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Thursday, August 17, 2006

my day: totally out of order.

I pulled a muscle in my....ass....
and upper thigh
it hurts so bad to walk though, and I have to walk across campus 5 times every day D:
P.E. is tomorrow as well (we alternate P.E. with a health class every other day here)....oh god thats the reason my muscle is pulled in the FIRST place! I'm going to die!!!

In other news...
I skipped school for the first time today.
And found out I am TRULY overly-paranoid ahaha xD;;
It was not technically...SKIPPING <_<;
more just like...taking off in someone's car during lunch.
I was about 10 minutes late to class though.
and i didn't know they would be smoking weed while they DROVE THE FUCKING CAR -___-
I'm not a pothead. I rather dislike potheads.
I don't do drugs (though I do smoke NORMAL cigarettes sometimes like this morning and yesterday D: but I'm gonna quit before I get like...truly addicted. no more ever again for me.)
So yeah. I was freaking out. Plus the guy kept hitting on me and the only person I knew in the car was brianna who the guy happened to ask out in the car as well.
I saw them light up joints (the guy driving and his friend in the front seats) and was like O______O
and then after we dropped his friend off Brianna climbed into the front seat and was TICKLING the guy while he was driving
I kept freaking out and telling them to stop trying to KILL me in a car wreck but of course no one listens to me -____-
we didnt get caught, I told my teacher i was at lunch late then headed to the bathroom and lost track of time <_<;
luckily it was last period. Though I did miss out on studying for the test one last time before we took it D: (it was spanish).
I'm never doing that again. FUCK that.
i don't like marijuana or anything of the sort and I don't mind if other people do it just...fucking CHRIST don't do it while you're driving! At least not while you are driving ME!!!!!

So yeah....and in 1st period (art) my teacher, i found out, is an evil bitch :)
she thinks I'm annoying and too loud.
anyone who knows me can tell you I have this obnoxiously loud voice when I'm talking to friends. Otherwise I'm VERY quiet.
and like, brianna would say something and I'd answer and laugh (my laugh is loud too) and the teacher would get all pissed off at ME and tell me I'm annoying >:(
Everyone else in the room was louder than I was!!!!

Ugh this was NOt my day X____X

awww but on the way a cross campus to second period we saw two baby birds hopping around on the ground learning to fly ^^
they were SOOOO fucking cute and we followed them for a minute and they were peeping and i was like "AWWW OMG"
and Brandon (who I really don't like much anymore, he reminds me of someone I'd rather not mention the name of.) was like "ahaha should I kill it?" joking around of course. But Brianna and I got mad at him.
because that's not funny.

in second period (english II honors) we had to interview a partner (picked by the teachet thank god b/c i know NO ONE in that class).
I got a football/baseball player sports fanatic who is dating a head cheerleader
He wasnt that bad....just....i could tell he didnt want to talk to me. I was friendly and a smart-ass as always and made him laugh a few times but other than that we couldnt seem to strike conversation.
While I gave him extensive answers to help him write about me (we have to present these to the class ;-; I'm stage fright!!! i cant do that!!!!), he gave me one word answers.
how the hell am i going to write a one page long report on that???
I'll try with my mad crazy writing skills to create SOME sort of flowery adjectives to make it better :( *sighs*

So umm...yeah.
That was my day.
._. .....

i'm so tired I think im gonna fall asleep right here....*leans head on mom's bed*


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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What the fuck is up with....

gorgeous people thinking they are hideous?
I guess the word "gorgeous" (as well as the words ugly, and average and all adjectives you can imagine...) are just matters of opinion

I'm just
ugh today

Maybe some people want attention by screaming out "EW OHeMgEe I'M UGLEEE" just to hear people say "you're pretty shut up!" but not all of them do, right?

Like...some people really feel that way.
Is it horrible?

I am NOT pretty. okay, in my mind, just EW i wanna hurl when I see myself.
But I also know how it is to have BEAUTIFUL friends who honestly think they are disgusting.
And it makes me wonder if I'm pretty in some way and just don't see it, though I can't make myself believe that because it seems too impossible -_-

I really didn't wanna turn this around talking about myself or anything but I don't know any comparisons as personal as my own, right?

icky day + too much time = way too much thinking.

