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misao x824
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Massachusetts, U.S.
Member Since
Real Name
Bethany but you can just call me Beth
Quizilla Account under beybladegirl22
Anime Fan Since
When I was in seventh grade, I got into manga, but I've been an anime fan for as long as I can remember.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Marmalade Boy, Ruroni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Angel Sanctuary, Planet Ladder, Nana (Beyblade, yu-gi-oh, rave master, megaman)
To graduate from college.
Reading, writing, drawing (a little)
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Thank god it's Friday!! yay!! One problem. TWO projects have to be done over the weekend. I have uranium for the science project and I have to make a model with 92 electons, 92 protons, and 146 neutrons!! It's going to take forever!! AND I have to work with my partner for the spanish project and I don't have time!! I just kinda want to just do it all by myself but it's a group project so I can't. Anyways, pretty good day. My watercolor is coming good and yepp. That's all for now. And I am thinking of posting in the morning about how my day was yesterday but I don't know. Tell me what you think. ^_^ |
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Ok, this is going to be a shorter post, seeing as the computer just shut down on me and started up again because it "encountered a problem." Anyways, on with the message!! Go to Yamilover03's site. Read the message there. Please!! We have to get the uncut yugioh episodes on tv. If you would like to help reach this goal, please go to the site and send an e-mail to the adress there. Thanks to all of you who do this!! Oh, and I will be posting once again when I get home from school. If any of you guyes want to come back, that would be great!! ^_^ |
Comments (15) |
Thursday, June 2, 2005
This post is two and a half hours late!! I'm sorry guyes!! First we had to go pick up a few groceries and then Dad had the computer but then when my mom came home from her appointment dad talked to her and my evil sister has had the computer until I finaly told her to get off during my time. She owes me a lot of time. After all, it's HER schedule that SHE made up. >.< Anyways, gym was evil and he ALWAYS yells at me when I didn't do anything and it was my friends!! Then when I start to slow down because I am exhausted he notices me then so I have nothing but bad thoughts of him. I really don't want to get kicked off the high honor roll because of gym. Then during third lunch (my study period), me and my friend went to the cafeteria to sell luminaries. It was stupid and no one came and we made these REALLY mini fortune tellers with the paper because the people before us made then. hehe That was fun. Other than that, my day was extrememly boring, as usual. Hope you guyes had a good day.
P.S. Ray is 2 votes away from beating Kai!! *claps* Kai is my second favorite character but Ray is my favorite and I want him to win. lol I don't care if Kai wins though, I just really want Ray to win.
One more thing. If you put other on my poll, please tell me who is your favorite. I know I left out about two or three people from some of the teams, and if I put them all. the poll would be WAY too long. So if you did put other, could you please tell me who is your favorite character? Thanks. ^_^ |
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
I had a boring day, as usual. The only good part was english where we could read poems and write about them. There were a lot of good ones. My favorite of all of the poems was Identity by Julio something. Sorry, but I can't remember the name. Lots of homework as usual, but I will be able to get to a lot of sites. ^_^ Finally, huh? Anyways, let's see....that stupid box is killing me!! I HAVE to know what's in it!! The day that there is a sub, that thing is coming open. *evil grin* muahahahaha!! Well, that's all that I will leave you with today. Question will be tomorrow.
