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Sunday, July 9, 2006

Okay sooooo my pretty little lovelies O:

how are we doing today.hm?

yesterday was good ^_^
i went shopping at the mall and bought a new shirt at DEB b/c, yes I like some of their clothes lol. They have cute skirts and corsets and shirts sometimes :)
the staff there were TOTAL bitches though my god -_-
i hate stuck up people. They wouldnt help ME even when I asked a question ALOUD to my mom three feet away from them but they'd help anyone else who didnt even say ANYTHING.
Fucking pricks.

Yeah soooo then I went to Hot Topic.
Okay....to clarify--
I'm not a big shopper of Hot Topic sorts lol.
I went there for only a few reasons:
1] to ask if they had all the Dir en grey shirts they had shown on their site (they have like 4 kinds now..)
2] To ask how WELL the Dir en grey stuff was selling (to which the girl replied "i haven't been seeing it go too fast, really")
3] To buy some form of accessory b/c im running low, my wardrobe likes to disappear from me o_o

I bought red and black knee-highs
I love them though x_x

The only reason I didn't buy so much (i had like t2 other shirts and a skirt from DEB i wanted, and another pair of socks from HT) was b/c my mom owes me $30, and she decided that whatever I bought yesterday would be taken out of those $30.
-__- *sigh*
and i'm cheap and i NEED that money for reasons I can't tell to HER. (My hair, and those of you who know about it know why).

We were there for a good few hours :)

and we went into this leather store, much to my unwillingness may I add =u=
and I was wearing my X Japan shirt, right?
This kid who worked at the leather place kept on looking at me (kinda cute for a white guy, actually, lol. Longish hair and it was clean). And I was kind alike "uhhhh o.O"
then he walks over and goes
him: "did you have to order that shirt?"
me: "ooh ^^;; haha yeah, ebay"
him: "ahhh I thought maybe there was a place in the mall, damn it. oh well."
me: "yeah, jpophouse too *nervous laugh*"
him: "eeeh...yeah"

he kept on looking at me the rest of the time we were in there too xD
he also helped my mom with these leather jackets for my dad and his harley *sigh*
he already has one though but mehh
we're going back with him today hopefully and I can go see if that guy's there again muahahaha

Then we went and got smoothies and these horribley fattening peanut butter chocolate square things x___x

andddd when we got home my dad was just pulling in (good timing ne :D?) and he had bought me like literally 4 grocery bags full of cup-o-noodles LMAO
b/c we just got a new microwave, and my dad didn't see a need FOR a microwave the past fucking 9 months he's been living here xDD
so my mom and i were excited as hell o.o
we NEED microwaves hahaha

we had tacos x_x
i have not had a taco in a long time, mind you o_O''
then we went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean :D :D :D
I was so excited, it was a very good movie, go see it!
I admit I liked the first one better but the first one had a little less action than the second, that's all.
The second one was more action-based, but still very funny.

also, warning (BUT NOT A SPOILER)::
one more year until the third movie ;____;

now i think im going to go eat ice x_x
food is bad *many hearts*


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Friday, July 7, 2006

okay call me a total BITCH but i have to say it

I copied this from my Myspace bulletin *grimace*

"After reading a very lengthy thread on the Family Values Tour message board (of which, by they way I'm not a member of, I got a link to this thread through a Dir mailing list)--

I have concluded that the rumors suck.

Go have fun at the concert!
I'm serious.
Nothing will happen worse than some jerk saying "Ohh you're seeing that chinese band right?"
and if something violent were to happen it would be under control in an instant either by other people in the crowd who have a mind to break it up or by security.

everyone needs to STOP WORRYING

yes I know I have posted a thing before a long while back just worrying a bit but i have since changed my mind so bite me >O

go have fun
the idiots can suck it




they were HORRIBLE to Hiroaki and Wataru *scream*
okay these fucking idiots first off need to LEARN TO PRONOUNCE THEIR NAME before they go off about "how in love they are with HEE-roh-ahh-KEY"
ITS NOT FUCKING "twelve oh twelve", "one twenty twelve" or "one two zero one two"
and some people actually thought they were members of Dir en grey.
okay, if i was there, gods above know i would have said this exactly--
"okay bitch see that poster up there behind the 'hawt little japanese bois'? Doesi t say 'deer un guray' anywhere on it? no, it says 12012. ICHI NI ZERO FUCKING ICHI NI, learn to read you IDIOT!"

