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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
current mood: mixed
current song: Embryo by Dir En Grey
konnichwia! How is everyone? I am good for the most part! I've had a bad morning. Chastity was going to come to school but she got real sick this morning. She's going to the doctor again! She said she is definatly going 2marrow. I hope so! My mom had me crying this morning. Basically she told me she hates me. I don't care anymore. I am over it! But Besides from that I am okay. I know Chastity's okay. And Corey...he's been a big help. He's been making sure I am not all depressed. Before some of you think...aww maybe he likes he's gay. lol. I at one point HATED Corey cuz of Chastity. He broke her heart. It's a LONG story. Gah! But anyways. He's been walking me to class and making me cheer up! He's been hugging me alot lately too. Odd...cuz Corey don't hug people. But anyways...I went to Chastity's 7:30 call for her this morning. I sat and talked to Corey and Plank. Yeah...Plank and I are okay. We talked it out! But yeah...I am glad that they are here to help me get through this. I love Chastity! I hate that she's all in pain. I want to do something to help. I don't know what I can do! I am going to go an by her a rose or something to help her feel better. Or I can do something speacil for her! I don't know. Let me know if any of you have ideas. ^.^ Well I g2g! Ttyl
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Current mood: PISSED!!
Current Song: TELL ME BY HIDE!
Konnichiwa! Gah! I am pissed! I have reason to believe that a certain someone not saying on to my site and fucked up my codes! Wow I am just having a "great day!" Gah! I am pissed! Chastity's sick! She had an acute sesuire or something. Nearly gave me a heart attack! I want her to be better! Therefore so she's not coming to school today. Gah! She'll be back tomarrow! Yay! I can't wait! I love her soo much! I feel like death right now! I am soo grr! Well I am going to go! I'll come back by if I feel better later!
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Current Mood: Good
Current Song: Redempition by Gackt
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am good! I am in first doing research on "Petroeum Energy". Yay....I am having soo much fun....can you feel my sarcasm? I am bored! I've ran around the school all morning with Chastity. I love her soo much! I went to her house this morning around 6:30 A.M. Yeah I know that's early but I ride to school with her. She got a badass car! It's a 81 camero! She loves her car! lol Aww Chastity admitted to me that she's in love with me! Aww! And we are going to get married! Yay! I am in love! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I love Chastity! She makes me soo happy!
What are you all up to? I got 6 comments yesterday! The most I've got in a while! feels werid not being in ISS! I am soo happy I am not in it anymore! I was soooooo boring! I read a whole book in there in 1 day! Gah! I even read a Gravitation NOVEL! gah! lol But it was funny! I love reading Gravitation! I love Chastity! Oh do you all like my icon! THe "I LOVE KYO" icon? It's awesome! I love Kyo! I LOVE CHASTITY MORE!!! Lumpy is over her looking at Gackt lyrics. He's a Gackt and Dir EN Grey Fan. Now he's doing something werid....*watches Lumpy*....Child is strange... I think his mom dropped him on his head once or twice! Lol! I am bored! This is such a stupid project! I am bored!! >.< Gah! WEll I am going to go so my teacher doesn't start to bitch at me! ttyl
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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Current Mood: Good
Current Song: Disposible Teens by Marilyn Manson
Konnichiwa! How are you all? I am good! I made me a new layout! Do you like? I LOVE IT!! I am quite proud of myself! ^.^ I talked to Chastity all day today! I love her so much! I made me a new myspace today. I made to to Marilyn Manson. I am listen to LunchBox by Marilyn Manson right now! ^.^ I have alot of Manson shirts...I have 7! ^.^ Yay! I like Manson Golden Age of Grotques cd...well cuz it's special to me..*blushes* Me and Chastity....well it! lol! Anyways! *giggles* I Love CHASTITY!!! I a bored! I made my sister Aimeeofthesand a die layout today! She really likes die! Gah! She has another site XxManaloverxX,but she never gets on it! XD Gah! I don't see why I agree to help her make sites! Gah! I think it's cuz I like making site in general! I don't have to tell all of you! I am sure most of you know what I am talking about! loL! I can't help it! I enjoy making sites! But My XxDirEnGreyxX666 site is my favorite! It's my main site! I have so many wonderful friends on here too! ^.^ Yay for wonderful friends! ^.^ yay! I am now listening to TORNEQUET by Marilyn Manson. Now these songs are all on my "Least we forget" cd. I have all of his cds except 3. I need Spells like Children and Last Tour on earth! And I need his WHITE TRASH cd! But that was limited edition. And You can't get them anymore! Chastity has it though! XD! Well I g2g! Ttyl!!

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Current Mood: Good
Current Song: PINK SPIDER BY HiDE!
