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myOtaku.com: XxDirEnGreyxX666

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Current Mood: GREAT!!!!
Current Song: TELL ME by Hide!

Konnichiwa! how is everyone? I AM GREAT!!! CHASITY GOT TO STAY WITH ME LAST NIGHT! OMG! I HAD AN AMAZING NIGHT! I LOVE HER! I am still alittle sore though! loL! But OMG!!! Oh and we fell asleep in each others arms! ^.^ <3 I love her soo much! Gah! We watched Gackt and Malice Mizer and Dir En Grey videos last night on youtube! ^.^ She really likes Gackt! This chick on Gaia found me and she's really into Jrock! Yay! We are talking about Dir en Grey right now! She says Kaoru is her favorite! loL! I like Kaoru! But Kyo is LOVE!! I LOVE KYO!! Well I g2g! ttyl!


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