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The State of Insanity
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T. D.
Published Poetry.
Anime Fan Since
1990(a bit) 1995 to present
Favorite Anime
Too many to list. . .
sketching, writing, playing video games
drawing, writing poems
| xsasukerebornx
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Bored, bored, bored!
Hmm, it's the 31st of May?
Seems that it's summer already... I found a great lake that I don't have to have my fishing license...
(and it's a plus that I know my way through the whole freakin' town 'cause I used to live there)
And, I also have a boat there. (it needs fixing up for, it has been there for eight years...)
Killdeer Plains is okay. But, I don't really like it. Part of it is too rocky, and another part of it has too much duck poo.
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Not Normal:
Squatting. While illegal in the U.S. it's legal in the U.K. In fact, under British law, squatters are even entitled to electricity, water and other essential services.
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It seems that I bought two copies of the same movie. I'm planning one keeping one of them and am planning on selling one.
Part of the Harlock Saga, I believe. The one I'm going to get rid of is called 'Vengence of the Space Pirate' (it was made by Celebrity Kids around 1987)
I'm keeping 'My youth in Arcadia' (Arcadia of my youth) It is a beter version of the movie. they have the same audio (voice actors) But, this one has a scene that wasn't in 'Vengence of the Space Pirate' at the beginning of the video.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
I have to keep yelling at people to get them to listen to me. Those people p1$$ me off.
Those morons keep asking me to do things that they can easily do.
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
I found a place that sells prismacolor colored pencils for 25 cents each. But, they have a somewhat limited selection. 5 different colors. (I bought about three of each color) And then, I found some metallic paint pens.
Finally, I was able to find a wirebound sketchbook for 3 dollars. (That's cheap! Where I come from, you can usually only find them for six dollars. I had to go to a Big Lots out of my town.
So, let's see: Over this weekend, I have went to two different Wal*Marts and two different Big Lots and, two different Wendy's (free jr. frosty and I bought a Jr. Bacon Cheezeburger)
Stupid person tricked me! They lied to me and told me that they had NO clue where they were going!
When in all truths, they knew exactly where they were going.
I want to go to CD Jungle but, I have to wait at least until friday. (I'm near broke)
(If you know what/where CD Jungle is, then, you live in the same state me, I guess?)

(The elephant isn't mine, nor is the square canvas thing that the elephant has it's paint-filled nose on. But, I did write the comments and draw the thing in the middle of the canvas thing (in Orange)

Here's my fairy girl for MonkeyMaster25's fairy contest.
(note the thing in her hands that's really long. Think of Kilik from Soul Calibur; That's her weapon)Not finished yet. I will finish later in the day (I do have until June 1st to finish!)
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Wild Arms Alter Code: F
has been delayed/pushed back yet again. I was planning to buy it before christmas then, in feb. and then now. Now, I have to wait until August for the game to come out.
Tales of Eternia (PSP)
best come out here in the US... (and not under the name of Tales of Destiny II)
I'm still holding this faint glimmer of hope that Tales of Phantasia for the GBA is released here. (It's so hard to find a GBA copy around here...)
Here's a note for everyone who wants to buy imported GBA games:
Go Ahead! One of my friends' little brothers bought an North American GBA and had about five games imported and they all worked in the GBA. (this was shortly after the release of the GBA, though)
I also found my Fuschia (pink, eww) GBA that I lost/ thought was stolen two or three years ago. I love the White GBAs and the Ice Blue ones...
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Poem/Fic Post (will be posted on later in the day)
The periphery of everything can not be forgotten.
No matter how much I used to want to get rid of you.
You stayed right here by my side throughout all of this.
Now, we travel together throughout the country healing and helping people. I never would have expected that I would be here with you...
My Yuya, will you stay by my side for eternity?...
Miss Yuya, my dear Yuya...
Why will you not accept me?
Oh, I see...
You and him...
Good luck, Kyo, you're going to need it.
'Hiro... I'll be there for you...
I was so stupid... I couldn't see what was right in front of me...
Hi, I'm Okuni! I'm ACTUALLY 74 years old... Ha! I have a pretty damn young-looking body!
Miegeria, you've been there for me... I thank you...
Hmm... Benitora I know who you REALLY are...
'Shiro, you are pretty stupid, aren't you? Were you dropped on the head when you were an infant?
Kyo... She is with you, right? Good luck then...
Kotaru, my friend
Why do you reject me?
It wasn't I who left you but, you who left me.
You hurt me on that day.
Why, why did you do that to me?
You're my strength and I am your weakness.
As much as you anger me, you make me happy.
I guess that she is my strength, she sure the hell ain't my weakness.
