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Thursday, September 7, 2006

urgent news

im on my moms laptop before i go to school
while dad is at work and she is asleep

my moniter (the comp in my room) fried itself
so that comp is pretty much fucked up the ass until i get a new one
it may be soon though because im a spoiled brat *sweatdrop*

but this means no MSN and no AIM (unless it's AIM express) because my parents only have YIm and i never use that anymore.

i will update after school, I just wanted to tell everyone this asap.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2006


I'm so tired
sorry if this is short...
I'll make up for it in pictures...
speaking of pictures
I should put a better one up of me in my profile >:O!!!

we had a guest speaker in wellness today.
actually all the wellness classes plus the cosmetology class (which had Brianna in it) came too.
We all went to the gym....
it was a very sad discussion ):
about suicide.
I had to literally stop myself from crying, i felt my eyes welling up a few good times during the hour she was there.
But I never let them escape my eyes...I didn't want my makeup to run *rolls eyes*

Hahaa I think I got my best friend from Utah to listen to Jrock
I always have a Jrock song on my Myspace, if not like an entire playlist.
She's liked Panic Channel every time I put up Panic*CH songs (their oshare "side").
Right now I have "One's Life" up.
and I checked the bulletins I missed earlier today while I was at school, and saw she had updated her song with a song by Ancafe!!
hahaaa I giggled a little bit >__<
Now I'm gonna tease her.

Ohh...my mom is going to Utah...again.
I wish I could go...I wanted to go last time she went.
I want to go visit my old elementary school and middle school teachers.
and my old friends.
I want to see the look on my teachers faces when they see me now, and how much I've changed.

like i said...I owe you guys pictures now...

guess who?
One hint. My idol<3
lol. He looks so beautiful, even in a Tshirt. God he always just puts me in awe...I can't even fathom what it must be like to meet him, though lots of my friends have (those bitches. haha kidding ^^). I can't imagine what I'd do other than probably ask for a hug in my sweetest most innocent american girl voice/manner. and then break down crying on his shoulder and make him extremely uncomfortable. Because I'm lame like that, I guess. haha..no seriously I probably will end up crying. I hope I don't upset anyone ):

hehehhhhhhh I love this picture.
so kinky. and sexyyyy. *arousal?!* heh heh heh
it used to be my MyS backround xDDDD but then I changed it.
though its still on my profile somewhere ;)

Die...*shakes head* that's just wrong.
on so many levels.
sexy body though. haha. i'm not even a "die fan" or whatever you want to refer to it as e_e
but he does have a nicely shaped body :)

XD keheee. Panic*CH. well...old Pani*CH :( *sad day*
Kana!!! My 'hair idol' :DD
lol!! Josi likes Pink Cherry, I know that much kehehehehehehe.

Aww...I love this picture. Just because it's so beautiful. Not because "woohoo it's smexy yaoi mansecks lolz" *rolls eyes and laughs*
But like...I don't know, it's just a gorgeous picture, and they are both such beautiful men.
I was never a HUGE fan of Gazette's music, still not really. I mean I don't dislike them at all, I just like them a little bit, some of their songs. haha.
But I can't deny that they are all extremely attractive guys.

okay that should take up enough room...lol


I have this nasty burn on my right forearm from last Friday.
It looks like I took a dipped pumpkin cutter (like an ice cream scoop) and cut this huge gash into my skin.
I pulled off the blister when I burned it on Friday because I'm stupid, and it's been all infected and now it just this gaping, inlafmed hole. Ew. It's like fucking almost three inches long. It's disgusting Dx
and some chick asked if I cut myself when the bandage fell of it e_e *rolls eyes*
I don't blame her for asking though, that's so common nowadays (and beyond stupid, but we won't get into that) and it does look like a knife wound sooo...I wasn't extremely mad or offended lol.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2006

:( where is everyone? My momo-chan? anybody? *echoes*

I feel sick..
I am ashamed of myself, I eat too much.
I'm going to get so fat
I'm shallow I guess, to always be CONSTANTLY worried about weight...but I do not want to be fat.
I dont.
well...fatTER *rolls eyes*

