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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Current Mood: Good
Current Song: Tell Me Hide
Konnichiwa! How is everyone here? I am good! ^.^ I am bored! I am back in school today! Yay I didn't have school yesterday so that's why I haven't updated! Sorry! ^.^ OH My friend Amy made a site please goo see her!! Please go and see her! I made a link over on my friends and if you like Paramore, you'll love her. That's what's all over her page. I love Chastity! ^.^ She made me a rainbow picture and it say's Chastity and Jessica On it! Aww! Oh which reminds other friend Jessica made a site. It's called JESS-CUH. Please check out her site too! ^.^ I am in 3rd right now. I've baically a free day in all my classes. I know I won't for 4th but then again all we are doing is making up our own monsters! Yay! I named mine Kawaii lol! Cuz I can't make things look evil but I can make them look kawaii! ^.^ Oh I think I've found the religion for me! I think I am going to be a wiccian. Because I've been reading THE WITCHES' BIBLE. And It really makes more since to me then any other relgion. Yay! Lol! I love THIS SONG!! GAH! I am now listening to Saku by Dir En Grey!!! Yay! I LOVE DIR EN GREY!! I am wearing a Dir En Grey shirt right now! ^.^ Yay! I have 4 diru shirts! Yay! I LOVE DIR EN GREY!!! I LOVE CHASTITY!!! WEll ttyl
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Monday, February 4, 2008
Current Mood: Good
Current Song: Syunikiss by Malice Mizer
I've decided to come back. I knew I could'nt stay gone for long. So how is everyone? I am good! I am in 2nd period. I have nothing to do really. So I decided to come back. I am thinking about moving out in a few days. I really can't take it ther at my house anymore. My mom pisses me off to no end. I am tired of the things she says and calls me. And I want to be able to be with Chastity. I love her soo much! She makes me soo Nyappy!!! I Love her! I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I have her. I don't even think I loved Darrel as much. Which reminds me...I was cleaning my room and I found alot of notes from Darrel that I had thought I had gotten rid of. I reread them and the made me sick! Sad isn't it and at one point they would have made me all smiley but nope. It didn't. I felt like I was going to throw up. XD But anyways I have just gotten done with Marilyn Manson's book. It's rather interesting and I've realized that I have alot of things in comment with him. And we believe alot of the same things. I find it rather fasinating. Hm..Anyways. I am bored. I've just got done working on an assignment. I am advanced in this class. Well in the words of my teacher. She's like your are too far. Your way ahead of the class. Stop. Don't do anymore! XD I can't help it I like playing with HTML codes. I do it for fun anyways. lol Chastity told me I was a computer/history nerd! XD Oh and I think we got her teacher Ms. Earl into Gackt. She really likes him alot! She wants a copy of Chastity's Mars cd. lol. She asked me to translate VANILLA for her and I was like O.O I'll get introuble for telling you that. She was like no you won't, I won't say anything and I told her and her face like O.O. Then she was like "is this gackt a sexual person?" and CHastity was like "YES" lol! heehee. Hey I believe this is a rather long post! ^.^ I am soo proud of myself. I want to change my layout back to Kyo but I can't while at school and Wait mabay can. Well I am going to try to. So I shall go! So ttyl
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
I will be on a hiatus for a little while until I finally get everything working out! I'll be back as soon as I can! I love u guys!
P.S. You can still Pm Me I shall come by to check. Please Comment!
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Current Mood: better than yesterday.
Current SOng: Nothing
YO! Sorry for yesterday. I think it's funny how when I post something like that everyone comes by. Hm...But anyway....I was in a very very BAD mood yesterday. And I can't comment every day. I was also very worried about Chastity! She went home sick. I get like this from time to time. I made a website. IT's called KyoOBSESSED here's a link KYOoBsessed. Well I am going to go. I have nothing else to talk about ttyl
Sorry I can't comment right now. So don't give up on me!
