hey this is Carey....
things about me what i love and what i hate
<3 food
<3 sleeping
<3 rock music
<3 friends
<3 mcdonalds
<3 having my own style
<3 my cat
<3 my dog
<3 scary movies
<3 shopping / having money to spend
ew having no money
ew backsrabbers
ew lirs
ew ppl who coppy my style
ew ppl who try to be some one ther not
ew movies that suck
ew ppl who spread rummors
that arnt true
ew school
ew when ppl make me mad
ew when ppl think there better than other ppl
... all done...
Hugs pleez! :D :) :P
give XxMINTxX more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
any way today we had of it was boring i wanted to get to gether with my new bf Mikey <3 * smiles bashfely* and mom made me vacume << ick >> and yeah took a realy nice shower today it was awsome i was in there for ever i love showers they are soo relaxing !! any ways not much eles to say so l8er....
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
i love that face its lime green and looks so inocent.. yay soccer try outs started yesterday.... i came today and oh yeah im not with chad any more,,,,, and i realy like this other guy like who amount * smiles bashfally * he is trying out 4 soccer too... ummmm and yeah,,,, he has this scab on his side ( from crashing on his dirtbike he hit some rocks ) and yeah,, so he was messin with it and i kept tellin him to stop and he wouldnt and i grabed his hands then we just held hands 4 a little bit,,, omfg i realy like himm,,, and he realy likes me back... he knows that i dont want to be in a relation ship queit so soon bc i just broke up with my bf bc things wernt the same since someone told me he cheated on me,,,, he says he didnt and i thought i belived him but i guess deep down i didnt,,,,, so yeah i broke up with him yesterday.. and one of our mutual friends asked me y i broke it off so i told him and then will ( our mutual friend more his than mine but u get the point) told me that he cried 4 like almost a half hour and tye ( another more his than mine mutual friend) told me that he realy loved me and was realy upset i felt SOOO bad..... but i feel better now that im not lieing to him,,,,,, u know>? well i got to go l8er...
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
im bored... so any way,,, me and chad still go out.. bin over 5 monyhs :D yay... any way,, yeah bot much has been going on,,, im going to try out 4 soccer,,, and yeah im out l8er
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
well friday i went to the football game with chad and had a fun time... then yesterday he was supose to come with me to salsberry but he had to work :( oh well ,,, any way whooooohhh me and him have been goin out 4 about 4 months.. tehehe... any way im going to have lunch then go swimming so l8er
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Today i woke up late then got ready then went to a chineas or how ever u spell it restraunt and then went shoping and got a awsome pair of pants frome weathervane and got some awsome stuff last night any way came home had dinner and other stuff not much to stay not goin home till tuesday on a airplane... well buh bye
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