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Monday, April 17, 2006

school germs xP

boring day. lol

i woke up late and didnt have much time to change out of the outfit i had fallen asleep in so I ended up discovering I was still wearing that Hooters shirt i bought yesterday xDDD

oops. ^^'
Stupid school is full full of perverts though, and just my luck, EVERY ONE OF THEM NOTICED
what whorefaces.
There are not even HOT perverts either ugh.
what a ripoff xDDD

omg and i know a secret you dont know *bounces and dances around*
Maybe I'll tell you if I love you ^u^
(man i love doing that xDDD)
*spoiled brat. I know*


oh yes I DLed haduri finally! yay for korean photo editing!
so my myspace is slowly going ot be filled with little animated pictures of yours truly, the photo whore =D


take care


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Sunday, April 16, 2006


So I went to Hooters for lunch today.
Easter Sunday and we go to Hooters xDDD
Probably a good thing I'm not Christian and my dad is not a strict Christian. lol

Daddy bought me a hooters shirt xDDD

and as i sat there...eating my curly fries...
I started laughing.
No one but me knows why xDD
I thought of what would happen if dear little Hayato-sama walked into a Hooters.
I do believe he would have a heart attack

yes that is about it.

School tomorrow, ew.


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Saturday, April 15, 2006

im a crackwhore xDD

I got strung out on painkillers yesterday/this morning oO''
that is what i get for taking like 6 when ur only supposed to have 3 in 24 hours lmao

PMS nausea today =D
thought everyone would love to know...
it was terrible for about 30 mintes + the toothache

now they are both fine b/c i took twice the recomended dose of Ibuprofen x___X

I set up my webcam again
so IM (besides YIM b/c it wont work o_O) now has camera *kissu*



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Friday, April 14, 2006

my tooth wants my face to fall off ._.

I woke up last night due to excruciating tooth pain.
It could have been worse, I suppose, but it was pretty bad. I took an ibuprofen and drowned my mouth in anbesol and eventually the pain subsided and I went back to sleep ._.

It twinged a little bit today but again I took more ibuprofen and anbesol.
I feel better ^^

I am cleaning the kitchen and maybe it's just the bleach fumes getting to my head but I feel rather giddy.
xD it makes me laugh.

I look like a fat toad today so maybe I'll go for a 20 minute walk...go to the gym or something...
I hate going to public gyms though -_-
anybody could walk in.

I need my own treadmill at home TwT

that's it.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006


I don't have much time to say a lot.
I took my camera to school today and took like 4 videos of all the people i hate. haha xD
They are for Jen and Katie and Dolly to see, so they know what the fuck i live with >__<

anyway I finished this picture I have been drawing for the past couple of days. I have been working on it off and on and just started coloring it this morning plus adding the rest of his body ._.
(If you know ME you'll know who this is ^^)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

the lighting sucks ass b/c my scanner is unavailable at the moment. The skin on this poor baby is not that ghostly white in reality, it's just that I had to use my digital camera to take a picture of it.

that's about it, sorry loves I'll try to add tomorrow?
I'm off tomorrow and until I get a job I'll be home most of every day *sigh*
as usual.

take care

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I've eaten a LOT today ._.
I had a pack of pop tarts and a twix at lunch, plus a couple waffle fries I mooched off of someone's tray. I also ate, when I got home, a couple little pieces of toast and a salad and a few crackers.
Add on two diet cokes ;-;

I made a video tour of my room xDD
It cut off about ten seconds of the end though -_-
what a whorefaced camera I have.
If I can figure out a way besides youtube to upload it for you guys to see then I will!
But it sounds like i have a lisp ._.
I don't...THINK I have a lisp o__O

School was boring.
as usual.

fourth block wasn't bad.
I was lazy though and didn't do my work, the whole class was tlaking so I socialized a little bit and this girl is going to pay me to buy her some red hair dye b/c her mom won't let her go to Spencers xDD

omg -_-
i have nearly....*counts*...seven diet coke bottles littering my room xDD
I am such a filth-mongrel :3

take care?


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Friday, April 7, 2006


Yeah so I haven't been on all day b/c I spent two EXTRA hours at school due to tornadoes rampaging the city.
Lovely ne?

My dad heard about it and left work around 1, didnt get to my school until 4 when it should only take him about half an hour. School's wouldn't let us go home until two hours after school ended and I left before the buses were allowed to leave b/c my dad had come.
It took 2 ADDITIONAL hours to get home, when it normally takes ten minutes, because of the traffic.

The power was off until like twenty minutes ago and it was supposedly going to be off all week but evidently not.

yay we're not dead!

Damned things passed RIGHT by our apartments but missed ._.

Kitten sweets did you get them too?????
I talked to her on the phone last night, I was confused at first b/c i didnt know who was calling me xDD

And I'm going up ot KY tomorrow.
b/c of all the tornado BS.
god i hate TN xDD


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Thursday, April 6, 2006

unfurl your wings like velvet dreams...

Bad bad day.
Some kid in first block is being a total dick.