Seriously though you honestly don't have to respond with anything like "omg but you're so pretty i love you" blah blah
I'm honestly, with all my heart I SWEAR I'm not hoping to hear that.
I just don't understand why people are so dead set on themselves....even me :(

::P.S. this was taken from a myspace bulletin i posted about 5 minutes ago::

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

kya :DDDDD
second day of school!
It went well ^^

art class was fun and I got invited to two parties next week, and to go to this night club/all night coffee shop place.
:D yeeyyy

My hair is now
Because the dark red faded gradually xD and when I wash it, but i try not to get the dyed ends too wet ._.;
anyway. yes. I have bright hair heeeee
And like, today my appearance broke about 4 or 5 school rules LMAO
Like, my hair (for one), my pants were ripped, I was wearing a spiked collar, and my pants dragged the ground.
The principal sees me at lunch and says NOTHING about it heheeee
then later though he says "hun you can't wear rips on your jeans." and that's it xD
nothing about the poof of neon hair, nothing about the 2 inch spikes around my neck or the safety pins and chains around my collar. nope. nothing. just that i cant have ripped jeans
xD wtf!

Hey i had tall socks on under my pants okay?
It's not like my naked leg was staring at everyone ~_~
that's a weird rule. Guys can't wear shorts in my school, but girls can wear skirts above their knees.
and we cant have rips in our jeans
I wish I could sabotage the fucking school comittees or whatever and find out who the HELL makes up this weird logic.

i'm gonna go take a picture :)
because my Sato-roo (my japanese guy-friend in Japan I showed a pic of before) wants to see my hair >_<
much love to everyone *hearts*

hearing about the FVT tour dates makes me sick to my stomach.
I just read a live report of the Vegas lives and at first I felt so horrible because i was not there.
Not because "omg i didnt get to see dir en grey onoes"
but because I wanted to be one more person to help cheer them on. The chick writing it said the band all looked apprehensive and not as into it as usual...who can blame them?
giving it your all doesnt seem worth it when you look out into that crowd, no one moving or cheering.
So in essence I guess that small crowd of people screaming their hearts out and cheering them on is what they need.
Kyo seemed to feel better when he saw the dir fans there for them.
and the second live the chick went to was the normal energetic happy dir :)
so im glad they found their spirits again....except i think kyo got into trouble for cutting himself open...apparently they told him he wasnt allowed to do it

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Monday, August 14, 2006

okay so first day of school was today :|
It went good, I suppose.
I'm not too happy with the lunch arrangements...I have to eat with almost all freshman besides the class I go in with.
Which means none of my friends I made today and last Thusday are in it.
Because it's in that building I have to walk to twice a day across campus ~_~

My hair is now orange and yellow and red xDD
I feel like a fruit roll up...on fire
its an interesing color combo lol!
And like...today the teachets went over the rules with us in EVERy class and every time they came to "no extreme hair color" everyone stared at me XDDD
I just smiled and the teacher laughed and went on like i was doing nothing wrong or cracked a joke about my hair and THEN went on xDD

I'm gonna test my collar tomorrow ._.
this red PVC collar with spikes and chains...I'm kinda scared I'll die xD
But I'll try it out anyways :)

and like...on my way to first block (which is the first class in which I have to walk across campus for) I was walking with my friend Brianna who is in my first class and my firend Brandon who had to go to the main building for his class, and we were following Brandon for a second to say bye and the campus cop pulls us over and was like:
cop: where are you three off to? *suspicious glare*
me: ._. on our way to class. We're going to the annex building (the building across campus) *points to it*
cop: So why are you heading THAT way?
brianna: we were following him! *points to brandon* just saying bye before we headed to class.
cop: *still suspicious glare* Why did you come out from the back of ths school?
me: we were lost, we're all new! (and we ARE all new! so i wasnt lying!)
cop: well the late bell just rang.
me: well we didnt hear it since we were outside -_-
cop: fine get to class.
me: (after the cop drove off) well...someone needs to get laid e_e

so me and Brianna headed off to class, even MORE late thanks to Mr. male-menopause.

And then english was good, this kid in the class had a shirt with Japanese on it and I was smiling and reading it and he was like "._. ...hi?"
oo;;; oops hope i didnt freak him out too much xD
He would look at me and say small things to me through class so I guess I didnt scare him LOL
good ^^;
And ummm hmm...next was "Wellness" which is basically an excuse to give us more PE only with textbooks e-e
it's also my lunch hour, with the freshman.

