Hey this is kooriyasha my site is down so I decided it was time to make a new one! Hooray!!!

theOtaku.com: What DragonBall Guy Are You?
Saturday, November 6, 2004
Hey, what's up? I wanted to know if my music works. So uhhh... click the button at the top of the page and I'm hopin' for some positive feedback! Okay? CyaL8rDUDE!!!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Oops! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, My mom's computer is so slow it takes it literally one day to bring up an internet page! And to make matters werse, once it comes it closes it's self down! Well, I brought my grades up and I have straight Bs except for elective and P.E. which are As! Hooray! Anyway I've got to go! CyaL8rDUDE!!!
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
Feeling kind of pissed off, not much to say. Everyone hates me and I don't really care anymore. Cya...
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Shut up!!!
I don't give a damn what the fuck you have to say about my girlfriend! Why the hell should I care if you think she's ugly or fat?! I don't give a rat's ass because I think she's pretty and I like her! Okay?! So if you have anything to say about my girlfriend JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I'd just like to point out that I know Blink is an Irish band! I just put Blink on my username because that is what Blink 182 wanted to be called until they got in a legal matter with Blink in Ireland! And that's why they changed their name to Blink "182!" Okay?! So don't come up to me and say "Blink is an Irish band!" Alright?! Wutevr!!!
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Well, as long as my computer at my mom's hous eis down, I'm only going to be posting on Wednesdays and every other weekend. I'll let you know when it's back up. Just remember this: Windows ME sucks!!! Anyway, I finally have every Blink 182 CD unedited! Hooray!!! I only neede Buddha, but I had the self titled one and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket edited so I had some extra cash and I rebought them unedited. So I now have: Chesire Cat, Buddha, Dude Ranch, Enema of the State, Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, and Blink-182(self-titled.) If you count flyswatter as a CD, I don't have it. And when I say CD, I basicly mean album. So I don't have The Mark Tom and Travis Show or Maximum Blink. Although, The Mark Tom and Travis Show is a great CD. Anyway, I'll CyaL8rDUDE!!!
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