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Thursday, January 3, 2008
Jan. 3, 2008
Konnichiwa! how is everyone? I am good! I am bored to! I am eating pancakes! Yummy Pancakes! I got 8 comments yesterday!!! Yay! *dances* I am bored! I found some really funny banners and stuff! I am going to post! lol! Oh I made an new site! It's a PRIDE site! I'd love for you all to come and support it! PLEASE!?!?!?! ihavePRiDE CLICK THE LINK!!! Well I am going to go! I am going to put up some cool and funny banners things!
HERE YOU GO!!!!!!!!

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Current Mood: Good!!!
Current sonG: Squall by D'espairs Ray
Konnichiwa! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile! I've been super busy! So what have I missed? I've got book 1,2,and,3 of Gravitation yay! I've read ALL them before it's just that I wanted to get them for myself! ^.^ I just have $15 dollars left! Lol! Well I found out it was my own Cousin telling everyone about me being gay! I am going to kick his ass! I hate that! It's not his place to tell anyone...IF I wanted them to know don't you think I would tell them myself? Gah! Now my family has kinda shund me! T.T That's not right! My mom is still kinda grrr at me...She doesn't really acknowledge my exsistance anymore! Gah! But I don't need them as long as I have Chastity! I love Chastity! She's my world and everything! ^.^ I have a heart and with a "C" in carved into my chest...she has a heart and a "J" carved into hers! It's a love charm spell! ^.^ I love her so much! I know alot of you people like "dumbass" but oh well! You wouldn't understand anyways. Well I could see some of you understanding. But Not all of you! lol! Well I am going to go! ^.^ ttyl
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
Decemeber 30,2007
Current Mood: Good!!!
Current Song: Tornquet by Marilyn Manson
Konnichiwa! Okay I told you all I would tell you what I did yesterday! Okay Well I got up and Chastity calls me and says she's on her way to pick me up and I was like O.O I got to hurry cuz I had just woke up! So I hurried and got dressed Then about 30mins. later, she shows up and I get in the car and we hed to the worlds market and I got some yummy Japanese Candy!!!! ^.^ YUMMY!!! Then We got to Borders and Chastity got book three to "Little Butterfly". The we head to McKays's Book and Cd and DvD store! And she got some books and then we got to mall! I got into Hot Topic and I got Some kick ass earings! I got me some Bondage pants that look like this
then I got the new Marilyn Manson Hoodie!!! ^.^ It' looks like this!
and I got a Marilyn Manson Shirt that looks like this 
then I we went to claires and we got rings and she's got my birthstone and I got hers!*smiles* Then We leave and go to her house and we order a pizza and watch Gravitation! ^.^ I love Gravitation! And we eat a whole large perperoni pizza by ourselves! XD lol! Then After that we watched The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift! I like it! It's got Ching-Chong poeple!!! yay! lol!The we go eat at Arby's and She takes me home! I had an amazing day! I was soo happy to see her! She makes me soo happy! I LOVE CHASTITY!!! Well I am going to go! ttyl!
Much Love
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Decemeber 29,2007
Current Mood: Good 
Current song: Rocket Dive By Hide
Konnichiwa! How are You? I am good! I had a great day today! I was with Chastity all day today from 8:30 too like 7:50 or so! I love her soo much! I had a blast! Well I'll talk to more tomarrow! Ttyl!
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Decemeber 28, 2007
Current Mood: Good
Current Song: I'll By Dir En Grey
Konnichiwa!!!! How is everyone? I don't have much to say. >.<' But I might get to be with Chastity tomarrow. Yay! I love Chastity! I am talking to her on the phone right now. I Love Chastity!!!!! I am bored! T.T GaH! I finally got Limewire on my computer! Yay! *dances* So what is everyone up to today? I am bored!! I am listening to Lust For Blood by Gackt! yay!!! I downloaded alot of Songs! Mainly Jrock! That's mainly on my pm3 player! lol...
I've got:
>Dir En Grey
>An Cafe
>D'espair's Ray
>Malice Mizer
>X Japan
And Lot more! lol! I am bored! Well I am going to !
Much love
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Decemeber 27, 2007
Current Mood: Good! 
Current Song: Golden Wing By An Cafe!!!
