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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas is OVER!!!!!!
Yay!!! I mean, I love Christmas, but I HATE all the busyness of it. Slow Down people!!! Anywayz... I'm bored. as usual. I won't be able to get on the computer as much after the 3rd cuz I won't have any computer classes. T.T I want my computer classes *sobbing* I don't want to give them up!!!!!!!!! Any wayz.... I got a lot of good stuff for Christmas.
1.) Art Supplies
2.) FF 12
3.) PotC 2
4.) H.I.M. shirt from James
5.) Johnny Depp blanket (as Jack Sparrow)
6.) Gift card for Barnes and Noble with Saphira on it.
7.) ummm............ oh, money.
8.) ........... $55 for Kohl's
I think that's it!!
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Friday, December 22, 2006
Song for My Day:
My Mood:
Hallo Everyone!! Ugh!! I hate having to take finals!!!! It sucks big wads of shit!!!!
At least I only have to take 3. That's good!
Well, I had fun at the school dance last night, but now my feet are KILLING me!!! I hate when that happens. Well at least I have 2 weeks off from school. That rocks!
Oh, and I know what I'm getting for X-mas already.
1.) POTC 2: Dead Man's Chest
2.) Final Fantasy 12
3.)Barnes and Noble gift card (more Manga!!!)
4.) Kohl's gift card
ok, some of the stuff, cuz I don't know anything else. Oh, Except for a Johnny Depp throw blanket. That totally Rox!!!
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Monday, December 18, 2006
Song For My Day:
My Mood:
ugh... I was sooooo sick this weekend. I puked for the first time since I was in 2nd Grade!!
But I did get to see Eragon!!! I liked the book sooooo much more! The movie totally had parts that pissed me off. Like in the book, when they were going to the Varden, Ayra was unconscious the whole way, but in the movie, she was awake the whole damn time!! *grrr...*
But I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the Avril song in it. Keep Holding On. It's an awesome song!
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Song for My Day:
My Mood:
Hallo! I'm really, really tired! I can't wait for school to end! (btw, It's only first period)
James is coming home after school today. Then, at 5:30 p.m.(cnt.) We're going to church. *sarcasm* YAY! *end sarcasm*
But tomorrow, all my friends and I are going to exchange gifts during lunch. I hope I get good stuff. I got all the girls two of the little bon-bon nail poilsh stuff, then hopefully my dad can find the other thing I was going to get them. It's the limited edition holiday scents Body Wash from Suave. In the scent of Whipped Coco. (it smells soooooooo good!!)
Ugh, I forgot my art project at home!! And to do my math homework. I'm suprised I'm not failing Math. I never turn in any of the small point homework assignments, and we have a lot of them. Well, at least they're only worth 10 pts a piece.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
Hallo Everyone!! Ugh, I'm at my auntie's house waiting for her to get back from dinner. So no song or mood today. Well, I can say I'm bored. And I'm listening to Alexz Johnson from Instant Star. But that's about it today.
Well, we got James his gift. I hope he likes it! My aunt said if he didn't I can chuck hers at him and yeah.
I had fun at Mt.Vernon and I got some magazines from my aunt's friend Chris. *Chris is AWESOME* Anywayz... i got 2 issues of A.P. and one AMP so yeah. And a 2 Fast 2 Furious poster. and some MCR gig posters. I mean literal gig posters... not filled out though... or signed. That would of made them soooo much better. But hey... I'll take what I get.
OMFG!!! A girl in my Algebra class said that in exchange for me drawing her a pic, she would give me an entire pack of condoms. I don't need them...yet. Anywayz... that's a different story entirely! But James DID say maybe someday. *good song by 'the Cure' or 'Cure' either one!*
Oooo... Atreyu... YAY!! i like Atreyu. They're a good band. And, they've perfectly mastered the balance of screaming and singing. Brilliant!
Oh, speaking of brilliant, can't wait to go see Harry Potter.
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Friday, December 8, 2006
Song For My Day:
My Mood:
Hallo! I'm sooooooo tired right now. We're watching a movie in my computer app. class. All i know about it is that it has computers in in AND Sandra Bullock. I like Sandra, she's pretty!

Anywayz... again, i can't wait til the 15th!!! Go Eragon!!!

Anywayz... Today's the day I get to go to Mt.Vernon w/ James and my aunt. We have a plan (me and my aunt) but I can't write it down because James might read this so pm pme if you want to know it!
And I lost my MP3 Player, i'm sooooooo pissed at that. i can not find it any where!!!!
Well, g2g
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Song for My Day:
My Mood:
Hello! I'm tired as usual. For some reason the cold weather makes me tired... maybe because I sleep with a fan going all the time? ehh... could be.
YAY!!! I'm so happy!!! Eragon comes out on the 15th of this month. I've already read the book, and Eldest.The dude is a really great writer.
*groan* Today's Wednesday so there's not going to be anything on T.V. nothing to do, and prolley no one to talk to either... but you never know... i might have some good luck today. aww... Who am I kidding, nobody likes Wednesday. that I know of anywayz.
Well, at least James might be coming home w/ me tomorrow. And Friday... but wait, never mind we're getting picked up after school on Friday. Oh and we're also supposed to be getting out of school early tomorrow too. At 2:05. I wonder if i want my aunt to come pick me up then, or if I want to wait for 3:00... then. Yeah, for sure at 2:05 if we do get out then. I hope so!!! Well, got to be going.
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Song for My Day:
My Mood:
Hey!!! What's up everyone? N2MX.
*sigh* i wonder where James is? I didn't see him this morning before the bell rang... I hope he's not sick!!! that would suck, a lot!
Anywayz... I'm bored and tired as usual.
I have a math test today too... that sux big time!!! i don't want to have a test!!! I hate tests... although tests are prolley the only reason I'm actually passing Algebra... I don't really turn in my homework like I'm supposed to. Ooop's !!! o well!
On Friday I get to go to Mt. Vernon again. James is coming with me and my aunt. So I'll have someone to keep me warm... sry! ☺ Any wayz... I better go!!!
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Song for My Day:
My Mood:
Hey! owww... my aunt's cat just scratched me. It hurt. I can't wait for art class on Monday. (NOT school in general, just art class.) We got to find pics on the comps and print them out so we can draw them in grid form. that'll be fun. hopefully. bad part about that was a senior in my art class Hannah, wasn't there and she would've loved looking up pics. I used a couple of faery pics. now just have to wait for monday.
Here they are:

Well, today is cold. very cold. in the shadows, there's still ice and frost. But tonight me and my aunt (and hopefully james if I can get a hold of him) are going into town (cuz I live out here in the outskirts of nowhere, which is worse than living in the middle of nowhere.) and watching the town light up the city park with christmas lights. What fun that will be! *sarcasm* Well, I'd better be going!
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Song For My Day:
My Mood:
Hello! Today is already not a good day for me. I hit my leg on the bus steps getting on, I'm kinda embarassed cuz I gave James a very personal note ( involving 'the' issue ), and I'm just plain tired!!! *sigh*
I wish i could go back home and go to sleep. And never wake up again. But you can't alwayz get what you want. *if only, if only* Oh well, might as well start on my Comp. App. assignment see ya!
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