Birthday • 1990-03-17 Gender •
Female Location • IN LALALA LAND!!! Member Since • 2006-04-28 Occupation • Top secret XD Real Name • KYOKO
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Current Mood: GREAT!!!!
Current Song: TELL ME by Hide!
Konnichiwa! how is everyone? I AM GREAT!!! CHASITY GOT TO STAY WITH ME LAST NIGHT! OMG! I HAD AN AMAZING NIGHT! I LOVE HER! I am still alittle sore though! loL! But OMG!!! Oh and we fell asleep in each others arms! ^.^ <3 I love her soo much! Gah! We watched Gackt and Malice Mizer and Dir En Grey videos last night on youtube! ^.^ She really likes Gackt! This chick on Gaia found me and she's really into Jrock! Yay! We are talking about Dir en Grey right now! She says Kaoru is her favorite! loL! I like Kaoru! But Kyo is LOVE!! I LOVE KYO!! Well I g2g! ttyl!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I didn't get any comments yesterday! T.T NO BODY LOVES KYOKO!!! T.T anyways! I am txting Chastity right now! I love her! Muhahaha! I finally got the best of her instead of me! Muahahaha! but anyways! I got on Gaia and cused out some guy cuz he called me a bitch cuz I am "bi"...GAH!!! >.< Then I cused my sister's ex-boyfriend cuz he called he a whore and only I can call her a slut or a whore! Grr! loL! I've been listening to Hide alot today! I LOVE HIDE!!! ^.^ I did go through a Malice Mizer phaze too! ^.^' lol! I am now listening to TELL ME By Hide! ^.^ I really like it! ^.^ I love PINK SPIDER! Oh Chastity made me a sticker that says PINK SPIDER on it! You all know the band THE PINK SPIDERS? Well she had a sticker of them and she cut off the "the" and "s" and gave me the PINK SPIDER Part! I put it on my folder! Yay! I love PINK SPIDER!!! Muhahahahahaha! Which remindes me I need to update my tribute site and make it Hide! lo! I'll do that in a few though! ^.^ I am going to make it all Lime green and HOT pink! Hide's favorite colors! Gah! It's a shame that such an amazing person has lost his life! I can't believe it! Well I g2g! ttyl!
Current Mood: Good!
Current Song: Boys and Girls by LM.C
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? I got 3 comments yesterday! It's better then nothing! ^.^' I had a pretty good day! ^.^ I changed the JROCKFANCLUBMKS site into THE CANDY SPOOKY THEATER! I think the next Band will be LM.C! I love them! They kick ass! I love Boys and Girls by them And I also like Oh my Juliet! ROCK ON!!! Muhahahahahahaha!!! I love Jrock! I LOVE CHASTITY!!! Oh yeah! Bou PM me! So I can give you my address! ^.^ I love Chastity! She makes me soo happy! She made me 2 pictures today! And On 1 it said M.M.+ T.T. FOREVER MM stands for MAN$ONMONEY and T.T. Stands for TWiNKLETOEz! She's MansonMoney and I am called TwinkleToez! Don't ask! It's best not too! Plank stuck those names on us my sophmore year of High School lol they've been stuck on us since then! Except Plank and Kittylitter only call us that....I've never called Chastity Man$onMoney and she's never called me TwinkleToez! loL! But we use it as a code name at school! Like I write I ♥ M.M. on my folders! loL! Well I g2g! I shall ttyl!
Current mood: good
Current song: Merry go round by Candy Spooky Theater
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? Sorry I haven't been on! MyOtaku wasn't working for me the other night and mom wouldn't let me on at all last night! ^.^' So how is everyone? I am bored! I love Chastity! She's soo amazing! I want to stay with her tomarrow but mom won't let me! She says my grades aren't good enough! >.< grr!!!!!!!!!! I hate that! Maybe I can still convince her otherwise...! I am fixing to get on the JROCKFANCLUBMKS site and update it! Moi Dix Mois is the current one ever goes to that site but me...but anyways...I think I am going to put THE CANDY SPOOKY THEATER on for our next band! Yeah...I am going to! So you all better come by! Well first I have to see if people actually come to mine! >.<' Gah! Well I am going to go!
Konnchiwa! Wow I got soo many comments...I got 2 yay! Joy! Can you hear my sarcasM? Anyways! I am at school! I am bored! My back hurst cuz Konatae KICKED Me in my lower spine! Chastity's looking at Gravitation images! Yup! Gah! Well I am going to go! I'll update more later! Bye bye
Current Mood: Good!
Current Song: Illumanti by Malice Mizer!
Konnichiwa! I swear I can't get over this song! Oh and I know what you mean Momo...about Kami! Espcailly when he does that smile! Gah! *melts* Anyways! How is everyone? I love Chastity! She got her hair cut! I haven't seen it yet! I will tomarrow! I am excited! She told me I better like it! lol! ^.^' I am sure I will! Oh and THANK YOU MOMO FOR ACTUALLY GOING TO THE FOREVERMISSED SITE!!! Thanks for joingin! Thank you! I am bored! I am home alone with....just my sisters! O.O They scare me!!! I texted Chastity and she hasn't yet! So I am asumming she's still asleep! but it's 10:10 am!! gah! She's usually gets up before me! lol! XD Oh I think she has to got to a French or Japanese class today! She went to Japanese yesterday...I believe it's French! lol! I love Chastity! She makes me sooo happy! But I don't have to tell you people about how much I love her! I think you all can tell! loL! I love more then I had ever loved Darrel! Gah! It kills me to even say that! I hate him! He's an idoit! Anyways! What is everyone doing today!? I figured I'd probly just sit around today! Unless My mom let's me do something with Chastity! I want to! I really miss her! Gah! I LOVE CHASTIY!!!!!!! So has anyone heard anynew Jrock news? I was on Gaia last night and found some people that like Jrock too! This one guy, he was a huge Bou fan! ^.^ And I found some Gazette fans! I love Reita and Ruki! They are smexy! Well I am going to go! ttyl!
