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myOtaku.com: XxPoohBearxX

Saturday, February 10, 2007

my lil story......leave comments plz!!^^
♥body♥ Destiny Saves the day!!!

Once apon a time, there was a gurl named Destiny.she was not very tall,but short. She had a job to do…and that job was to save doughnutville!!!yes,the citys name was doughnutville!!!it had houses of krispycream glazed houses,and ran on chocolate syrup for water.well anywayz….back to the beginning. Destiny,the awsomley awesome, was in her chocolate covered room drawing away! And then she heard a huge cry!!! ”HELP!” Destiny,the awesome,bonced off her bed and sprung into action!!and by action I mean went downstairs and got three doughnuts!^^”I wonder who needs help,”destiny asked herself, while eating the awesome, like herself,doughnut.but soon she realized she needed to help the poor person in need!!..........(to b continued)

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