Konichiwa! Well I am good! Me and Chastity are great! She said She dosen't want to lose me! Aww! I love her! Then We talked on the phone til like 10:30 P.M.! Then her phone died! I was like T.T I don't get to hear I Love you...About 10mins later I heard the phone ring...My sister brought me the phone and I was like who is it? And she was like Chastity! I was like ^.^ Yay! lol! then She gave me the phone and Chastity goes...."I love you" I was like Huh? She was like "I LOVE YOU!" I was like O.O.....^.^ I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!! Smiles!!!! Yay! Then she's like okay my phones going to die again! Good night! i WAS LIKE GOOD NIGHT! Then we said bye! Awww I LOVE CHASTIY!!!!!!! My mom said she doesn't want to hear about me and Chastity being together! So she doesn't care...she just doesn't want to know....she wants to be in the dark!XD lol! I love Chastity soo much! And you know who told my mamaow! Only cuz my Cousin's ex wife and my other cousin Chris! WTF! I think that they got caught doing something and wanted to bring the heart off of them! So they told about me! ONLY CUZ OF MY MYSPACE!!!! FUCK MY SPACE!!!! lol! Well I am going to go! Thanks you all sooooo much for all you comments! I am glad to know that they are people out there that really care about me and stuff!
I love you guys!
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Current Mood: Bleh 
Current Song: Love Song by The Cure
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am seriously not so good! Yesterday was the worst day of my life! It the worst Christmas ever! My Mom now knows about me and Chastity...and She made me feel like shit over it and she kept telling me that I don't really love her...And Stuff....And alot of other stuff happened. It was horrible! Chastity feels like she's loosing me now. I told her not worry and Be Stronge! I can't imagine my life with out her! I hate this! 3 more months and I am leaving! I'm never coming back! They'll never see me again! I fucking CAN'T take it anymore!!!!! I can't and I won't! I just want to be happy with Chastity! I just want her happy! I love her soo much! I love her with all my heart! Chastity wouldn't even say "I love you too" to me....It hurts...I kinda feel like dieing alittle! If they cause me to loose her....That's it for me...Cuz I don't think I can go on without her! I'm sorry but I can't! I love her! WEllI am going!
Much Love
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Current Mood: Good!
Current Song: aggitated screams of maggots by dir en grey!!!
Konnichiwa! How are you all! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I got an MP3 player! Oh and I got a donald duck cup!!! Yay! I love Donald Duck! And I got 125 dollars and a Hot topic gift card! Yay! Chastity's all grr right now...She's says she's not mad at me...but I feel like she is Well I am going to! Sorry so short! Ttyl!!
Much love!!!
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Current Mood: good!
Current Song: Love Letter By Gackt!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am good! Thank you for the comments!!! I got 6!!! Yay! Most comments I've had was 19 but that'll never happen again! Hardly anyone comes to my site anymore! T.T Like the people that used to come don't! Maybe every so often...but not anymore! Like Bou, I used to get a comment from her every time! And Momo was always here too...but she seems to be haveing family problems! T.T stressing over exams last I heard! But she did take some time to come and tell me she's okay!!! ^.^ yay! Silver wolf Shinko she used to come...but not anymore! Tigerfantasy17 she does come by still on a casion! ^.^ Gah! They was once alot of people! T.T Akria Hiwatari used but she never get's on anymore! Sharito is addicted to Myspace so she doesn't even bother with myotaku anymore! T.T Where did all the people go! T.T
Anyways! That's depressing me! Next Subject!!!!! I am texting Chastity right now! We talk from the time we get up to the time we go to bed! ^.^ I love her sooo much! I miss her too! I haven't seen her since Thursday! I miss her alot! I really want to see her! Gah! I want my Chastity! T.T Hopefully Saturday I'll get to see her and stay with her!
Well I am going to go!! ttyl~
Much Love Kyoko
Something to entertain you!!!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007
current mood: good
Current Song: Lust for blood by Gackt!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am good! Wow I got 7 comments! yay! Thanks soo much for commenting! I really love Comments it makes me feel loved! My hand looks alot better this morning! ^.^ it's still alittle blue...but it doesn't hurt...unless you touch it!!! NO TOUCHY!!! >.<' gah! lol! I am texting Chastity right now! I love her soo much!!! lol I am watching Cheaters too! I like this show...cuz sometimes you see some funny looking people! lol! It's crazy right now!!!! This people are all grr! lol!! Well I g2g! Oh do you all like the new theme it's from the Myaku PV! Well g2g!!! Ttyl! Thanks for all your comments! M
~Much Love~
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