And this fucking kid on myspace i added out of pity keeps hitting on me
and I am so sick of people hitting on me
because they are always gross and moronic and total idiots
And it makes me literally want to puke
I think there is something wrong with me
if that's all I attract.
And I want to scream at them "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE"
but I'm too nice and I just try to ease t hem off gently
but it never works...they just think I'm being nice because I want them
this freshman at lunch. FUCK HIM
he has a crush on me and I fucking hope he just lays off
I am not interested in him
he's a moron
and I don't like him anyways, even as a friend.
he annoys me to an extent I didn't even know existed.
I just look around down here and like
fucking christ I'm alone here
sounds dumb and cliche right?
but i do
I'm not close to anyone here and I've been here since January
I don't want to befriend anyone here, though I keep lots of aquaintances and I call them "friends" when referring to them just to save time and explanation.
But I'm not really 'friends' with any of them.
let alone would I be a girlfriend to any of the guys around here.
fuck. no.
I'm disgusted by everyone around here, to the point of nausea.
Maybe it's just because it's been a long day and I feel sick right now
maybe it's just my raging hormones since I do have PMS right now
that might be part of it
who knows. I'm just pissy and not in a good mood at all.
I put on a false front during school without even realizing it.
I only see the mask after I take it off, when I get home to my empty apartment and have no one to hide from.
up until about 6:00 when my dad gets home.
I want to move back. with all my heart
I say it so often, but I mean it.
I would do anything to either move back home to Kentucky, or move to San Jose, Cali.
moving to Cali. would save me the trip across the country for college, since I want to go to a college in Cali. anyway.

yeah I'll stop rambling now
god I'm just in such a bad mood
I feel so stupid and ugly and nauseous


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Saturday, September 2, 2006

My dad for some reason foudn my MyO on his computer and called me into the living room and went "what the hell are you watching?!?!" *indicates my icon*
I acted the innocence and went "umm...what do you mean ._.?"
I was just happy he didnt read my blogs, I mean I understand parental nosiness but these are like my JOURNALS, and I would be really angry and really upset if he had read them.

PMS is a bitch.
For serious.
I ate so much shit yesterday, a whole pizza (the small frozen ones, but still a whole one nontheless), a bowl of cereal, a bag of popcorn, the rest of the toffee ice cream...fuck.
And i was really testy, I wore totally mismatching and stupid clothes to SLEEP in last night and my dad started laughing and said something about it and i got SO upset and now that I think about it I'm mad at myself for it...

Melissa is so fun, I talk to her every day xDDD
I love her to death, she is hilarious and really cool to talk to. And we don't just talk about Jrock, we can talk about anything, we have the same opinion on just about everything
God I hate having friends so far away.
Like ALL my friends live in different states ~_~
Including the ones I actually have known for years and hang out with in person.
like...jesus christ I wish my family worked for Delta, maybe I should work for delta...then I could get free airfare and travel and see everyone :DD
Hmmm...maybe I should...during college or something.
I'm hoping to go to college in california, like this art school in San Jose maybe. Or UCLA, but I really want to go to San Jose, it's near San Francisco and not nearly as scary as LA ._.;;;;
and I have family near San Francisco and a few really good friends in San Jose (though one is moving to Korea at the end of the year D: Pooooo on you Crystal)
and then maybe I could get a job at Delta to help pay it off...I'm working on scholarships right now (hello fastweb!).
I'm actually not going to start really applying to any until next year (My junior year).
I know this lady in our apartments who is an art teacher, and she is a hardcore christian school art teacher so some of my drawings scared her a bit, but she said i have good talent and by the time I'm old enough for college I should good enough to be able to apply for the art school :D!!
And my art teacher in first period loves me now HAHA WHAT NOW BIZZATCH.
She gives me special assignments and I don't have to do the other assignments everyone else is doing xDDD Sweet deal, i say.
She said she thinks I should be in Art 2, and I told her it wasn't a big deal and I'll live in Art 1 since I never finished it anyway, I could do with a good review of technique.
But at the beginning of the year I talk a lot and I have this TERRIBLE tendancy to talk like a valley girl xDD;;;
Only around my friends and when I get excited.
I don't even mean to, it just happens! I don't talk like it around my parents, just my friends @@;;
my mom thinks I'm "dumbing myself down" Dx why would I do that?!?! It's just me getting excited and letting out, that's all..
anyway she told me (my art teacher) i was annoying o_o; about the second day of school.
but since she moved everyone around to permanent seats and I'm away from my friends I don't talk as much. I just listen to my mp3 player and draw, and she likes my art a lot *wriggles*
I get so many compliments on it and I can't deny it makes me feel better about things when people think it's good.
OH!!! speaking of which!!! please go look at my art page, I updated it with some new stuff last night.
I love constructive criticism, tell me if you like them and why, or if I need to improve on something.
Here is the link so you don't have to scroll allll the way to my profile and find it (HINT HINT GO LOOKIE PLEASSSE D:)
Click click CLICK
tell me how bad I am if you want to, just as long as you tell me how I can improve!!!

