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myOtaku.com: XxAerithXx

Friday, September 22, 2006

ok...i havent been on in a LOONGG time...>_< lol...well...heres wuts been happening.

skool started last week for me! w00t finally...so far i hate it lol. its so BORING!! and the class is so small...one of my classed only has 7 ppl in it >_> yah and last sunday was my bday! w00t! im one year older!! xD lol.

anyways...i just found out that a guy that i once liked a long time ago totally hates me...i dont even know wut i did to make him hate me! WUT IS WRONG WITH HIM!!! he says i 'screwd him over' somehow...T_T i thought he was my friend.....*sigh* i really gotta get new friends here...all my friends have been leaving me and not talking to me...its...sad...i feel so lonely sometimes...

well, heres the comic i had on my other site. (Kuroganes Angel) oh and i havent finished the help site yet..im still working on it...>_<


ok im done. O.o *HUGHUGGLOMP*

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