I know
I'm a horrible elitist wannabe bitch right?
fuck those idiots can suck it im just really angry.
and no im not really mad about the name pronounciation thing, I can totally understand if you get it misunderstood once -___- but after someone corrects you if you continue to get it wrong i hate you.

its just that people were SO HORRIBLE to them.
fucking idiots butting in line and buying all the photo tickets that could have gone to people who actually knew who they were. Just because they wanna take pictures with random japanese men with makeup on.
flashing cameras in their faces and screeching in their ears without even asking, while blocking the booth from people who actually WANTED to bu things to support the BAND, because YES EVERYONE HIROAKI AND WATARU ARE IN A BAND!

stupid skanky people wearing nothing but furry strings of cloth and asking for hugs, which apparently disgusted Aki and Wata more than they let on.

ignorant ASSHOLES trying to feel up Aki at the dinner with the fans.

FUCK I wish I could have been at AX just to find these stupid insensitive assholes.

*goes on bitching ranting rampage through house*

okay not really I'm kind of just sitting here venting and steaming.
I hate idiots.


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Thursday, July 6, 2006

I don't think I have the internet on my computer anymore. (I'm using mom's laptop again)
I really honestly think my dad shut it off on me.
because last night the phone rings, and it's the security for his warehouse (daddy = sofa express manager). It was about 12:30 am, but I knew it could have been an emergency so I had to wake him up and give him the phone. Then I went back to my room and continued on the computer and watching TV.
He comes barging in about 20 minutes later, throws the phone at me and starts screaming- "turn off the tv, turn off the computer, you're done!!"
and I was like "what the hell is your problem?! I didn't even do anything!!"
and he continues to scream at me that he had been screaming for me to get the phone from the other side of the house, and that when my mom screamed i had said "what" but hadn't come.
Now...I vaguely remember saying something but I really honestly don't remember hearing anthing at all.
I tried to tell him that but I'm always the liar in this house so that was a pointless effort.

I did, by the way, get off the computer and just watch tv for about half an hour, then when I was sure he was asleep I went back on my computer -_-
I'm sorry but I'm not getting off and stopping everything I was doing b/c he throws a tantrum.
I was in the middle of a very complex html layout and talking to Kai-chan whom I haven't seen in about 3 months, so he can bite my ass.

I don't know if he turned it off or if my computer is just being stupid again.
I'll try again later after I finish doing what I was going to do today...
cleaning and stuff...
I won't be at all suprised if it was him.
I'm just really angry right now, sorry guys, for the rant...

I'll have to call him later and hope he doesn't get all snobby with me again.



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Wednesday, July 5, 2006


okay so i'm watching a show called "Akira Kurosawa's Dreams"
It's basically a bunch of Japanese short stories
the first one is still on, it's very cute I love japanese myths and folktales.
Full of foxes and racoon dogs ^_^
and small children getting into trouble
And there is never a good ending, it always leaves you completley like "wtf just happened?!"

I hate the 4th of July -.-
i just do.
Don't take offense to it.
I just hate it.
I don't care about fireworks.
I don't care about independence day.

