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With my Haseo in *the world* XP
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Adept Rogue and Manga Ka
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DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho
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To become strong like Haseo.
Fighting enemy's with Haseo.
Fighting and drawing.
| xXHaseos GirlXx
Monday, February 18, 2008
Hi guy's, not much to say today sorry.
But I can say this, we didn't get a tornado, *Dos happy dance* so ever thing is ok!
I thot I'd pot some pic's up of my horses!
And 1 of my dog's shila! LOL
This is Blaze! And that's my dad in the pic with her.

This is my Dream girl!

This is Dekota.

Isin he cute!!
This is Spirit.

And this is Coco Cowboy!

And this is my american bulldog Shila!LOL

Ok, now fo some of my game, I had to go to breag epna, I think that's how it's spelled, 'cus Aida, the big thing that I have to fight throo the hole game, was in the town, and Sakubo (Bo side) was thare with this ghost girl aina, and Aida was all around her, and 'lil bo just whint with her somewhere!
Here's a pic of Sakubo (Bo). Isin' he cute!!^^
 Make your own Glitter Graphics
I hope I can find him soon, I hope he's ok.;.;
I have a short story that I'd like to pot up here, if you guy's like Fullmetal Alchemist, you'll like it, I hope. It was just some thin' that I hade whrot a whill ago, so it's not that good.
Here it is. The story of Edward and Alphonse Elric.
The art of deconstructing, and recreating matter.
If you want one thing, you must deconstruct one substance, and recereat it as the thing you whant. But there is one law the you must go by, an that law is "equivalent exchange"!
Human kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in retune, to obtain, something of equal value must be lost! That's is alchemy's first law of "equivalent exchange". in those days, the Elric brother's, Edward and Alphonse Elric, thought they could do anything without that law, and in those days they really belived that to be the world's one and only truth!
And this is there story.
They lost their mother because their father left her. Their mother, Trisha Elric, was so nice and so kind, and thy whanted to do anything to bring her back.
She passed on waiting for thier father to come home, he never did, he never ansered their latter to come home before seh died. She really wanted to see him, and Ed hates him for that. Al doesn't understand yet why Ed wants to destory their father any chanse he gets!
And that's why they commited the forbidden act, the worst thing in ALL alchemy, HUMEN TRANSMUTATION!! Ans that is a taboo in all alchmey, and Edward lost his right arm and lift leg to the othereside, while Alphonse lost his whole body. Ed, now with a arm and leg made of auto-mail, mechanical limbs. Al's body is completly made of metal, and nothing inside, just his soul, which is now bound to a suit of armor. They inbark on a jouney in serch of the legendary, Philosophers stone. The only thing that might bring back everthing they lost.
And they may have found the stone, the stone is made up of humen live's, hunderds of live's! Humen live's where sacrificed to creeat the stone, and scar did just that. Some how scar planted the stone inside of Al, Ed wants to get Al his body back to the way it was befor they lost everthing. However, they have to follow the law of "equivalent exchange". He will do anything to get his brithers body back, even if it means loseing his own body and soul. They have to be careful, because Ed can lose Al all over again, and his own body as well! Edward whould give anything to get Al's body back, and Al also wants to get Ed his body back to the way Ed use to be. Ed worries about the dangers of using the stone, he also knows instead of using the stone, he may have to use "equivalent exchange". He also now the dangers of "equivalent exchange"!
Ed gave up his arm so he would not lose Al. Al is the only family that Ed has left, except for a childhood friend, Winry Rockbell. She well help them any way she can. Winry is Ed's auto-mail mechanic. Anything Ed needs she is there to help them. She love's both of them like they were her brothers. They left home for four years, but they went back because Ed needed a repair. She keeps them on the right path to get their bodies back tothe way they were before and to make sure they don't lose anything else!
This is the story of two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who almost lose everthing trying to get their mother back.
Edward Elric is, the FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!!!
I hope whoever read it likt it, and I sead it was bad!
That's it for now TTYL!!!
~~Much Love and Hugs~~
~~Rayven, Haseo's Girl~~
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