I'm gonna go now i have chores to do and I want to keep my mom in a good mood e_e


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Friday, September 1, 2006

I'm glad those videos let people know what went on, and not rumors and misconceptions...
he DId throw up, however, and he DID go to the hospital, just to clarify.
But he's out, and it's not that big of a deal anymore.
I know he must still be feeling it though, because I haven't gotten this completely clarified yet but I do think he got a concussion.
Though i don't KNOW so don't take that like, super seriously.
I really hope they lay off the drinking, or at least him, because a hangover is the LAST thing he needs with that e_e

I'm cooking pizza.
I'm so going to regret it because I'll probably eat the whole thing.
I'm so hungry, I can't help it. and I've been SO stressed lately (two posts ago I talk about it) and I stress/boredom-eat all the time D:
It used to be the opposite, last summer I hardly ate at all, I ate under 400 cals each day if possible.
God I wish I still had that self control...

this freshman kid keeps HITTING ON ME >:O FUCkING CHRIST
Yesterday he said i was beautiful, then today he was STARING at me and I tried to act like I didn't notice, but then he said "I just noticed you have the most beautiful green eyes" and I'm like "...uh...thank youuu" *goes back to drawing*
I was screaming "NOT INTERESTED" in my mind, and my body language. He opened a door and I went through the door next to it, opening it myself. and I don't talk to him much.
I'm trying to get my fucking point across, KID I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU, GET OVER IT.
i'm so sick of people I DON'T like having stupid crushes on me.
And they are always losers. with no lives.
who just think I'm hot (which, by the way, i TOTALLY don't get. Because like...even if I'm not "ugly" I KNOW I'm not "hot" so WTF).
And I'm so sick of it, I'm dead convinced i'll be single until I graduate.
I'm not even exaggerating or being dramatic.
I probably won't, because I'm not exactly PICKY...like..
I just know what I DON'T want. And that's all I see right now..sooo...sorry if i'm shallow, I can't do it.
And if I'm not physically attracted to someone, I just can't date them.
I know it's horrible, but I hate being touched except by close friends or relatives.
And a boyfriend would have to be attractive to some degree...like they don't have to be freakishly sexy (though obviously I wouldn't complain ;D), but at least not dirty (as in unclean)...
yeah sorry, this past few days the whole "dating/relationship/abstinence" guy made me all sad about being single again

I can't go to KY, I said that before...I'm still upset, but I guess I will have to wait...

Probably won't go to PMX (the convention in LA) because the people i thought were going are not going, or that's how it looks right now.
I have yet to be positive.

OHHH and I got into an arguement with this kid in spanish.
the annoying guy I complain about a lot.
He said "I'm homophobic" and I was like O_O and whipped my head around.
I was not going to say anything because it's non of my business, but my mouth works faster than my brain when it comes to the "gay thing".
I went "YOU'RE WHAT?!" and continued to bitch him out ._.;
It wasn't right, because we all have our own opinions, but I can't STAND people who discriminate.
Like...UGH. Carlos Mencia, is pretty damn cool. Yes. I like him.
But people who SERIOUSLY do it, I HATE them. which is ironic because that's like saying "I hate hate".
And then he asked me and this girl what we thought about gay marriage and we both were for it, he opened his mouth after sneering and I knew what he was going to say so I went "If you say ONE bullshit excuse about hating gay marriage I swear I'll hate you for life"
He shut up.
But that still wasn't right of me to say.
It felt good to say, I'll admit that.
He said "read the bible".
that pissed me off. Like you wouldnt believe.
i wasn't right to get so mean to him because I believe everyone can think freely but fuck I can't help it.
I get REALLY worked up and pissed off when people tell me "homos are wrong" or something stupid like that.
OHHH I get so pissed off.
Yeah I could go on about it for hours but I won't...
I'm going to go eat the pizza *coughs*fat*coughs*


