bebopinutrigun188 (04/01/06)
Hey. It's good to hear you're liking my site. Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook.
I really like your site. Simple and cool background. It's a nice color scheme too.
I'll be seeing you around MyO then! Laters
omie (03/29/06)
great blog page, hope you can find the time to come and visit mine some time soon!
Lemony Slash (03/29/06)
Dude, The Brave Little Toaster has got to be one of the greatest movies ever! You are teh cool and so is your site. xD
darkZander (03/27/06)
like your site it is so cool.
PeachesXCream (03/27/06)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook and commenting on my Miyavi-themed site. Yes, he indeed is wonderful, isn't he? ^^ Anyhow, I love your icon, layout, and username, but the person behind the website saddens me. I know that life can seem harsh and cruel sometimes, but life is like a lemon. Some people immediatly like the taste, some have to take time to like it, and some don't like it at all. But once you learn to savor and love a lemon, you begin to see things in a different life. You only get one life... you can make yourself miserable and remain to hate life, or you can take charge and be a happy person. I used to be just like you-I used to be a heavy cutter and I thought of suicide daily. But I've seen the light-and I want to spread it to you.
red lies (03/27/06)
well boredom gets the best of us sometimes...especially when we're on the jonny pot. well i must say i do like yor myspacey-ish-ness of your otaku. es muy bueno-o. im really tall...and scarey...and in yor closet right now. so bring some FRIGIN` COOKIES cause im starving. umm dang add me if you...dare...cause..DRUGS ARE BAD! BYE!
thelostsindar (03/26/06)
Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook. Nice site, I like your background ^^
Ja ne!
royal cherri (03/26/06)
thanx 4 signing meh GB.
emo boys~
i'll add yu as a friend k??
KungPowChicken (03/26/06)
thanx for signing my gb,i like ur site and most of the music u listen 2
NarutoBlackmail (03/25/06)
Cool bg. I also adore your icon. It's hot. XD Anywho, I'll add you as a friend and comment whenever you update. Hope you do the same.
See you on the other side.