Theennnnn....I have spanish.
I hate spanish.
but i have to take it
The teacher seemed nice, but the subject itself seems kind of strange...and boring...
the people are nice lol
I was fixing up my drawing of Kiku and like three of four people sitting around me had evidently been staring at it because when I looked up this girl next to me goes "you know you're REALLY good at that." and I was like "*laughs* aw thank you."
because that is all I know how to say
and then she wanted to see the whole sketchbook...then another kid did..
yeah thats how it usually goes when someone sees them e_e
I don't complain though...I'm flattered they like my drawings :D
And they weren't weirded out by the umm...bondagey guys in there ._.
I'll have to scan those so I can show you what I'm talking about...
I have a couple sketches of half-naked guys in bondage...accessories...
Yeah ._.;;

tomorrow should be okay i think :)
I'm just worried about some stuff...
like we arent allowed to have backpacks in class...
i carry around a messenger bag because normally you can get away with having those instead of backpacks <.<;;
so umm...I'll try that...because my locker is in the Annex Building and I don't have NEAR enough time to go to the locker and then to class.
Because if you are late ONCE in any class except first then you are written up.
so I cannot be late.
D: damnit.

anyway so ummm after school i get outside and it is POURING RAIN.
Not just raining hard, like fucking DUMPING rain.
There was a THICK waterfall coming off of the patio roof. The water was coming down so hard it stung like hell.
And about an inch of water on the concrete of the TOP platform of steps we were all on.
So the buses were fucked up and I missed mine and had to wait until about 4 PM to call my dad and have him pick me up.
We also took Brandon home because his mom was going to make him walk 3 miles in that shit ._.

so yeah....
that was my boring day :)

I'm gonna try to get my hair to stay UP tomorrow.
I sweat off my makeup a lot ): because it gets so hot sometimes.

still hearing people are being rude to Dir en grey.
I hate ignorant bastards.
They don't HAVE to like dir en grey, I really don't give a fuck if they do or not.
They don't have to say they DO like them even if they don't.
But they could at least respect them as human fucking beings and being brave enough to come to a foreign country, to a music scene very different from their own, and actually DO what they are doing.
Ugh yeah I'm kinda mad :)
lots of smilies in this ne?


p.s. psh you guys are gei, not looking at the videos i tried to hard to make 3 days ago xD

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

wow a post actually reguarding anime....
everyone gasp together now...

So we have this lock on our tv right?
Anything rated MA to A is locked.
So if an anime is rated MA (which many are due to blood and violence) I have to ASK my parents to unlock it.
And they aren't home all day.
Today however...my dad and mom are both off.
I see Gravitation on my On Demand features, it's rated MA but I know there is no explicit yaoi in it (at least, if there was any it wouldn't be in the first episode right?) So I beg my dad to just let me watch it because I haven't seen it yet.
So I figure after he punches in the pin number he'll leave because he thinks anime is stupid.
nope. of course not.
He proceeds to sit down on the couch next to the loveseat I am laying on, and watch it with a look of utter distaste upon his face.
So, with all the references to "gay-ness" I get embarassed because I am very uncomfortable watching anything Jrock or anime related with my parents in the room, I have ot be honest.
I know they think it's stupid so it just makes me uncomfortable and I'd rather ask them to leave but then they'll get suspicious and/or angry with me.
My dad, who has many times before made me believe he is not homophobic whatsoever, nor does he have any issue with homosexuality, then begins to look at me with an expression that cannot be expressed as anything but "you are in so much trouble what the fuk is this shit".
So near the end, when Shuichi and Yuki (for those who have seen this episode) are in the elevator, he takes the remote from me, and I can see they will probably kiss soon so I'm panicking and hoping he'll just change it.
No, he waits until AFTER they kiss, then once the end credits come on he says "You are never watching that shit ever again".

all of the above
I'm pissed off.

If it would have been a GIRL and a guy, he would have no problem.
They didn't blatantly fuck eachother, they just kissed.
A gentle, soft little peck.
Wasnt even MAKING out.
But no, it was two guys.
Two male humans.
Of course, this is disgusting and wrong.
I should have known better than to even ask.
Now whenever I ask to unlock a show he won't let me, this means no more anime rated MA, not even Hellsing.