Yesterday I was forced to go to to this big celebration deal in Nashville.
We left around noon and it was SO hot outside.
We went to the Hard Rock cafe though an i have never been there before.
The staff were REALLY nice and most had colored hair and piercings lol.
This waitress had gorgeous purple and blue and blonde and black hair. and so many piercings but I didn't want to stare to count them all b/c i didnt want her to get the wrong idea.
She had a bridge too! :D
But not like the one I want, like Hitsugi's.
Hers was vertical o.o

I can't wait to get my piercings ^u^
3 in my lip and my bridge.
Of course I probably can't get my bridge until im 19 but i really wanted that one to be first ;-;
oh well

we had to come home early because it was too hot
And I almost got heatstroke according to my parents ._.
oops? ^^;;;; lol

We came home after 5 hours x_x
and there were still 4 hours to go until the fireworks started LOL
I hate fireworks.
They are so boring (to me anyway..)

So yeah that was my day.
nothing special.
I did find a new Japanese restaraunt? yay?

mata ashita minna-san


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Tuesday, July 4, 2006

UGH I'm so mad

I'm not as mad as I was earlier
I was so mad I was about to cry.
This IDIOT messages an unofficial Dir fanclub I'm in on myspace and was a HORRIBLE illiterate JACKASS idiot.
Here is what he said:

"you guys suck ass drop off the family values tour you dont deserve to play with the like of the deftones, korn, stone sour and 10 years. i spend good money on my tix and i dont wanna hear your shitty nonsense. at least learn english if your gonna play the us. fucking no talent assholes. go tour with some japanese band. you suck"

that ignorant illiterate FUCK.
I want to track him down.
Here is what the pres. of the fanclub (who is also a friend of mine!!!) replied with:

"I'd like to say first, learn how to read and use proper grammar.

If you had read the content on our page it says we are only fans of the band and not the actual band itself. The Dir en grey Street Team is an unofficial promoter of Japanese rock band Dir en grey. Fans from all over the US as well as overseas have come together to make this page.
The band would also disregard your message or not even bother to read it in the first place, just as you maybe disregarding this message.

Well I will make this as short as I possibly can without completely insulting your intelligence.

You may think that Dir en grey doesnt deserve it, but they have earned it and have every right to be on the tour. And since you may not know this, Korn themselves had asked Dir en grey to be on the tour. So if anything, blame Korn for wanting them on the tour in the first place. And dont make it seem like your bands are better than Dir en grey because they arent American and dont sing all their songs in English. Dir en grey have earned all their fans and a majority dont understand a word they say, yet love the MUSIC!! Small minded people such as yourself are the reason why America is hated by so many countries as well as fellow Americans.

Oh and, no one said you had to listen to them anyway. No one is forcing you to sit or stand there and listen to dir en greys set. And you dont see the dir en grey fans complaining that they have to sit through bands they dont like just to listen to dir en grey.

So before you go off and say immature and moronic things, think or do some research because everyone is laughing at you.

Dir en grey Street Team"

I'm just so mad.
I would have made my own post but I'm just too frustrated to think *huffs*
plus I'm discussing it with my friend on AIM and talking to hannah on the phone
ill update later perhaps...


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Sunday, July 2, 2006

*huge grin*

I went to the pool today.
RIGHT when we were gonna leave GUESS who shows up -.-
omg he had a loose tank top on x__X
he wasn't freakishly sexy but he was hot xD
I was staring like O_O and thinking "please get in please get in" but they looked around and I guess came to the conclusion it was too crowded so they left D:
I was inwardly going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
So at least I know they come on weekends >:D
I think they are cambodian b/c they are very dark.

bah i hafta go put up dishes baibai!


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Saturday, July 1, 2006


so I'm supposed to be going out with my mom today since she is off on weekends.
We're gonna go to this art place (I'm not crazy about it but I figure I'll be nice this one time and just humor her).
Then we're supposed to go out for pizza.
I want to get my nails done too but I don't know if that'll happen today.

God I miss my friends SO much.
I miss having people to hang out with and go places and just be loud and crude in public with but have no worries about the people around us thinking anything.
I miss it so much.
I want to go out with them for just one more day, free of worrying and chaotic bullshit and drama.
Just go out and eat for a few hours, talk about everything, laugh again.
Go try on stupid clothes and stalk guys.
We may not admit it but we are all total girls in that sense.

