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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

bad news.
this is mostly to Kitten.


go to this link.
in short it means Dir isnt gonna be here for he Nashville show.
I'm semi-relieved at this information because now at least I know I won't miss the show when I leave for Sturgis.
they re going to be in another city I can go to.
So I'll make the concert anyway.
With my friends from Kentucky this time too.

So I suppose I'm not very upset about this.
I'm sorry Kitten :(

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Friday, May 12, 2006


Yes >D

I bought my synthetic hairness<333
It's black and fades into this really nice wine red color at the end. It's about 2 feet long and I've made a few of my dreads so far.
Yes, dreads.
Not out of my REAL hair, out of the synthetic hair.
They are coming along nicely ^___^

and omg xDD
I am such a loser--
at the hair supply store where I bought the hair they had this adorable Asian guy working the register, he was all alone and I felt so bad I wanted to hug him xD
He was just cute lol. He was really skinny and tall and had kind of shaggy short hair and glasses, he looked like an adorable little secretary >_<
I was smiling at him the whole time.

Code Lyoko is on my TV.
Gross *frown*

I'm going to Kentucky tomorrow to see my friends ^u^
And I am skipping school monday and friday next week b/c ill be in KY both this weekend and next weekend lmao

foocha ;o;
the site is down
I am so pissed I should have saved all those pics and just uploaded them to photobucket
FUCK there were SO many pictures that I had never seen before UGH *death*

I have lots of stuff to do today.
Practice my guitar again b/c I totally forgot how to play "Forever Love" (X Japan)
=___=; damnit
and I have to finish my dreads
and I have to pack
and clean
so much stuffs.

take care


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Wednesday, May 10, 2006


okay sooo basically i dont wanna talk about my day
it was dull and depressing xD
i didnt talk practicaly all day I just listened to my mp3 player in almost every class and i slept in almost every class and on the bus.
I'm going to post pictures from this fabulous Dir en grey site I found, but the page is taking forever to load for some reason
So while that loads I'll just talk I guess...lol
I have been shamelessly flirting a lot lately oO
not with anyone I know personally around this area, yuck.
No no no.
With my friends online xD
One in China, one in Japan, like 3 in California, 1 in Florida...hmm...
yeah lots of flirt buddies <.<;
*whoring? XD*
fuck I wonder what is wrong with this site it's just not working...


I tried to post those pics but the site was being stupid and wont work all of a sudden.
fuck i hope it works soon it was an AMAZING site it had like every pic ever MADE D:

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006


my net shut down and I had this big long post on here.

i was going to post pictures and everything

i dont know what is wrong with my computer it's just being stupid as hell.

Every time i go to a website it says "we have encountered an error, we are sorry for the inconveniece"

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Friday, May 5, 2006

my eyes are all puffy and my allergies are acting up badly.

But I still have to go to school

fuck i don't wanan go I just wanna sit home and take a mental/physical health day.

I'm gonna snap.

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Monday, May 1, 2006

wee happy ^^

I'm gonna go see Dir en grey this summer.

I'm excited 8D
It'll only be about a half an hour of them playing before the other american bands come out but *shrug*
what the hell ne?

I may go apply for a job at Joannes Fabrics.
I have an unhealthy obsession with fabric and stuff like that .__.
I was in pure ecstasy running up and down each aisle xD
twas fun.

well not much to report other than school is out soon ^u^
oh happiness.

and we are moving in about a month to the new apartments.

take care all

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Saturday, April 29, 2006

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otanjoubi omodetou Yuya-samaaaaaaaaa
*bow bow bow*
watashi no chikan no bi da yo

I ate ramen today.
My tummy is happy ^^

And I am trying to work a year-long exchange program to Japan in my Junior year.
THat would be amazing b/c
A) I'd be "legal" in Japan *smug grin* (HAHA jk jk)
B) It gives me long enough to get a job and work my grades up for teh scholarship I need

so now I just have to show my mom the paperwork and when I get her to agree (I don't fuck around with my mom, I'm spoiled and I get what I want xD) it will be set =DD

So Dir is coming to TN, according to my friend who checked the KoRn tour dates.
Not too big on KoRn anymore but I'll go to see my Shin-chan koinu *pet pet*
I hope so, I'm gonna go if they do come.
TN is not that big of a state, just long, so as long as they go South of me it won't be more than a couple hours drive. (I live way up north in TN so they can't possibly go NORTH of me xDD)

Oh yeah...and HT has a Dir en grey shirt up.
Not sure if I'm happy about this yet *tilts head*

Happy days all

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

...Fucking whores...

I got in a fist fight in last block.
I'm still fucking shaking.
The bitch tried to steal from me.

Fucking christ I hate people like that.
I hate liars.
I hate thieves.

Can't wait to get the fuck out of this school.

I'm happy I didn't get into it too bad though.
I would have gotten beat to shit, those bastards would have ganged up on me I know it.
I about wailed on the stupid fucks >< I wanted to SO bad.


I'm out of school the 25th.
I think I'm doing okay, passing all of my classes.
I have to get finishing that book tonight...
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
It's pretty good.

that is the extent of my day's entertainment.

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Picture post b/c I'm a conceited whoreface =DDD

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that is the magic of Haduri xDDD

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Jen is my sexy Azian boytoy ;P

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Ehh....this picture was...acceptable...not too fond of it though *tilts head*

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MZM turns ghettoooo
xDDDD (yeah right)

so how did everyone's day go?
Some guy made dirty comments about my breastage *puffs cheeks*
I hate that kid.
I hope he get hurt.


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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Oh my goodies .-.
I got siiicck as hell last night xDD
I started blacking out and falling out of my chair and shaking and stuffs like that.
Bad night.

thus im home today instead of at school =D
but im okay right now.
the worst i had today was allergies.
but i took a pill and they are gone ^^

Now I am currently looking at amazing Japanese clothes that I cannot afford for hte life of me xDD

lucky for me, I CAN sew =D
just my sewing machine is out of order -_-
what a whore.

bwaaa someone needs to IM me im dying here xDDDDD


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