Once again, he has proved to me how much he really is more ignorant than he lets on.


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Friday, August 11, 2006

OKAY so....
I woke up at 5:30 am today.
because yesterday I was so exhausted that I fell asleep around 8:30 in the middle of Underwold: Evolution
xDDDD My dad ordered it on "On Demand"
So I had a nice sleep :D
I feel good today....which is great because the past few days I've been really "ick" e_e *rolls eyes*.
I think the sleep may have helped my mood feel more up than down though.

So...my schedule is kind of pissing me off but e_e whatever.
I have to take Art 1 again, as I said before.
Blame my stupid fucking move to Tennessee.
I really fucking hate this state, I swear.

this whole airplane bullshit is ridiculous.
If I do manage to get to LA this fall I will have to put all my makeup in a suitcase and I can't take it on the plane with me!!!!
liquids are not allowed on airplanes anymore!!
*cussy mood today*
This is an understandable rule i suppose, but FUCK I hate stupid ignorant bastards that have to ruin everyday life for the rest of us.
Stupid as hell.
Hopefully this clears up.
I wonder if the bands flying back to Japan will have difficulty.
Oh no....best of luck to the poor dears ;-;

Well.....anyway back to the report of yesterday...
I have first period with the girl I met at orientation :)
She is really funny, we hung out most of the day.
and we met this guy we talk to now as well.
So we're gonna meet up a lot during school I would expect ^^

I have to take Spanish *sighs*
This is going to fuck up my Japanese if I don't keep myself up to speed....
They seriously MADE me take Spanish.
I have to take a foreign language to graduate.

And English 2 honors. I had to convince the counselor I would do my best in this class or else I'd be stuck in normal English 2.
Because technically I'm not eligible since I failed English 1 honors when I was at ryle, but I had a good excuse (personal reasons) for that. So she said as long as I do my best in this class and PROMISE to do all my work this time I can get in, and I intend on keeping that promise.

That group of kids I met was interesting. lol.
My hair attracts people xDDD I got lots of comments.
I was kind of hoping it would do that though, because I'm not good at approaching people.
So this way I met a whole group of new people and I didn't even have to say much :)
LMAO but I remember on my way to 3rd period this group of ghetto guys was looking at me so I ignored them but when I got close this huge black guy was like "So baby hey wassup" and I rolled my eyes at him and all his friends busted up laughing at him oo;;;
i couldn't help but smirk after I passed them, it was so funny xD

I thought I was DONE with PE since I fucking took it my freshman year but since i haven't taken it in TENNE-FUCKING-SEE I have to do it AGAIN.
We don't have to have clothes until Wednesday so there is no real actual physical activity until then.
well...*sighs* on the bright side...I guess I can keep more fit....this school year certainly includes a LOT more walking e_e

i need to get a nice holding hairspray to put my hair up...
since its shorter up top now I can spike it better
victory for MOI???? o3O;;


videos I made today xDDDDD
my babies and my room.

that is my room. It's a total mess LMAO

Yeah...that cat is my baby boy. But my friends and I all decided he was an incarnation of Gackt ROFL
because he likes to hump like...EVERYTHING and he makes out with people o__O

Okay and I OBVIOUSLY didn't take this (god I can only dream LMAO).
But it's one of my top 3 favorite DR songs >:D

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

back from my first

okay, so the AC was broken.
that school is fucking HOT ~___~
good thing it was only a half day....

I met a bunch of people, most just liked my hair so they came over and talked to me. (It's bright red and dark brown-black now...umm i dont know how many of you know what it looks like but ill try and get pics up. I got lots of comments on it at school :D)
Like some kid with this blonde mohawk and some other guys with trench coats and a girl with purple hair and that whole deal e___e
So as far as I can tell no enemies to speak of. heeee¢¾

Still sweating my ass off though rofl
I have to walk across campus every other block (i have 4 periods a day).
Literally outside of the school, across campus to another building for both 1st and 3rd block *sighs*
ewww and I have dark hair now so I get hotter faster

yeah...so I'm back :D
School officially starts Monday.