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Thursday, August 31, 2006


(this one is a better view D: it's upsetting to watch, I'm warning you. And he throws up. god that poor thing...)

yeah that happened a few days ago, i had a couple friends there who told me about it the day it happened ._.
this isnt exactly legal, but it shows when Kyo fell...
poor thing, he was down a good 10 seconds or so D:
He really should be taking a rest, gah damn this tour.
Apparently he got up and did the rest of the set, reguardless of the head injuries.
Kyo gets props for that, I have to say...

no personal update today besides I got my dads cell taken away in school


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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

not going...to Ky...
I'm so upset
crying for the past 20 minutes
I feel pathetic D:
But I've been looking forward to it...
i get my hopes up so easily, at the slightest mention....
god I feel sick...I've only been getting through school the past few days thinking about going...it's been my only hope to keep me awake besides the con in california...but that's starting to look dim and I'm still extremely stressed and upset about that...
I'm serious people I need ideas like..BAD...I HAVE to go to this. It's not a matter of "want".
I need ideas...in case the anime selling doesnt go as planned...god I'm so worried lately...
I am getting dark circles under my eyes even though I sleep all night...I'm ALWAYS tired...
and I'm starting to break out, and I seriously NEVER get zits, and if I do it's like one every three weeks at most...so I'm not used to this...
i think it's the stress, and my hair is starting to fall out more frequently...
god I'm so worried about so many things...

So I turned on the TV so the neighbors wouldn't think I'm being murdered...I have the tendancy to be very loud, especially when crying...

and I'm watching Willy Wonka again...in an attempt to make me feel better...
Johnny makes such a great psychopathic candy-maker...*laughs*

ugh i have to go
I just don't feel up to a full update, i'm sorry guys...
I feel sick to my stomach...


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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

so I ate too much today...
I didn't eat until I came home from school, as usual.
I hardly EVER eat breakfast unless my dad is off and happens to cook some and then proceed to make me eat it....
I ate an entire can of soup and then about an hour later I ate a little container of spaghetti from last night.
I feel so full and sick now Dx

so starting today and continuing to the next two days, wellness (if you read my last post you know what that is, good for you) will be replaced with every wellness class that block going to the library and listening to this sex talk guy from the Teen Pregnancy Crisis Center or whatever.
I have to say I was interested in what he had to say, I like conversations that aren't all technical and have to do with other peoples' opinions.
But I HATE it when the teachers are all "ABSTINENCE ABSTINENCE ABSTINENCE!!"
Well FUCKING HELL you morons not ALL of us are going to "save ourselves' for marriage!
what about those of us who will end up having sex before we get married? What information do you have for all of them? Huh?
But no, they think if they just pretend they can turn EVERYONE around and then not inform people of how to have SAFE sex if they do end up not being abstinent, then it'll just have to work.
Personally? I don't care when that "event" occurs with me. I'm not a "SAVE IT FOR MARRIAGE" kind of person. When it happens, it'll happen.
It's not entirely that big of a deal to me, not to say I'm a total skanky sex-addict and I'll give it up to anyone, just that it's not a big deal to me.
Back to the point though...I really hate that...it's like telling someone "you may be Christian now, but you can always be Muslim today!"
"what if I want to continue being Christian?"
"You won't!! BE MUSLIM!!!"
Like...seriously, what the fuck kind of program is that?
I hope he brings that up tomorrow or Thursday because it bugged me the entire hour and a half long fucking period.

Ugh anyways...hmm...
I have to clean...
love you all


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Monday, August 28, 2006


people kept asking me what a "sexpot" is today
*rolls eyes*
I expected it though, so I just kind of laughed xD;;;
It was pretty funny, watching people read my sexpot logo and thinking I couldn't see them staring at me and my stuff.
That happens a lot lately o_o;
People will be watching me either draw or write random japanese on something and either they make a comment on it or they pretend they aren't looking and think I can't obviously see them.
xDDD Sometimes I'll just say something smartass to them without even glancing in their direction and they get freaked out because they didn't see me watching.
It's great<3

