Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Ello!Hows everyone?
Good i hope, me tired.
Me and my sis were acting like two retards
And having a rave, it was so hilarious.
Welpz g2g see everyone ltr
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hey everyone hope
Everyone good ^_^
Me,.........uggh got a cold.
I hate so much, now my
throat hurts really bad.
Mmmmm....... animes comming on tonight
Trinity blood is real good ^_^
And bleach yay!*hugz ichigo*
Welpz gonna go visit more sites.
Does anyone hav mom said i cant hav any *cries*
No fair i need candy!
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Friday, September 15, 2006
I swear im so slow!
I know why it wasnt letting me letting me comment!
Its was cause i wasnt logging out lol
Whenever i was clicking log out.
It would go to theotaku
So i thought I was doing something wrong
But just now i figured out the i had to log in to log out (yes i know thats confusing ^_^)
Yay finally i figured it out sorries that i havnt commented on sites for so long *hugz*
So what do you think of the new theme?
Watch the vid real good!
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sorries cnt comment on posts for some reason!
Arrgh......this is so anoyying just wanted to let you guyz know ^_^
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Huga chicken!!!!!!!
Sorries dont mind the tittle
So how hav you guys been good?
Me ive been fine so much school work lately
uhh......OH!And in health we took a lil quiz to see if our triangles were healthy(mental,physical,social)
I did all right but my lets just say my physical wasnt all that good lol
So i dedcied to be more Healthy!.........
Im so tired from working out (my sides hurt)
Hmm........ so much homework.......
OH! Did everyone see bleach and blood trinity
It was real good!(But ichigo sounds better in japanese)
I need to finish watching bleach seen almost the whole series(up to 80 eps or something)
Gonna finish updating my site l8tr
Think ill do a bleach theme ^_^
Hope everyone has a nice day!
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
The weirdest crap just happened
my sister was like go comment on my site
I was like uhh.....fine.
So i logged on to her page
Then i started reading her post
But then she was like noo!!!
and it was about some weird stuff
About some boy or something
And was like what the hell is this so i
Go to read the post b4 that
And she starts cover My eyes and saying noo!!!!
while im trying to read and she tryign to take the mouse out of my hands
So i started screaming
And she started beating me up (with the mouse mind you)
And then i started yelling stop molesting me!!!
to make make stop
Which only got her madder
So she then she clicked off her site and
and deleted herself from my friends list..........................................
So how was your day?
Mines was okay,sorrie i havnt updated in so long ^_^
To much school stuff
UH,im so tired my school day was to long..... but the worst part was comming home
Since today was the 2nd day
most of my teachers made us take home text books, imagine being on a bus full of crowed pplz holding on to the poles with one hand and two text books in the other,
I was so tired when i got home.
Hope ur guys days where better ^_^
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wow walked alot all day today
Now my legs hurt alot
But it was fun cause i got to see the good side of new york lol.
Oh!yesterday was my nii-san's b-day,Chibikupo.
Shes really happy, im glad ^_^.
Not much too talk about,Sorries
Here's some picys............
~*~Question! If you could be in any anime which one would you be in?~*~
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Monday, August 28, 2006
I think ill work
On a new theme
but for now this will do.
Lalala *dances*
Man im really sleepy........
Think ill go lay down
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Hmm.... suxz school is starting in like one week
Ah!And im not even finished with my summer work.
I couldnt even find the thingz i needed
hmmmmmmm..... no helping it
Im screwed.
The only thing i can do is stop stressing it
(even though it counts toward my first semester grade)
Stop worring
I need to keep my mine off of it
I think ill make a new amv(i dont think im very good at it though)
........i need candy
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
I've finally deciaded to
work own my site lolz ^_^
suxz though Ive gotta get off cause my sis
Is comming on.
I guess its okay for now but I think
Its missing a lot lol.
thats it for now,

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