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Massachusetts, U.S.
Member Since
Real Name
Bethany but you can just call me Beth
Quizilla Account under beybladegirl22
Anime Fan Since
When I was in seventh grade, I got into manga, but I've been an anime fan for as long as I can remember.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Marmalade Boy, Ruroni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Angel Sanctuary, Planet Ladder, Nana (Beyblade, yu-gi-oh, rave master, megaman)
To graduate from college.
Reading, writing, drawing (a little)
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Well, nothing really happened today except for that my mom is going to have to have surgery to remove irregular cells that could lead to cancer. Bascically same as yesterday so comment on my second most recent post as well as this one please. I went to Advanced Art today for the first time, and it was fun but that's the only good thing about my day. ^_^ Since there is nothing to say I will post a poem but it's kinda bad but oh well.
Saving you from an enimies attack
Nursing your back to health
Staying by your side
Never letting go of your hand
Falling deeply in love with you
Living happily ever after
Only a fairytale that we live in our dreams
Dreaming of it, just wishing that it would happen |
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Well, I got home an hour ago and I still didn't finish my homework. I went to the dentist got home for five minutes, visited 3 sites, and then went to the High School and saw the World Series Trophy. Was there for an hour waiting. ugh And my homework's piling up, took a stupid test that didn't count as anything and wasted study time, have advanced art during study every other day, always busy when I get home, I'm up late finishing homework, up early so that I can for once eat breakfast. AND to top that all off, I have to listen to my mom talk about sending my two sheltie puppies back because they wouldn't listen in puppy class, and tomorrow my mom is meeting with a doctor, i don't think she has breast cancer but she might or i don't know, I can only eavesdrop (spelling) so much. I might not be able to post everyday or if I do post, forgive me for not getting to your sites. I can barely get to them right now, so please be patient. I apologize once again. Well, I better get going. I have so much homework left and I still have to take a shower. Below are pictures of my two puppies. Cody is on the left and Zoe is on the right.
Comments (3) |
Well, today I am really busy. I have a dentist appointment, I have to go see the Baseball trophy or whatever at the High School (which I will be going to next year). Anyways I also have a lot of homework and we have 3 tests, and 2 quizzes during the next three days. Well, I have to go and get ready so sorry if I don't get to your sites today!! I've only gotten to 3 so far. Well, I have to go and get ready. I apologize so much!! I will see you guyes later!! |
Comments (8) |
Monday, April 25, 2005
Well, I've been home for a little while and I got off easy tonight with not too much homework. Testing is coming up so in a few classes we just have review and it's so easy. I've been trying to do my spanish homework but I can't seem to get my computer to go to the site. ugh I guess I have to do it in study then. Well, I have to go do history now but I'll be back on later. Oh, by the way, I have gotten to quite a few sites this afternoon and hope to get to some more tonight. See ya then!! |
Comments (9) |
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Well, tomorrow is Monday and that means April Vacation is over and I have to go back to school. I won't be able to go on that much so I'll try the best I can to get to your sites. I'm making myself a schedule so that I can get to my site and update it and hopefully comment on yours. I will get to as many as I can every day but please don't get mad at me if I can't get to yours. I'll try my hardest!! Well, tomorrow is also my first day of woodworking and I really really don't want to go. I don't know one person in the school that likes his class or him. The good thing is that my spanish teacher is going to be absent tomorrow. yay!! And I would like to give a huge shout out to jennifer92. Hope she sees this!! Well, that's about all I have time for tonight. See you all tomorrow. |
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Well, looks like I'll just be finishing english and spanish homework and studying for my gym quiz today. Nothing out of the ordinary. I am SO mad!! Because we had to go and visit my grandparents last second I missed Max's battle with Mystel!! At least I know that it was a draw. Well, that's all for now. If anything out of the ordinary happens, I'll keep ya posted!! |
Comments (10) |
Saturday, April 23, 2005
I just got back from my grandparents house and I was surprised at how many comments I got in such a short time. Since so many people don't want me to delete it, I won't. I'm glad you guyes like it so much, if it wasn't for you guyes I probably would have deleted it already. I just let a few comments get to me. I'm SO happy because my sis and I got my dad to take us to the book store and I got another manga that I will probably finish today. AND I didn't miss Yu-gi-oh!! I JUST got to watch it before we left shortly after it was over. My mom told me that we wouldn't be going over my grandparent's house but it was fun anyways. I just can't believe that Mai's soul was captured!! First her mind was sent to the shadow realm and now this?! That just makes me mad. Well, anyways, I'll stop talking so you guyes can get on with your lives. See you all tomorow!! |
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Well, today we're going to go visit our grandparents I guess. I have just been informed of that this very second. I wanted to have a friend over!! =[ =[ I hope I don't miss Yu-gi-oh!! Well, I might delete this account and make another one. Please comment and tell me if I should delete it and start another one. |
Comments (12) |
Friday, April 22, 2005
Well, yesterday I was so excited about my marriage that I forgot to tell you guyes that I got my hair cut!! It's a little past shoulder length now. And today my parents wanted me to get off of the computer so my dad took me and my sis to Joe's rock. It has a really pretty view and my sis and I were listening to my iPod while we were there, but we still enjoyed the scenery. OH!! I can't wait for tomorrow to watch the new episode of Yu-gi-oh!! I'm like dying here!! And I am SO mad that Beyblade has not been coming on lately, but eventually it will (I hope). |
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that Beth22 + Rei Kon were married on the 21th day of April 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ |  |
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