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misao x824
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Massachusetts, U.S.
Member Since
Real Name
Bethany but you can just call me Beth
Quizilla Account under beybladegirl22
Anime Fan Since
When I was in seventh grade, I got into manga, but I've been an anime fan for as long as I can remember.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Marmalade Boy, Ruroni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Angel Sanctuary, Planet Ladder, Nana (Beyblade, yu-gi-oh, rave master, megaman)
To graduate from college.
Reading, writing, drawing (a little)
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Zoe:  |
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Before I talk about my day I would just like to thank everyone who commented on yesterday's post. 19 is the most that I have ever gotten!! ^_^ Well, now on with my day. Today during third lunch, my friend, my sis, and I went to see the math teacher from Team Extreme (my school has three teams per grade). We get to miss classes on Thursday to organize the schedules for heratige day (which is next Friday). We were suppose to go to this assembly and get a sheet of paper with all of the things that we could go to but my "Manufacturing Technology" (a.k.a. woodworking) teacher forgot!! So I don't know which workshops that I can pick tomorrow!! My friend is going to call tonight and she'll help me out or my sis will let me borrow her paper. Also I get one less class because I get to help out my art teacher for her workshop with my friend. ^_^ Oh, and before I go, my puppies got their Canine good citizenship award!! My mom was worried because they wouldn't listen to her and Cody gives her the funnies, "go to hell" look. It's so freaking funny!! lol I'll post some pictures of them later. |
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Monday, May 2, 2005
Today was a pretty cool day. It went by really fast!! This morning, my history teacher gave me a yellow piece of paper telling me to go to room 225 during third lunch. I think it's to help out with Heratige (sp) Day that's coming up soon. The bad part is I have to go to Advanced Art and she talks all 2nd lunch and then we work third lunch and bascically I'm gonna miss it, so I don't want tomorrow to come. Anyways, third period there was a book fair!! I got this cool book called "Stravaganza City of Masks." Then nothing too important happened except that I did NOT fail my two test. I got a lower score than usual but considering the fact that I didn't study and how little questions there were, I think I did pretty good. An 80 and 84. Not too bad. Oh, and in gym, Badminton tournament. My sis and I are on the same team and we're team number 1!! Last year we were undefeated and we won and this year we're 2 for 2. O yea!! I did most of my homework in study period so I will probably be able to get to a lot of your sites today.
In other news: I told my mom to calm down in a nice way about the cancer thing (cuz some irregular cells could be cancerous unless removed) and that rubbed her the wrong way!! Geez I'm on her bad side tonight. *hides behind chair* |
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
If you don't want to know what happens in Rave Master Volume 14, DO NOT read this post!!
Ok, well let me explain my current site change. I have changed my site theme to Musica because in the Rave Master manga, Musica..*sniff* dies. *cries* His living flesh was absorbed by a very powerful Dark Bring. I was so crushed when he died so for a little while I will be dedicating my site in memory of him. And the wallpaper that I am using is by Neverendinggreams, even though the black background is hiding it. My profile's messed up so I have to put that part in here.

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Well, yesterday we went to Borders as I said and I ended up getting Rave Master volumes 11-14!! I can't wait for the next ones to come out!! And yesterday when I was about to watch Rave Master I had to clean my guinea pig's cage as usual, so I couldn't really pay attention to the episode, but since I already read about it in the manga, it was ok. Then last night was kinda horrible because everyone was like, "why are you getting so worked up over nothing?!" And I tried to tell them but no one was listening to me!! Other than that, I might go to the mall today and if I do, I'm going to get a skirt because I really don't want to go and buy clothes with my mom. Oh, and my friend wanted me to tell you guyes how awesome she and her band were at Hoops for Heart. Now I'm getting in trouble because I wanted to listen to Evanescence and my sis FINALLY came downstairs and now wants to watch sports on tv. =[ My dad just left to go get Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, just like every Sunday morning, and I don't have anything else to ramble on about so I guess I better go. Have a great day you guyes!! ^_^ |
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Pm destinyssweetman to join |
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I would just like to say that I got to all of your sites yesterday, and if you updated really late, i didn't get to it. Today my dad is going to take me to Borders and get me two books for my good report card!! ^_^ The bad part of my day was that Beyblade didn't come on, but if you look on the bright side, the two new Yu-gi-oh episodes were awesome. Oh, and before I go, I would like to thank all of you for commenting on my post yesterday!! That's one of the most ever!! ^_^ Well, c ya guyes tonight!! |
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Well, today was pretty good. If any of you wanted to know about how Hoops for Heart was, read my last post that I wrote late at night. Anyways, the history test was easy and yet hard. I think I got like 5 wrong because I didn't have time to read the second section. Then I went to algebra and I think I did good on the quiz. Then spanish was stupid. It had nothing to do with what we have to learn, and then in english I had to read but that was ok. Then lunch was good and instead of going straight to advanced art, I went to my locker to go to and get my stuff for "Manufacturing technology" (a.k.a. woodworking) and then I went down. We did water colors and it was really cool, then I went to tech. In tech my partner and I won that thing where you make your own box with a product and blah blah blah. Lastly was science where I think I did really good on that test. And so I don't bore you anymore READ THIS. IF YOU DON'T READ ANYTHING ELSE READ THIS!! Ok, well in SSR (silent sustained reading) the tv was on and two of the gym teachers, and two of the 7th grade geography teachers had their heads shaved because we raised over $80,000. I was so sad watching my 7th grade geography teacher get his head shaved. And the evil principal, Mrs. Ekk is going to dye her hair bright pink for Monday!! Well, lastly I can't wait for Rave Master tonight and Beyblade ^_^ and Yu-gi-oh tomorrow. And lastly, on my report card, I got all A+'s and two A's. Can you believe that I got an A+ in gym?! I'm so happy!! That's all for now!! C ya!! |
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Well, I just got back from Hoops for Heart a little while ago and I had a lot of fun. My sister wouldn't play three on three so I had no team, but that's ok. Anyways, I went across the street with my really good friend and watched this guy play. The whole time that's all I did and he is really good at basketball. Anyways, my mom came up to us when we were still at the Middle School and she said we'd be leaving soon so I went with my friend back to the High School and we ran all the way around so my mom wouldn't see us. Then we ran all of the way back after ten minutes and we were JUST in time!! We just missed my mom. It was awesome!! And in science, we had a practice state test and it counts as a test grade!! I didn't know that many answers!! She didn't teach it to us!! And yay!! Report cards for the third quarter come out tomorrow!! I hope I did ok in gym!! I'm so scared. I think wiffle ball absolutely killed my grade. Well, that's all that happened so far. I have to study for two tests and I think only one quiz. Who knows? Oh, and I can only get to a few sites today so I'm really sorry if I don't get to one of your sites!! Talk to you guyes tomorrow!! |
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Well, today from 3 to 8 o'clock I'm going to Hoops for Heart and when I finally get home, I have to study for two tests and one or two quizzes so I probably won't be able to update until tomorrow. Hoops For Heart is when you raise money for heart research and my school has a party for us to raise more money. Me, mi sis and our friend are entering the 3 on 3 tournament so I hope we do ok. Got to go and eat breakfast now. Hopefully I'll see you guyes tonight and if not, definently tomorrow. |
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