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myOtaku.com: XxSeveroth7xX

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

   eek! i lost my sketch book!
I am so mad at myself. I left my sketch book in my sixth period class. I didn't realize it until after 7th when school got out. So I went to find it but it wasn't there. So I went to check my 5th period. Not there either. I even checked my 7th period. And no luck. I can remeber putting it under my desk in 6th hour then I never saw it after that. So Im pretty sure it was there. I had a whole bunch of stuff in there. I just can't believe this can mean all my drawings(not all of them just the most recent ones) could be gone forever. I was half finished with some of them too. I really wanted to finish this cool-looking dragon. But I am going to have comfedence that I'll get it back tomorrow. The teacher said that he is going to keep an eye out. And he is going to ask the person that sits in the seat after me about it. I really hope someone didn't take it. My teacher said the guy that sits in my seat after me is someone that wouldn't just take it. What most likely happened is he accidently picked it up with his books. I hope that is the case and I get it back. And plus my sketch book is for art class and I have to turn it in. So I donno what I am going to do. I've got to stop stressing out about this. Wish me luck in getting it back.
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