I want to see them again.
I want just one day when we won't fight, we wo'nt deal with drama, we'll justh ave fun and be loud and happy.
A day where Jen/Katie's stupid parents won't get in our way.
But that is never likely to happen again.

ugh fabulous now we probably aren't going anywhere.
my mom just came in and her alleriges are bad today.
not like we'd have had fun anyway, we'd end up fighting as usual *rolls eyes*
I'll have to wait for Dolly to come online maybe...
Or I can call and see if Hannah is home...
If we go I can try and just deal with her -.-

It's going to be such a slow day.
And hot.
and humid.


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Friday, June 30, 2006

I am dealing with official Jen/Hannah drama again.
I'm about to strangle Jen.
She is being an immature, selfish, spiteful brat.
UGH I'm still so mad at her.

I have to go to some gei luau bullshit at our pool today. So I'm not gonna eat anything all day until then, b/c I know those Asian guys will be there and I don't want anything to make me look as fat as usual =o=

I also decided that I don't need guys right now. At least none of the ones available at thie particular moment. Maybe in the near future but not for now.
This really really cute Thai guy who lives in Cali. really likes me. And I thought I liked him then I realized it was only physical attraction because if he was not as cute as he is, I would detest him. He annoys me, he's immature, stupid, ugh.
And he's my friends "ex".
Plus it's caused me to have to deal with PATHETIC online drama. I mean I thought real life drama was bad, but omg online drama is like a soap opera gone bad times 10.

that's all it is.

I'm going to go find some way to entertain myself, baibai.


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Thursday, June 29, 2006


an i wanna see Duju.
at a con.
so fucking bad.
But that involves money, and as much as I wanna save my money I have to pay for my haircut D:
I'm so sad.

I need a job >:[
as soon as school starts I'm gonna look around for one *sigh*
my only problem is transportation.

and we probably won't be going to Sturgis (this big biker fest thing in South Dakota) and my uncles wedding there.
B/c my dentist bills will cost a fortune.
I didn't really wanna go but if it is between staying HERE and going somewhere I would rather go.
I feel so guilty because I know my parents were really looking forward to seeing the whole family again ;-;
This is all my fault..

bleh i dont even feel like finishing this post...
gomen ne...


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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Suddenly I have the urge to go grab zhou and kai-chan and Katie from kentucky...and go clubbing x_x
SO bad.
too bad Zhou/Katie's parents are total assholes and would never let them go =3=
I remember once there was this, I guess you could say "goth" club in Brigham City, Utah. You had to be 14 to get in, we were all 12 xD (this was WAY before I knew my friendsi n KY, obviously)
We snuck in and they didn't even notice really, they kind of looked at us like "hmmm" but they let us loiter around for a while, then my friend's stupid little sister gave us away -.-
It wa cool though because I remember at first we had been loitering around outside the door, leaning on the wall and just like laughing and stuff and the band inside started calling us in xD
seriously, the signer grabs his mic and goes "hey you girls outside!" and we looked at him and he was like "yeah you guys! get in here!" and we were like "...ahahaha *shy*" and he goes "stop laughing and get in here and dance!"
we were gonna do it too but the owner kicked us out! lmao
gei ass.
gomen ne, memory lane 9_9

I feel like after I'm done watching this show on TV....which is about 10 more minutes...
I'm going to go for a walk and try to find a quiet place to sit and draw for a while.
I haven't really explored this complex yet...and normally I find a spot near every place I live where I can go and just sit in quiet lol
Maybe I'll head for that pool sometime? See if my Asian boy shows up ;D
then I'll have an excuse to sit there for a couple of hours >:D kyahahaha
I'm so sneaky *rolls eyes*

baibai minna-san *wink*


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