big of a deal.. so shut up agen..ok? thanx u i guess oh and P.S. dont talk to me any more..and if u call im changin my phone number:-)

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