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I Give up. I don't see any point in me being here anymore. You people don't even seem to care enough to come by anymore. so I won't be on. I may change my mind. I all depends of if I get people to come back. I don't get many vistors anyomre. So I don't see the point in posting. Well
bye for now
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Jan. 25th 2008
Current Mood: okay...
Current Song: None at the moment! ^.^'
Konnichiwa!!! How are you all? Thanks for the comments! ^.^ Yeah...I've had an eventful week! I get to go to see a movie and stay the night with Chastity!! ^.^ Yay! *dances!!!* I am going to try and make this a long post! But you all know how I am! I always run out of things to say! lol! I can't help it! ^.^ In first today we watched a movie about Ebay. I am soo excited about being able to be with CHastity! Chastity has ISS again today! So I can't see her until lunch...yeah...I sneak in there to meet her...then during 3rd, her teacher get's her out for a little while and I leave class to go see here. ^.^ I can't help it! I love her soo much! I want to see her soo bad!!! Yay we are talking about HTML in class!! Yay! Well g2g! I Must listen to this! And who know's maybe I'll master this and make my site the coolest site ever!!! ^.^ Muhahahaha! yay! *dances* Well ttyl
Oh To answer comments:
Bou: No...I am not mad at you and if I was you would know know I always confront you about things!
Selina: Yo! Chastity got that movie on EBAY!
WEll ttyl
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
January 24th 2008
Current mood: Good
Current song: Rocket Dive by hide
Konnichwia! Sorry I haven't been on if forever! I don't have a working computer at my house right now! >.< Gah! I am not sure what's wrong but I'll figure it out! So I will only be able to update at school. And stuff. So sorry if it takes me a while!
So here's what happen...
Sunday- I went to my mamow's house. I stayed with her for a while and then we went home. And Chastity and her mom got into it. So she didn't stay him. She stayed with her Aunt Vikki!
Monday- I didn't have school. And Chastity went to South Carolina. And some guy knocked down the power lines. And it messed up her car. And she was rampaging about that. And her and her mom were fighting more and she couldn't stay with her Aunt Vikki because of her house catching on fire from the cords! Then She got to where she could stay with me but Didn't have a ride.
Tuesday- We didn't have school. It was TOO icy to travel. And Chastity come to my house and brought cupcakes! I had so much fun. We watched MOON CHILD! My sister cried!! lol ^.^' She was sooo upset about Gackt dying. I was too...but I didn't cry.
Wednesday- We had a 2 hour delay in school. But I didn't go. I stay with Chastity the whole day and we had ALOT of Fun if you know what I mean.
TOday!!! Yay!
lol Well Chastity is in ISS! T.T Makes me sad! I don't get to see her! T.T I want to see her! I love Chastity! She makes me happy! lol! ^.^ WEll that's about all I have to say! Well ttyl
Much love
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
Jan. 19th 2008
Current Mood: Good!
Current Song: Tell Me by Hide
Konnichiwa! I updated my site! I changed it! Do you like? ^.^ This layout was harder to make then my others but I believe I did a pretty good job! what do you think? I only got 1 comment yesterday! joy! Well g2g ttyl
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Friday, January 18, 2008
Jan. 18th 2008
Current Mood: Good!!!
Current Song: Misery by Hide
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Jan. 17th 2008
CUrrent mOod: GOod
Current SOng: The IIIrd Empire by DIr En Grey!
KONNICHIWA!! HOw are you? I am good! Guess what I Got! I got a new Dir En Grey Shirt!!! ^.^ It looks like this:

I am wearing it right now!! I love it!
Chastity isn't feeling good! T.T I hope she feels better soon! I worry about her when she's not feeling good! I love her so much! I can't wait for tomarrow! ^.^ I get to spend the day with Chastity! *dances* It's going to be 7 months tomarrow! I am soo happy! I love her soo much! I never ever want to lose her! ^.^ Well I am going to go! ttyl
Much love
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