I hear Dir en grey is not very happy this time around being in the US.
I don't blame them, I heard stuff that people said and did at the FVT lives...
I hate to act indignant and rude but i have to say--
"told you so."


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Wednesday, August 9, 2006

So yesterday I went to the dentist at 10:30 am but I don't remember any of it because the drugs made me sleep from 10:45 to 7:00 pm.

so basically my whole day was me sleeping.

And um....
monday I bought red hair dye.
My bleached ends are now red.
I have pics but i'm lazy.

update later
i have work to do and i have school tomorrow (half day to get my schedule and stuff).


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Sunday, August 6, 2006

yesterday was not completely horrible, I know why I was in such a bitter mood though e_e
hello monthly hormones.
If you catch my drift.

*sing song voice*
I miss my babies D:
Jen, Katie, and Dolly.
My poor babies.
Jen and Katie have been without a computer for a while now but they should be getting it back soon (so Jen tells me).
I think Katie must be mad at me though D:
because every time I text Jen (or RARELY when I call her or she calls me) Katie seems to be there but never says hi ;_;
I really miss those girls.
Kinda worry about them, hough, I always hear about them being so sad lately.
From Dolly of course since SOMEONE doesn't talk to me anymore (Katie =3=)

Anyways umm...
I went shopping yesterday.
I bought a couple new shirts, 3 new pairs of jeans, a bunch of school supplies and a new hair iron :DD
The shirts are great heee
I got a really long grey and black striped shirt (the stripes are very thick, it reminds me greatly of Toshiya), I think it's called "tunic" or something, ne? the style i mean e_e
and my mom got me this shirt the color of a cantaloupe HAHA with Cartman on the front. ressed in his "cheesy poof" suit. and it says "got cheesy poofs?" on it.
ahhh mother *rolls eyes*

OH yeah and this great mini skirt with black and white stripes :DD
I wear it over pants of course because--
DUN DUN!! I hate my legs :D

I don't know what the hell I'm watching o__O
I woke up and never changed the channel (my TV turns on by itself around 5 am every morning...NO CLUE WHY)
It's that movie about nuns and Whoopi Goldberg (i dont even know if that's how you spell her name LMAO)Yeeeeah....
I'm just gonna keep my eyes on the computer e_e

I'm gonna try to buy my hair dye today but my dad is in a umm...pesky mood...so I don't know how that's gonna go.
I have to still go buy new shoes and makeup today.
See, there is this weekend in Tennessee I just learned about, which happens to be this very weekend right now, upon which there is no sales tax charged.
I think it's because this is pretty much right before school starts, so it's to help save on that.
TN sales tax is pretty expensive from what I hear.
So, naturally, this entire weekend is going to be a HELL zone.
Yesterday we went to walmart to get the school supplies.
I almost BEAT people.
This little kid ran into the back of my knees and I turned around ready to get mad but it was this adorable little Chinese boy about 4, and he was saying something in Chinese to his mom and his mom saw him run into me and she goes *insert thick accent* "oh sorry!!" So I couldn't get mad.
He was the cutest thing.
And this little baby was in a cart while I was trying to squeeze through a huge crowd in the school supply section and he kept trying to grab at me and smiling at me xDD
I love babies, they make me smile hehee

HAHA yesterday Dolly was looking at cosplay.com with me at different cosplayers, and I looked up Duel Jewel in the cos search section.
Oh god.
Never do that.
I saw a shun cosplayer I really didn't want to see.
There were some good cosplayers of Natsuki, a couple of which I'm friends with on Myspace, coincidentally xDDD
And one wasn't really a good cosplayer but she had a funny story about Hayato.
Just proving, once again, he never fails to think of something sexual xDDD
I love that man lmao

GAH my computer is running so slow at the moment, I type in some stuff and it takes about 5 extra seconds to show up on the screen

Well I had better end this so I can restart the computer and everything *sighs*


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Saturday, August 5, 2006

It's going to be a very long, angry, boring, hot....all in all a BAD day.

It's one of those days where you just wake up and you can feel it in the air.
Like everything is moving so slowly you wouldn't be surprised if the Earth had stopped turning.

So many things to disappoint me today.
My brain is fried.

And I have to shop.
for hours.
with my mother.
whom i never get along with, ESPECIALLY not shopping.
oh how joyous this will be.


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