Note: Please vote on the poll above, if you haven't already. Thanks!! |
Comments (14) |
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I am home alone right now!! Yay!! My parents won't come home until about 4 o'clock (in 1 hour). I am free to go online all that I want for the time being. School was ok. I found out that I was volunteered to sell some bracelets to people. I don't think that my teacher noticed that I haven't been in study for over a month!! I sit right in front og her 2 and she still doesn't notice!! Anyways, was almost late to SSR because my spanish teacher passed out the 6 quizzes that we took in the past three school days to do the listening. Then she messed up on my grade by 12 points. Now I am going to go outside in the finally nice weather before my parents get home and yell at me for not doing my homework. hehe Good news everybody!! I can get to sites all week!! yay!! I can't on the weekend though because I have to start and finish my two projects. I hate being a procrastinator. -_-
Question of the day: Who is your favorite Yugioh Character and who is your favorite beyblade character? (If you watch either of these two shows). My answers: Mai and RAY (Rei in the japanese)!! |
Comments (16) |
Monday, May 30, 2005
I woke up a billion times in the morning and kept looking at my clock but it was blank so I figured my parents unplugged it because they didn't want to get up at 7. Well shortly after I got up I figured out that the power went out. Most likely from the storm last night. OH, and about the cook out. It was ok. After we ate my sister and I went into the room with the tv and watched that as well as do other things. I read and listened to my iPod and she played her game boy. Then at around ten we got to go home. It was so dark and even though there is only one house separating ours from theirs, it was scary because of the woods and it was dark. I know I know, nothing to be afraid of but I don't care, I'm afraid of everything. Then I got on the computer but the one person I wanted to talk to wasn't on. Then I was forced to go to bed at around 11 because I was too loud on the phone and the light was too bright for them to sleep so I couldn't read. Now that the power is back, I refuse to get off of the computer. hehe Even though I have a LOT of homework to do. Geeze, I need some motivation here. I will able to get to sites tomorrow!! yay!! Sorry I haven't been able to go to anyone's in forever. Thank you to all who commented!! ^_^ Anyways, see you guyes. |
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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Thank you so much Joeyw23!! ^_^ |
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Just got back from BJs to get dessert for the cookout tonight. My family and I are going to our neighbors house for a cookout, just us and them. My sister got a video game and I got a book, You Belong To Me by Mary Higgans Clark. Now I have to go and do my homework before we go and I'll tell ya about it later. Oh, and before I go, currently 505 people have visited my site!! =^_^= Yay, I'm so happy!! |
Comments (11) |
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Hey guyes. I was just wondering if you could help me with my site. I want to add a picture on the right side of my post and then have my post on the left side with a scroll bar. Thanks if you can help me but if you can't then that's ok. Won't have time to get to sites again because I have to go to my cousin's husband's birthday or whatever and it takes forever to get there and back and I have to start that spanish project due soon. No question today but maybe tomorrow when I have more time. C you guyes later!! ^_^ |
Comments (13) |
Friday, May 27, 2005
Ok, as for yesterday, I saw this kid at the art room because one of his brothers was doing some art thing so I got to stare at him!! ^_^ Then mom left!! YES!! And dad came to pick us up and get us candy for the field trip. It was fun. I saw quite a few people in the art room during intermission. Then I had to take a shower at 9:30 when we got home and my hair couldn't dry because my mom kept saying, TURN THE LIGHT OFF!! So I did and my hair dried in the way I was sleeping in it last night, so it took forever to do something with it in the morning.
And today was our wonderful field trip!! We went to see the state house which was so cool, and I got to take pictures. I got a picture of the person I like!! lol I know it sounds childish and it kinda is but I don't care. Then we went on a duck tour which was really cool. I didn't feel safe during part of it but that's because I didn't trust some of the kids riding it in the water. -_-. Anyways, then we ate lunch in a food court and we only had 20 minutes, and my friend's mom bought us fries to eat on the bus ride home. ^_^ We got back to school right when busses were leaving and I was looking for my sister who, thankfully, was on another bus but after 5 minutes of looking, I went to the car to find her there already!! She's so nice isn't she? ugh I was SO mad at her!! And now I am home and upset because we got our progress reports and we have half of the term left and I got an A+ in algebra and spanish. An A in manufacturing tech and gym and english and an A- in science and history. First, my sister goes, how could you not get an A+ in english?! This is coming from the person who almost got a B in that class before. Then my dad's like, so we're going down in science and history. I am wicked mad at them!! I can never please them!! Other than that, we got our old internet browser back so YAY!! The old one wouldn't let me click on the comment box yesterday or today but now I can!! |
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