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Monday, October 25, 2004
Mitternacht - E Nomine
Mitternacht - E Nomine
English Translation
I can not claim this translation as my own. Though, I did attempt one, it was completely off.
When the gondolas are filled with mourning.
And it holds the pleas of the dead.
Deep within its throat the horror lurks.
When the bell begins to toll.
Cold, dense wisps of mist.
You gently they touch.
Midnight (Mitternacht)
The place of hell and night (1)
The place of hell and night (1)
Air and mist (2)
Midnight (Mitternacht)
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Ha! Elricest rocks this world! I need to learn how to write better!
Edo is ADORABLE!!! Especially this collab of sketches that someone did! hehe it's soo cuute...
Something's just appealing about... two brothers doing that...
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fweep! I really don't feel too well. At least this place has decent priced hard-to find games (?) I'm planning to buy Tales of Destiny II or Wild Arms 3...
It's 2:39 here and i'm either going to play Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (It's a pain in the bleeding a**) or Wild Arms 1 (the game which the remake is coming out in a few weeks)
Also, Can't wait 'til Full Metal Alchemist starts!!! And they start showing new Case Closed... Perhaps some new Lupin III?
Have a clue what Trigun Unlimited is (someone in one of my english classes was reading it, also looked really cool)
Who is the UKE? Sephiroth or Cloud?
Who is the SEME?
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Rants about animes
Mwahahahaha!!! Within the past two to three months, I have gotten an XBOX and a PS2 (replacements for the ones that were stolen) for thirty dollars each!!!
Heh! must find Genma Onimusha in my house somewhere...
I personally can not wait until Read or Die comes on Adult Swim
this Saturday night at 12 Then, the anime that I have been waiting for: Full Metal Alchemist starts November 6th at 11:30 Woot!!!
There are only 14 episodes of Dragonball GT left (and I have seen two to four of them subbed
by this one person/group. I can not wait until Pan-chan gets stuck
in (?) one of the dark dragons...
It was called 'Gokuu's tearful
Kamehameha' and then the one with the magma dragon... heh!!!
Darnit, I wanted to see King... Barely got a look at him...
Now, Glory-papa is kind of cute
(just as cute or cuter than his
son)Muuchica is cuter with his
original hair style, but, he is still cute. Who's that robot evil guy? he's dead though. Shuuda's dead (I really cried when I found out, I was not able to see rave master when it happened)Sieg Hart is just... Now, Reina is one ****
That dragon is a person, right? (I really don't remember...what I had heard... something about a woman and some guy named Let)
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
wow lol
 Seto Kaiba- strong, rich, sexy, great hair, great eyes, great body, great duelist,lol. es practically perfect, sry if yer a Yami/Yugi fan, lol
What Yu-Gi-Oh Character will you marry? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
If you find yourself surrounded by alligators,it is hard to remind yourself that your original objective(mission...)was to clear the swamp.
//Haha, I found that on the wall of one of my study hall teachers' classroom... It looked pretty old...It gave me an idea for a FMA fic...I really do lack in writing skills for fic writing though...I almost excel in poetry though...//
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
WA3 Drabble Collection 3
Chapter 3: Jet and Ginny meet... Blue!?
"So I'm basically just a human with extra powers and things... I can..."
-He's blushing-
"Yes, and 'Blue' you can come out with...Cecilia."
"Hey, my name's Rudy, not 'Blue'"
"Rudy!? As in Rudy Roughknight!? Oh my g**... and... (passes out W/ Jet catching her yet again)
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WA3 Drabble Collection 2
Chapter 2: Zeikfreid! eek... Save Me, Someone, Anyone!!!
/I personally REFUSE to call Zeikfreid the name 'Seigfried' Reminds me of the magic guy... And,
since it's the SAME guy, there is almost no reason at all to call him that/
"Hello, mister knight would you like to buy a flower off of me, it's only one gella" The little child asked politely.
"NO!!! I do NOT want a wretched flower" Zeikfreid sneered at the kid and his little 'boy toy', Janus came out.
"Man, are you high or something!? you DON'T yell at a brat like a wuss, you also kick them and cast a firey spell on them. Zeikfreid you are such a dumba**..."
"AAAGGHHH!!!" Zeikfreid I will kill you!!!" a man lunged at Zeikfreid with his sword and did a fast draw on him (Zeik)
-Calm down, you need to find the boy and the shamanic princess, not exact revenge on- SPLAT ... SLICE
(/Zeik's dead/)
"Hanpan, you are too smart for your own good. So, where are these kids?"
Hanpan snorts "Somewhere called Boot Hill or ... Baskar"
"WHAT!? Baskar's still around!?"
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WA3 Drabbles
A collection of short WA3 drabbles
"Uncle Jet, will you please read a book to me?"
"W-whatever, okay"
Jet grabs the book closest to him, not looking at the cover.
"Alone in the wasteland, the periphery of everything can not be forgotten. No matter how much you want to get rid of them. All of you stayed here right by my side throughout all of this."
Kaitlyn giggled "Did you write this, Jet? 'cause this isn't the right book and your name is on the cover..."
Jet Blushed "Don't tell anyone, it's my book..."
Okay, the other day, I was joking around with my brother, and I said
"I just magically got 97 heal berries" and he asked me if I used some kind of cheat or code for it. It took me a while to explain to him the growing plants/items in the game...
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Monday, September 27, 2004
WA3 Annoyance
I, XSRX wrote these poems while being annoyed at this game that I started to play once again...
I hate the Nidhogg Passes
Yes I do!
They annoy me!
Please tell me where they are!
I have to go across the sandy oceans, weakend.
Clive and Gallows are dead/passed out. And Virginia's shortly paralyzed.
All I feel likedoing is shooting them up.
Summoning my firey friend, I win the fight.
(and they are all right)
We can't find the Nidhogg Passes.
Searched almost all through the land.
My system is turned off, he'll pay!
Now, we won't find it until tommorow afternoon.
We take a rest at Jolly Roger and Gallows finds yet another hooker.
Can't he just book her?
I'm falling, can't get up!
The life force just vanished, Leehalt's dead!
Some old guy is here.
"Jet, I am your father"
Ok-ay! Now it's just getting weirder.
Maya found yet another gem.
That thieving B**** stole Ginny's
'teardrop', She'll pay!
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