Hmmm....school today.
Blah. boring.
I was SO extremely exhausted, I thought I would DIE of fatigue.
I sucked in art this morning because I was so tired and kept yawning.
She lets us listen to music so I cranked up Miyavi, then tried Nightmare.
Just to keep myself awake.
I tried everything possible to get outo f gym 3rd period, I faked a headache (and EVERYONE still believes I had one xDDDD I'm so horrible), I faked a pulled muscle (but I did have one last week so some people believed that too), and I even complained incessantly about how tired I was :D
I really did pop my shoulder out of place though, I hit the birdie (it was badminton) so hard and so far behind my back that I kept popping my shoulder out of place.
It kind of has a dull ache to it right now....

Lunch was actually REALLY cool.
okay so, I'm still drawing Zero's braids.
I could have finished them in a couple hours if I would just do it without stopping...but they are so detailed and I get bored doing the exact same thing over and over and over that it's taking me forever to finish D:
poor Zero.
And anyway, so I was working on Zero in the back of the cafeteria, alone, as usual at my normal table.
This kid asked me if he could sit down and I saw him looking at my sketch (like I talked about earlier, he didn't know I saw him do it) so I knew he was sitting down to watch me draw while he ate.
People like to watch, and it makes me uncomfortable because I always mess up ANYTHING I'm doing when I'm watched.
But I stalled by looking through my purse for a nonexistant eraser or something.
He sat down and told me (exact words xD) "You're an amazing drawer."
I decided to ignore the vocabulary mistake and just said "oh thank you." and continued to draw yet ANOTHER braid.
He kept talking so I had to pull out my earphones several times (D'ray was cranked up, I found it fitting considering who I was drawing).
I finally decided to just turn it off, my battery will die soon anyway. And I talked to him, and this other kid who sometimes sits at the table with me but never talks (haha just like me) sat down too.
We talked the whole hour, they were really nice.
He asked what music I listen to and I said somethign along the lines of "aah..well...umm...anything, really. I'm not picky...this is Japanese though *holds up mp3 player* I listen to that a lot...Korean hip hop or pop sometimes too."
and he said "Really?? That's amazing!"
I was thinking '...interesting choice of adjective...'
But he was nice and will probably sit with me tomorrow lol.
I won't be heartbroken if he doesnt e_e I'm used to it, I'll just finish Zero's braids hopefully.

Soooo ummm...
Spanish came next.
It was all right, she finally let up on the seating chart and lets us sit pretty much wherever now.
So this girl named Ginger (i always find that name rather humerous) came and sat down next to me and that stupid kid who everyone thinks has a crush on me (god I hope not, I think he doesnt anymore if he ever DID.)
She is an anime otaku but not like...the REALLY scary kind.
I probably shouldn't say that on an anime-oriented site though, ne? XDDD;;;;
anime otaku scare me. I think it's because I used to be the same way and I'm not anymore and haven't been for a couple years so I'm like "umm wow, sweetie, you can't marry Vash. Sorry o3O;;"

Oh and I tipped in my chair because I saw this amazingly colorful bottle of hand sanitizer flavored like watermelon and strawberries, sitting on the teachers desk behind me and to the right.
And as I tipped, of course, thank you gravity, the chair did too.
I caught myself before hitting the ground but didn't manage to stifle the loud yipe that escaped my mouth xD;
I yelp like a dog sometimes annndd let's just say everyone noticed ._.
I got barked at by a couple guys but they didn't mean anything bad by it, and I'm not easily offended so I just laughed when they tried to imitate it xD;
hey...I have to admit, it DID sound funny <.<;

sooo now I'm at home...
I'm still angry with...those people...
how can friends say things about you like that?
It's not right...I don't get it..
I don't know what I'll do.

I have money coming in, I THINK I can scrape this LA trip!!!
I hope so because that anime con CANNOT be missed, like you don't even understand. I CAN'T miss it.
And Kiku and Shou will be there and I love those two to death and they are ready to kidnap me to get me to come xDDD
I'll feel like an ugly boar around them though @__@
They are both Asian and gorgeous and TINY and I'm all like...scandinavian and bulky and curvy.
But we'll have fun...I can't wait, I really hope I can make this work :)
I have about $74 now and I'm planning on selling all my YYH dvds which, if sold at full price which is $25 each, is about $175 worth of anime.
If sold at $20 each it's about $150 worth of anime. Still good enough, any amount helps like you wouldnt imagine :D
and I'm selling my keyboard if I can...it's not like an AMAZING keyboard (piano, not computer haha).
But it's worth aobut $100.
and my mom said she'll pay me for good grades, $25 for every A.
And so far I believe I do have straight As :D
It's only because I have easy classes this semester...*cough*...O_O;
no math at all until like...January D: *cry* I hate math.