Much Love Kyoko!
Okay Rank your favorite jrock people 1-10!
2. MIku (an Cafe)
3. Kalha (Malice Mizer or Kalha)
4. Mana (Malice mizer or Moi Dix Mois)
5. Kami (Malice Mizer)
6. Hide (HIdE or X Japan)
7. Bou (an Cafe)
8. Ruki (gazette)
9. Iori (phantamogria)
10.Rieta (gazette) Comments (0) |
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Current mood: good!
Current song: Illuminati by Malice Mizer!
Konnichwiwa! How is everyone? I am good! I just got back from a day of shopping! ^.^ I got a Gir persue and I got 2 pairs of shoes and I got a Chesire cat hoodie! ^.^ I've been listening to Illuminati alot lately! I really love this song! It's awesome! And the video is OMG! lol! It's all wips N chains! Kami looks AMAZING in it! He's got all this leather on! And Gackt looks orgasmic! lol! Mana looks good too! Kozi and Yuki...well they look okay! Kozi....he's only cute to me when he has no make up! Yu~ki...well! I don't know!!! I am bored! So anything new with anyone? I made a new site! FOREVERMISSED! Please go check it out! Please! If you truly love and miss them please come by!!! Well I am going to go! Ttyl!
Current Mood: Good
Current Song: I'll By Dir En Grey
Konnichiwa! Gah! I am sooo happy! Kyo isn't dead! That girl said it was "joke"! I was like you shouldn't joke like that! Gah! It makes me alll grrr!
I love Chastity! She was mad last night! T.T But I cheered her up! I am trying to get mom to let me stay with her tonight and if not me stay with her...maybe her stay with me! I really want to spend some time with her!!! I love Chastity!!! I HATE BEING GROUNDED!!!!!!! It sucks sooo bad! I want to be with her! I miss her!!!! Oh I figured out what all I am going to get her for Christmas....! She got me an AN CAFE SHIRT!!! ROCK ON!!!! And some other things....that she won't let me now! T.T Oh well I'll find out Christmas or something!
So Was everyone's THANKSGIVING? Mine was okay...for the most part! SO MANY PEOPLE!! I DON'T LIK PEOPLE!!!!! GAH!!!!! lol! Well I guess I shall be going! TtyL!
Much Love!
music: Kozi
lyrics: Gackt.C
Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Take of your clothes and I'll offer a prayer to your prostrate form
Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
If I grasp you just once you can no longer run away
We will join with everything in the star of David
Fuku o nugi yokotawaru sugata ni inori o sasagete
Moshi ichido te ni shite shimaeba nagareru koto wa dekinai
Dabido no hoshi no moto de subete to kojiwaru
The pain and the blood that flow from your liberated body will change to pleasure
toki hanatareta sono karada kara nagareru chi mo itami mo kairaku e to kawaru
The gestures your irredeemable figure makes as you dance
Hold a beauty like that of Semiramis
Abandon yourself and let your body, in its writhing, crazy dance
Rise to its climax with the Holy Grail
sukuwarenu karada de odoru shigusa wa semiramisu no you ni utsukushiku
mi o yudane mogaki kuruimau karada o
holy grail de itadaki e o nobori-tsumereba ii
I'm sunk in the abysmal swamp
Where there is no foothold
I've reached the watery depths
Distorted face....
Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
In moria let your body fall and sway...sway and dance in a dream
Magical or Meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Moria ni mi o otoshi yurete...yurete yume no naka de odoru
In the space of your dream clench Boaz in your teeth,
Let your swaying chest, your body too, fall to control of eternity
Yume no hazama de buazu o kuchi ni kuwae yureru mune mo karada mo towa ni ayatsurarete
The gestures your irredeemable figure makes as you dance
Hold a beauty like that of Semiramis
Abandon yourself and let your body, in its writhing, crazy dance
Rise to its climax with the Holy Grail
Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
sukuwarenu karada de odoru shigusa wa semiramisu no you ni utsukushiku
mi o yudane mogaki kuruimau karada o
holy grail de itadaki e o nobori-tsumereba ii
Magical or Meriment. Communion with Nimrod
I have made a Jrock's for those no longer with us
Current mood: Good!
CUrrent Song: Yokan by Dir En Grey
Konnichiwa! So how is everyone? I am good! Did you all hear about dir En Grey's new Cds! The Decade! It's got ALL of there hits!!! *Smiles with Googley Eyes* Oh and I got on Dir En Grey's offical site and they was saying Kyo died in a plane crash....I don't believe it's true but.....yeah....cuz you can't believe everything you read from people!
there is this girl that's getting on my case because of Darrel's bullshit! Gah! It really pisses me off! If I haven't said nothing too you and you don't know what the hell is going on then they should really fucking shut the fuck up! Don't you all agree?
I love Chastity! Gah! I won't get to see her for 4 days! T.T I want to! I miss her! Oh and
Hello people! Do you all like the layout? I do! THANK YOU BOU!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! ANyways! I have a half day today! It's almost time for me to leave so this post isn't going to be long....i'll see if I can update at Chastity's if we arent' to busy! ^.~ Lol! Well ttyl!