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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Tales of Recolation...Chapter Eight
Lloyd was lying on the floor of the enemy base. He herd people talking but coulden't move. He had a nasty landing...right on his bum! He could only hear parts of the conversation, between two voices.One of which was Sheena.
"All of them came..."
"I only needed..."
"I'll finish the mission..."
"I'll be waiting..."
"Yea...I'm gonna check on Lloyd"
"I was never here." The voice said and Lloyd herd someone warp.
Sheena walked into the room and knelted next to Lloyd. She touched his face and Lloyd's eyes flew open. Sheena fell back at this.
"(ooo yeah she touched me, uh-huh. Agg common don't look stupid.)Hey whatz up?"
"We fell thru a trap door and you wanna kno whatz up. I'll tell ya whatz up, were in a Renagade base about to be killed!"
"Renagade base?" Lloyd tried to stand up but fell down when he moved his leg...
"(ahh I can't belive I just told him that, and he's hurt...fantastic!)Your hurt! Hey lemme help.
"Its not that bad." He got up and dragged himself to the wall and sat up agenst it.
"What do you mean Renagade base?"
"Nothing" Lloyd gestured for Sheena to com sit next to him. She slowly walked over and sat next to him.
"Please Sheena, if you kno anything about these people they captured me once..." Sheena coulden't deny Lloyd's request. She also thought he could help her with her mission, so she told him about the Renagades. About why the Renagades wanted Colette, not to finish the Regeneration Ritual.
"So if we would have taken Colette to the Tower of Salvation her body would have..."
"Yea...pretty much...and the Renagades don't want this to happen."
"Why not~" Red lights beamed as the alarm sounded.
"Guess Raine busted security again."Sheena said as she stood up.
"Okay lets go!" Lloyd stood but diden't start walking. Sheena put her arm around Lloyd and led him to the next room. There was a bed and an unactivated warp pannel. Sheena sat him on the bed and stood in front of the door.
"Lloyd...I'm sorry. I don't want you to get hurt. Stay here. Only three people kno the code to this room and I'm one of em."
"But what if the other two want to kill me?!?"
"Don't worry about it...just stay here...I must compleate my mission." She left locking the door.
"...!(Colette...won't like this.)"
Sheena ran down the steps...the door was opening...Raine was there her and Genis walked thru the door.
"Sheena, thank goodness your okay! Wheres Lloyd?" Colette asked walking thru.
"Where is Lloyd...Sheena" Kratos started to walk in but Sheena ran past him, grabbed Colette and tried to shut the door with only her and Colette behind it. Kratos got thru.
Meanwhile Raine and Genis were on the other side of that door wondering what was going on. They walked up the steps and remembered the room on thier left was were they found Lloyd last time. They went through the door. Lloyd herd them come in...herd their voice.
"Hey Genis Professor I'm in here!" Raine ran up to the door and tried to open good.
"How'd you get in there Lloyd?"
"Sheena put me here"
"Sheena! She just locked Kratos and Colette in the functioning room." Genis still wondered why as he explained to Lloyd.
"(She really is going to take Colette...WAITE!) Kratos was in there too!!!"
"You have to get me out! Kratos might murder Sheena!!!"
"But why~"
"Don't ask why Genis just get me out!"
"Lloyd calm down! Their should be a pad next to the door to enter passcodes. Go up to it and enter..." Raine spat out codes and Lloyd entered them eventually, tho no luck.
"Just go stop Kratos...any way you can."
~to be continued...~
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