I have Art 1 (should have art 2 but whatever). And that's a given, I always get an A in art. And the teacher finally likes me, or at least my work, she said she was really impressed by my sketches...I hope that gives me some advantage. She also knows I've taken Art 1 like fucking 3 times already DDDDDx
So she said if I get bored with anything she understands...but I won't complain...too much...easy grade right?
And I can usually finish the projects early so I can finish personal sketches in the time I have left :)

then English 2 honors, again it's easier than it sounds. Very easy. My vocabulary is nice, so I always do well in english and writing classes. and the teacher is also nice and seems to like me or at least think I'm "interesting" xD;

then Wellness. Umm..it's like every other day is gym, then health class, then gym, then health class, etc. etc.
It's another reason for teachers to give you text books, basically e_e. I slack in PE, but health classes are extremely easy and require almost no knowledge whatsoever xDDDD
So it's no problem as long as I remember my book O_O; (which I didn't on friday HAHA my bad, oops.)

then Spanish, and I have an A or a B on every assignment/quiz/test so far so I have to have an A in that class I would assume.
Which is freaky because I thought I'd do HORRIBLE in Spanish, I always mix up Japanese with Spanish!! ALWAYS!!! The teacher finds it amusing, apparently, because whenever I'm grumbling about how it's "blanco" not "shiro" or something like that, she laughs.

Gah this is getting long...
OH Melissa (another friend in cali.) and I talked on the mic on AIM yesterday LMAO and we were talking about D'ray most of the time, if not all of it HAHAHA we are the biggest perverted skanky hoes ever to walk the earth xDDDDDDD
So even though Melissa has no clue about Myo or this blog, here is to her and her love of (if you know who this is, then yay for you :D)-----

okay now....I have to admit it. he is BEAUTIFUL. This is my favorite picture of him, he has such flawless skin in it. and his outfit is like GAAH *at loss for proper adjectives*!!
(random thought:: has anyone ever wondered where the word "glomp" came from? ._.''.....)

And for my own sick, twisted pleasures >:D!!!
this image, the epitome of pure sexual desire (well, he's one underneath Shun HAHAHAHA I still love him)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, another one of my heroes. Isn't he gorgeous? Don't answer that if you disagree, you'll get the old beatdown!! Haha I'm kidding, I don't care if you think he's not, it's a matter of opinion ^^; I happen to think he is beyond beautiful though, like, this picture took my breath away.... And he is my favorite bassist...like...ever hahaha. If you ever listen to his bass in their songs, it's just...AMAZING, like it's controlling your heartbeat.
And I would go into the whole "omg and when you see them LIVE--" thing but ummm...I really feel like that's bragging and I hate to brag, it makes me feel bad D: So I really promise whenever I mention stuff like that I don't mean to be bragging. And if I do mean to be, then I will say so xDD as in I'll go "okay I have bragging rights, listen to this--"
hahaaa *sweatdrop*
In order those heroes woudl be:
1. Shun
2. Zero
3. Kaya (Schwarz Stein, Kaya)
Just so everyone can keep track here hahaha

oh god this is like...WAY longer than I intended, Much much apologies people!!!!!
I'll leave now xD;;;
Oh and I'm also sorry those pictures are so large, I was just too lazy to resize ^^;


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Sunday, August 27, 2006

a post at 2 am!

i should be in bed
but talking to kiku always keeps me up for hours

my dad will kill me if he catches me.

here are quick pics i took via webcam of my purse.
i took them to show my friend melissa but i figure ill let you see too :D
I love it to death!

the whole purse as best as i could get

amazing sexpot ReVeNGe logo xDDDD

this was the bag it came in, i pinned it to my wall. I was gonna throw it out but the engrish owned me xDDD

there's the engrish

my sexy bag, yessums.

now off to bed soon before kiku kills me *dying of laughter*


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