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The State of Insanity
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T. D.
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1990(a bit) 1995 to present
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sketching, writing, playing video games
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| xsasukerebornx
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
--Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits poem post--
Searching for file... File found..
Opening... Shinomori Kyo does not own Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits...
My hopes to be one of them.
Were shattered on that day...
They are (little/nothing) but
I am their ruler... I rule with
an iron fist...
But, shouldn't I... be with them?
My mother and my brother...
If I leave... There will be chaos
But, I'm not a true Deimos...
I will never be.
I will go to the human's land.
But, won't I be attacked?
Ah, (fuck it/screw it), I'm
I'm waiting for my copy of the game to come to my place. I ordered it from Cali! And am also waiting for a graphic tablet and an Inuyasha DVD!!!
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Full Metal -poem/fic- post
I haven't aged one bit since I was fifteen. It was that incident at the 5th lab that caused it... Alphonse... he grew back to his right age after we fround the real stone then like I/me, he stopped aging... So, I guess that we're just like HIM.
So, I wonder if we will start (to)
(decompose/decomposing)sooner or later. We can't be immortal, can we? Every living being must die sooner or later, right?
--Inspired by: Ep 21 or 22 (umm... Envy kicking Edo)
Lust- "At this rate he's going to turn into a god..." --
I just got seven books for one dollar and fourty cents! Four Dragon Lance ones and three Anne Rice books! I got my brother's birthday gifts already purchased!
One or two ICP shirts and Legacy of Goku II for GBA!
I'm getting a tablet! (but, it's for older mac computers)An Inuyasha DVD and Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits!!!
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I need help! I'm going to write a review for either Samurai Deeper Kyo or D N Angel. I don't know what format is wanted.
Also, I need someone to fix this fanfic that I have written... I'll type it up later. It's an Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits one...
Many thanks,
bye for the second....

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Sunday, April 10, 2005
This is great! I just ordered a copy of Arc the Lad Twilight of Spirits... I also need some cash, anyone?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
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I'm a gaia memb3r now!!!

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Friday, April 1, 2005
Right now, I'm re-playing FF IX! And, it's also my birthday today :P This is NOT an april fools joke! I repeat, this is NOT an april fools joke.
(I had to deeply clean the last 2 disks of FF IX. The 4th disk had a small gouge which I had to near-resurface it)
I hope that I get some extra cash. I want to order some manga. (but it'll be in Japanese because they're a few dollars cheaper. And, I want to read farther in these series. I might buy Kajika. It's only one volume so, it's a small series)
The 4th disk of FF IX deeply needs to be re-surfaced.
I just got a DVD player of my own and two or three games for the PS2... and 25 dollars. And I wanted a black guitar... For, all I have is a junky old flute in need of repairs (I bought it cheap from an auction for somewhere between 2 and 5 dollars...
So, I have a total of $27.75 *and a bunch of pennies and perhaps a nickel or two* to buy some stuff.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I wish so much to have a graphic tablet. But, where I live, there's only one store that sells one brand: Wacom (400 dollars)
That is pretty d**n bad when only one office supply store has them. ALDI was supposed to have some a while back but, they ran out of them. I might just order one off of ebay.
Just like I got my IY DVD and my Photoshop 5... And some computer parts that I needed. (the part that the monitor hooks up to, we were able to get two of them really cheap) and it was an upgrade too...
I do want a better version of Photoshop but, I'm unlucky...
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So, who actually DID win in Samurai Deeper Kyo? I say Kyo for obvious reasons *being that he's pale like Kyo and... has the same seiyuu as Kyo...*
I'm in the middle of writing some cruddy drabbles/fics. And doing some random oekakis...
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