Konnichiwa! How are you? I am good! I am soo bored! I am playing on this site that you can make and dress up dolls! ^.^ Aww I love Chastity! She makes me happy! She tells me she loves me more and more everday! I am in Heaven! I love her sooo much! Oh and She loves me more then Marilyn Manson now! yay! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I Love her soo much! I love Chastity! I am listening to PINK SPIDER! I love HIde! I listening to Hide alot! I can't help it! Gah!ISS is finally over! yay! It makes me happy! ^.^ I am bored! So what is everyone up too? I am Next week is my last week of this semester!! Oh and I got to see my AN Cafe shirt Chastity got me off of Ebay! I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait to get it! She's got me like 5 things! I know what 3 are but I am not sure about the other two! But when I find out I shall tell you! I am now listening to Liar Liar by LM.C! yay! I LOVE JROCK!! Well I am going to go!
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Friday, December 7, 2007
current moood: good!
Current song: Endless Rain by X Japan
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am good! I AM FINALLY DONE WITH ISS!!! yay! I had a boring day! Then I was at Chastity's and we was cuddling and Makinging out on her couch while watching crybaby!! ^.^ So what is everyone up to? I am bored! I am texting Chastity! I am so bored! Gah! well I am going to go!
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Current Mood: Good
Current Song: ROCKET DIVE BY HIDE!!!
Konnichiwa! how is everyone? I am good! I am just sitting here being bored! Oh and Kali of course you can come to mine and Chastity's wedding!! ^.^ I love Chastity! I don't have much to talk about today! Gah! Today was soo boring in ISS! I have 1 more day! yay! WEll I g2g!! SOrry so Short! ttyl
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Current Mood: GREAT!!!
Current Song: Rocket Dive by Hide!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I AM GREAT!! Today started off bad! T.T I almost go into a fight today with Plank....yeah...She was talking shit about me but I took care of that...and she's lucky Chastity tackled me and stopped me!Or she would have been dead! Gah! Then I was in ISS ALL DAY!! Gah! it sucked! But Chastity came by and saw me a few times! She made excuses to come and see me! ^.^ Aww I love her! She makes me soo happy! Oh She asked me to marry her oneday and I was like O.O YES!!! YES!!! yay! I am going to marry Chastity! Yay! She is the love of my life! I want to be with her forever and always! Gah! I LOVE CHASTITY!!!!! Anways! I still have ISS for then next 2 days! It's not as bad as I thought is was going to be! I got done with all my work early! Gah! my hand still hurts! loL! But not as bad! lol! I listen to ROCKET DIVE by Hide alot! I really love this song! lol! I am bored! I GOT 8 comments yesterday! yay! makes me happy! yay! I love Comments! yay! *dances!* So I guess I shall go! ttyl!
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Current Mood:Good
Current Song: Ever Free by Hide!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am good! I've been listening to alot of hide lately! OH and Bou, I LOVE THE LAYOUT!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
I am getting tired of some of my friend Plank's bullshit! X.X She's killing me! Her and her drama is driving people away! Like Chastity hates her...but that all goes back to the whole Dollywood thing....XD And Corey doesn't even want to talk or look at her! Amy doesn't even like comeing to school now because of it! Gah! Poor Amy! She's got enough going on she doesn't need Plank's shit too! Gah! And Plank was all about being called a "lesbain" but now she's like...I am not a "lesbain" I am nothing! DON'T LABEL ME! Gah! Gah! X.X She's stupid...I can't take it!
I love Chastity! loL! Gah! I have ISS tomarrow! That means I'll be updating later then I have been! T.T Gah! I have it for 3 days...and I got it for tardies....yeah...that's stupid I know....I am not a bad kid! It's funny cuz I got ISS last time for cusing and I onlyl got 2 days for it! How does that add up? gah! But I also got it with Chastity last time to! I don't know what she's going to do for the next 3 days with out me! She keeps trying to get in trouble so she has to go into ISS with me! loL! I Love her!
SO what is everyone doing today? I am bored! Gah! I got 3 comments yesterday! It's the most I've had in a while! lol! Well I g2g!
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Current mood: Good
Current Song: ROCKeT DiVE by HiDe!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I am in first period right now! Gah! We are testing roller coasters....I think I failed...Like I finished it but it didn't work! XD oh well I have an A in here so I am not stressing it! Gah! I have ISS Wed, Thurs, and Fri. gah! I don't want ISS! Chastity is trying to get ISS! She said if I am not around she will go on a war path! lol! I mellow her out! lol! Oh Me and Chastity got in trouble to for hugging today! WTF!!! GOD FORBID THEY SEE THEY ARE GAY COUPLES IN THIS GOD DAMN SCHOOL! loL! Cuz I see "Straight" couples hug and make out all the time. And I hug Chastity and the world comes to an end! Gah! >.< I love Chastity! Gah! I am bored!!!!!! I got my Hair cut again! It looks like Bou's again! Yay! BOU HAIR CUT!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Yay! I love Chastity! WEll I am going to go! ttyl!BYE BYE!!!!!!!!
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