I read this story from a foreign country. It was about a princess that always needs saved.
I guess that you are my princess or my... empress...
And you do make me happy.
LAdy Yuya, you are his weakness so, you must be erased from the books of history/world.
You will go away from this world.
He will become the strongest.
He is still the strongest...
And his reaction was most... unenjoyable...
I told him that I had killed her and he nearly killed me.
She is... his strength...
"Uncle Akira... Will you please tell me a story?"
"Okay, okay"
Akira started the story.
"Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled the lands. He found two children in two different destroyed villages trying to fight off the monsters..." Akira paused.
"Kenyou. Those monsters were exceptionally strong and both of the boys were born from nobility. They were decent fighters and were known for their elemental powers Arija/Arika and Uratoh was their names, ice and fire were their games"
Would you be able to commit to either Kyo or Kyoshiro if one or the other is defeated?
I don't know. But I do know that I care deeply for Kyo and Kyoshiro.
'Shiro is just a friend and Kyo... he is... my strength
But, if I lose either of them, I will be sad.
But, if I lose Kyo, I will lose my reason for living.
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Hey everyone! It's been a long time, right? I have found a new anime that I also like! It's called Mahou Sensei Negima!
I also am getting a MP3 player... It took two weeks to come. But, the post office called us that our package is coming today! (it went from the US to Canada then back to the US)
Also, another PS2 (I already have two but, the second one my bro got for free for fixing one of his friends' compys... it doesn't work though...)
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
[Spell your first name backwards]: Rena so it's Anar....
[Six favorite character's names backwards] Kyo so its Oyk; Takuto so its Otukat; Sasuke so its Ekusas; Jacques so its Seuqcaj; Darc so its Crad; Vash so its Hsav
[Wallet]: A really old DBZ one... (I don't like to use them)
[Jewelry you wear daily]: A silver ring thats bent somewhat that also has a pearl... I got it CHEAP about eight years ago
[Pillow cover] ... a yugioh one?
[Coffee cup]: I use them but, I hate coffee!!! (makes me vomit)
[Shoes]: nothing 'cept me bare feet
[CD in stereo right now]: None. The one in my room is broken. The one in my personal ones are a Megadeth cd and a personal megamix.
[what are you are wearing now?]: a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that are about seven sizes too big
[Hair]: Light brownish blonde with some highlights at bottom now....
[In your mouth]: Pen. or a mechanical pencil.
[In your head]: perverted thoughts for a fic. sketch ideas.
[Eating]: I had some onion rings.
[Something you're looking forward to]: Wild Arms Alter Code F... and more games!!! Me learning more Japanese...
[The last thing you ate?]: Drank? Cherry Kool Aid! Ate? Fish fillet?
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: ?? Rodents *all because of an evil hamster*
[Do you like candles?]: Depends on what type of candle... (I love the blueberry scented ones)
[Do you believe in love at first sight?]: Perhaps...
[Are you single?]: Yeah.
[Do you believe in forgiveness?]: Yes. Some people deserve it... Some people don't
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: Big cat or wolf?
[What are 3 places you wouldn't mind relocating to?]: Japan, New York, Germany
[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: Pizza; Ice Cream; CARAMEL!!! Chocolate
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: Why people hurt me (physically... aka the psycho brats)
[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time]: Yasu-kun...
{In the last 24 hours, have you}:
[Cried?]: Yes
[Gotten sick?] Yeah
[Sang?]: Ao no Rekuiemu; Boulevyard of Broken Dreams...
[Eaten?]: Erm... Yes
[Felt stupid?]: Yes
[Hugged someone?]: Nope!
[Met someone new?]: Well, on DA.
[Talked to someone you have a crush on?] Nope.
[Fought with your parents?]: Hell yeah!
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with?]: Yes. I dream about a certain someone who lives in another country.... who used to live here for a year or two
[Are you center of attention or the wallflower?]: WTF is a wallflower? Oh... me, I'm a mix...
[What type of automobile do you drive?]: Nada
[Do you attend church?]: Non of yer business
[Do you like being around people?]: ???? perhaps?
[Who have you known the longest?]: It's obvious! My parents!
[Who has the coolest siblings?]: Everybody else?
[Who is your Hero?]: ????? Kyo?
[Who is your rival?]: I don't believe that I have a Rival... Maybe my brother?
[What time is it now?]: Late
[What are you planning to do later?]: Sleep? Eat? Wake?
[What do you hear right now?]: An annoying voice talking to me...
[What is your dream car?]: A black Nissan Skyline
[Do you want your friends to respond?]: Please? ^_^;;
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Storm coming... Arr...)
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