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Massachusetts, U.S.
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Real Name
Bethany but you can just call me Beth
Quizilla Account under beybladegirl22
Anime Fan Since
When I was in seventh grade, I got into manga, but I've been an anime fan for as long as I can remember.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Marmalade Boy, Ruroni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Angel Sanctuary, Planet Ladder, Nana (Beyblade, yu-gi-oh, rave master, megaman)
To graduate from college.
Reading, writing, drawing (a little)
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Interesting, chaotic day
Sorry that I am late to post. I was outside to meet my good friend/paper boy because I am always here on the computer when he comes. Anyways, as it says in the title, today was so chaotic. I had algebra first and we watched the funniest movie about this guy trying to teach math to a bunch of thugs and violent kinds. Then I got to miss periods 2-4 for the second half of the math MCAS and I didn't have to go to gym, yay!! Lunch was the usual, and me, my sis, and Sarah ran to the front of the line and got to another room for study to play board games.
Now here's where the title of the post comes in. In science we had a sub again and we had to do MCAS practice booklets which had to do with paper planes so paper planes were flying across the room!! Then the kids begged to see more of Jurrassic Park and when they turned the lights off, he let us watch it. The best part is that he fell asleep!! Two kids went wandering the hallways and everything. Lastly, in english we took notes, I got 100 on my vocab quiz, and leave it to Mrs. H to give us homework. Well, I better go do all of the english and spanish homework, and finish my drawing. I might be able to get a scanner by the summer if I'm good. I'll try to be on tonight and if I am not I'm sorry. Now a few statements.
1. As many of you said in your comments, I know that this post will be underlined because of this link. I cannot get rid of it because my profile is not working. If any of you guyes know how to help, just tell me.
2. My computer is really slow because there is some spyware and a billion pop ups, so I might not get to many sites.
3. I have decided through your comments to keep my current avatar and then switch to the second one for a little bit.
4. Wow this post is long. I better go just in case this minor thunder kills the powerlines and I lose this long, boring post. I hope you enjoyed the reading!! ^_~
5. The question for today is: What is your favorite color? Sorry that it is so boring but you've got to start out somewhere, right? |
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Today was the first of four days of MCAS (the state test). Today was the first day of math and it was really easy. There was a sub and everyone was talking and this kid started juggling three water bottles in the back of the room. Other than that, everything is pretty much same old same old boring stuff. I wish that there was more to say, except I will be on here later than usual because I'm going to play basketball outside so when my paper boy comes (I've known him since kindergarten), I can talk to him because he mentioned that I am never outside in homeroom today. Also, I was really sore from yesterday that I almost fell trying to get out of my bes this morning. -_-
I was thinking of asking you guyes questions to get to know you better, but I guess I won't until I get your opinions. I don't know if it annoys you or anything. Well, comment and give me your opinion.
Oh, and which should I put as my avatar?
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Monday, May 16, 2005
I am so tired!! I just had gym 7th period and I am so exhausted. By last period the sun came out and it was so hot, and I had to wear dark pants and a dark shirt, and I twisted my ankle a little running down the stairs after lunch to get to art. Anywyas, we ran the mile and you had to do a continuous run, so after the 4th lap I was exhausted and out of breath and I could barely breathe. On the next lap, we had to walk and that was ok but then Frank started to run halfway there, so I did because I wanted to keep up, and/or beat him. Well I beat him and walking back to the school from the track was brutal. It wasn't a far walk but I was walking a zig zag line and everything was losing focus, my whole body was feeling pins and needles, I couldn't open the door and I had to lean on the walls. I got dressed and then walked up all of the stars and went to SSR. I hate reading in silence!! I was coughing and couldn't keep my head straight, and I was reading about my character being chased by a dead spirit in some mosterous body, and then fainting in front of the door. Then when I got up, I almost fell to the ground, but I kept walking and collapsed in front of my locker. Then when I was going down the stairs to get outside, my legs were weighing my down, and they felt like lead. Lastly I got into the car and I get motion sickness easily so yea, I felt sick the whole time and now I am home, feeling better and eating like a pig. lol I know I'm complaining a lot and I'm so sorry, I just had to say it. I am such a baby. Sorry to bore you guyes with this. One more bit of news. MCAS (state test) tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This is why I won't be able to get to many sites because I have to study a little bit, plus we have a quiz on six back to back pages of vocabulary. I hope you guyes had a great day. Stay happy!! ^_^
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
Banner Made fo me by xXxNikore19xXx

Thanks xXxNikore19xXx!! ^_^ |
Comments (3) |
I have many things to say in this post.
1. Please sign my guestbook. I have had three hundred something visits with 150 guest book signings. For all of you who have just visited my site for the first time and those of you who have visited and not signed my guestbook, please do sign.
2. From now on, I will mainly go to the sites of the people who comment on my post. If you do not comment on my post, then the only way I will be able to get to your site will be if I have a lot of extra time.
3. I can't remember.
Now, I have this song stuck in my head and think that you guyes should hear it. It's My Last Breath by Evanescence.
Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?
Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight
I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (Come find me)
I know you hear me
I can taste it in your tears
Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight
Closing your eyes to disapear
You pray your dreams will leave you here
But still you wake to know the truth
No one's there
Say goodnight
Don't be afraid
Calling me calling me as you fade to black
Chorus x2
By Evanescence
I love this song so much. I wish that I could die this way, in the arms of my love.......... *snaps out of daydream* Ok, well there is one more thing that I have to say, and that is how yesterday went.
Yesterday, my sister and friend played their two player game and I got to sit and watch, then my sister did magic tricks with her friend and not me. Then we played wiffle ball (I hate it so much), and frisbee which took a while for me to actually play because of my sister and my Kai attitude whenever I am with her. Lastly, we played Mario Tennis which I was able to play!! ^_^ And then we played catch and I threw the ball nice and hard and straight that my sister had to put a glove on. hehe Then we had a snack, and our friend went home. After that I went to Best Buy and Circuit City with dad and my sister because they wanted to go, and then to the mall where I saw a lot of people from school. I was so embarrassed!! I walked behind them with my head down as usual. What if these two certain guyes saw me?! Anyways, that was my wonderful day. Wow this is a REALLY long post!! I hope that you guyes enjoy reading it. lol I'll make my next post shorter. hehe ^_~ |
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
I just finished watching the Yu-gi-oh episodes. I started crying when Kaiba lost his soul. It was so sad, and when Kaiba went to destroy Mai and Joey protected her. Those were awesome episodes. I better get going now because our friend's over, even though every time she comes they play gamecube and I just sit there. I'll post later with what happenes.
Here's some pictures of Kaiba:
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Heratige Day
Today was heratige day!! I had a lot of fun. I saw two of my old teachers, one of which is retiring at the end of this year. That makes two teachers that are my favorite teachers ever are retiring. At least I can see them for the rest of this year. That is IF my homeroom teacher lets me. She never lets us go anywhere. Anyways the bunny rescue was awesome but there is no possible way that my mom would get me a rabbit. If she would die or get a rabbit, she would chose to die. I won't go into the whole day because then this post will go on forever.
In other news, since I didn't wear two evil and uncomfortable jeans that my parents bought me without me there, I have to buy my own clothes from now on. Now I have to get some money. ugh -_- Wish me luck on that one. |
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
To respond to your comments, I only cut once when I heard about it and then I started thinking about it and instead I wrote a poem. My next poem will be really happy because that's the way that I usually am. ^_^ I would never even think of commiting suicide because that's just stupid and I have too much to live for. If I go through 15 minutes of school, then I have all of the reasons to live, my friendsand just my friends. ^_^
Anyways, school was fun. First off, I got what little homework I had in class so I have the night to myself. In gym, the teacher took out our strongest players in dodgeball and then everyone started to get knocked out on my team so I was the last one left, and I dodged six balls and then I was knocked out before I could do anything. I felt like an idiot being the only one there. -_- If it was a different sport, I would love to play it but dodgeball. meh. Tomorrow's Heratige Day!! We have our special class first and then we do the heratige day schedule, and my teacher says that it is suppose to be a fun day and we don't have to bring our stuff. I hope he doesn't change his mind when he gets there. Can't wait until tomorrow!! ^_^ |
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The Bloody Past
Depressed, alone, angry
Taking out a sharp object
In my state of mind, what does it matter?
Raising it hight above my physical being
Having a mental struggle
Should I break my promise or continue on?
The shadows taking over my mind and soul
Moving my arm to my skin
The knife inching closer and closer by the second
Each second lasting each year of my life
Looking back at the somber memories
Wishing them eradicated
Cutting into my skin
Dark red liquid covering me
Opening up the wounds of the past
Giving them yet another chance to consume me
When it's over, I just stare and ask myself
Is it really worth it?
Being both mentally and physically hurt?
Looking down at my scars
Regretting the day that I ever decided to do what I have just done
That's my poem. I thought I would post it in the morning because when I get home from school, I will post once again. |
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I hate starting my posts with today was *blank*. It's so boring!! I'll think of something else to start my post with. Anyways, we will get right to my day. I think I got one wrong on the science quiz which is good and we got our english essays back and I got an A!! In sixth and eighth grade I always got an A- on my long stories and finally I got a reular A!! I know that I sound stupid but that's just me. And on the test, I got an 82!! I don't know how I did that!! I am so mad!! I got those questions right, I swear I did. ugh -_- On with a better note. In history my group and I did our skit and these four kids were grading us for history and how funny it was, because that's just the way my history teacher decides to do it, and anyways. Before the skit, my friend said, "I think we are going to get a C on the history because we didn't include much." I mean, HELLO?! I wrote the history and it took me an hour. I proved her wrong when everyone, even the teacher gave us a 100 only because we had ALL of the history!! Now to the comedy. We got an A, a B, and two D+'s. The teacher gave us 97 over 100 anyways because of the HISTORY part. But I know the two kids who gave us D+'s and I would never have thought that one of those kids couldn't even be nice and give us a C. Oh well, you just never know sometimes. We did good anyways. ^_^ Lots of people got B's even my sister's group so I am very pleased with myself for writing the skit. ^_^ |
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