He talks to me all the time, but he is always so mean.
He is a sarcastic jackass, and he always calls me shallow and narrowminded and he told me i was not at all wellrounded and I only like Japanese stuff and nothing else.
He hates Michael Moore and personally I don't give a flying fuck who hates him, if you do'nt like him all right then no big deal. Doesn't affect me any.
I happen to like Moore okay, I like his films and I'm reading "Stupid White Men" (one of his earlier books)right now.
But he is always calling me a liberal (and to be honest I'm not sure why he is calling me a liberal...) and a baby and stupid and whatever other insult he can think of.
He mocks me constantly and thinks he knows exactly how I work.

Why the hell am I nice to that kid?!
I'm trying not to make enemies because it's the last thing I need but...

everyone in this school.
I just...I can't be friends with any of them.
I can tolerate TWO people, named Katie and Angela.
Not my friends, but I can tolerate them, they are all right.
The rest...they are either annoyng, mean, immature, rude, potheads, whores, or some combination of the above.

I'm sorry for the huge sudden rant everyone I really am...but I've just had a bad day. the bus ride home I thought way too much...I was blasting every Duel Jewel song in my mp3 player and just staring out the window.

Anyway I had a point going when I mentioned that kid in my first block...
today just before the bell was about to ring to dismiss 1st block I was like "ugh I don't wanna go to 2nd block, Mr. Paschal is trying to kill me." and this kid goes "God is that all you do is complain? You're so whiny." and he smiles while he is saying this because evidently he thinks it's funny, it's how he always mocks and insults me, he is smiling like I'm a moron. and then suddenly out of nowhere he goes "Your eyes are weird. They bug me."
Now maybe I'm just conceited or spoiled or who knows but...that is a first for me. Normally people like me eyes, and they happen to be the only part of my body I DO like a little bit. So I was a bit taken aback...
I just said (add sarcasm) "Gee, thanks." *rolls eyes and picks up my bag*

then in 3rd block we had to weigh ourselves for a project. I didn't want to, I was so scared to see it that I tohught I would just start crying in class if I did.
Perhaps I'm just a baby about it.
Weight has always been sensitive with me. I hate being fat, in my eyes. It is horrible to me. I have terrible issues with it.
So I go up after everyone else leaves that area of the room (they were all like looking at everyon else's weight! Fuck if I'm gonna let them see mine) and stepped on.
I won't say what it said but I seriously think his scale was wrong.
If it was accurate then it means I have gained 10 more pounds in a week and a half.
I know that is not true. I haven't eaten hardly anything in the past two days. And I went on a twenty minute walk yesterday twice. That does not sound like much but I know how my weight elevates and whatever...I know I don't weigh that much.
But either way it devastated me and I just went to go sit back down and this fucking kid in that class whom I HATE with passion is all asking me stuff like "how much do you weigh?" "are you okay?" and when i dont answer him he gets all mad and goes "fine i just wont tlak then because you're not listening." and he puts his head down. Five seconds later, there he is talking to me again.
Fucking christ, kid...
He thinks i'm his friend or something I don't know but he annoys the fuck out of me.
I hope he thinks I'm a bitch maybe he'll stay away from me then...

Wow that was not supposed to be a long post, I'm sorry...if you did read it this far thank you so much for dealing with the rant.


P.S. Kitten I love you, feel better hun!! *mua*

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Saturday, April 1, 2006

this is a very Duel Jewely good post ._.

I just burned my Duel Jewel DVD.

for like the 8th time -_-
I burned it before at Christmas time (about then) but it fucked up.
I hope to hideto-sama that this works T.T

And I am a TOTAL idiot, I accidentally deleted 2 of my DJ PVs >.<
*insert stream of cuss words here*
And they are not in the recycle bin b/c they were on a portable disk!!!
I'm so pissed.

But I'm getting my friends to resend them so when that is done i can just remake the DVD with those in it...
assuming it will WORK.

I'm watching it right now, the TV is behind me lol.

*sigh* and my Duel Jewel CD is never going to get ordered, I shoudn't have gotten my hopes up.
My dad did attempt to order it once but since then I think he forgot about it -_-
Damn it all.

*sings along to DJ*
=D happy happy song...

I've always wondered what Natsuki looks like with no shirt...
he is so stocky and adorable...
I think by Japan's standards he would be considered chubby simply b/c he is not a stick...
but in America he is far from chubby >.<
Adorable little thing :hearts:

anyway I should go so I can edit this DVD!


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Friday, March 31, 2006



Last night, was when it truly hit me.
and it hit me hard.
We had the chance of a lifetime...
to see a group people, live, that we admired so much...
and we did not do it.
Dir en grey was actually here. It was real. and we missed it.

It sounds pathetic I know but...
I guess at the time of the ticket buying ang venue holding and whatnot...
it just seemed too surreal...too much like a fantasy..
and now it has happened. I've read so many live reports, some of which just seep the oxygen right from my lungs, and make my heart beat so fast it seems like it has stopped.
It's too late.
and I realize...
this actually happened...

next time, Jen and I, we are going to be there. We made a pact with eachother.
If we have to suffer and be blackmailed to get a yes from our parents, so help us we will do it.

This goes without saying for Duel Jewel.
Everyone who knows me--
knows DJ are my babies.
I love them with everything I've got.

I'm staying home today. I felt just a tiny bit nauseous this morning but in all truth I could have gone to school...
I just didn't feel like really doing that today.
I need a mental health day to clean and be merry or...
something like that...


I'm watching my Dir DVDs now.
it makes me excited but slightly saddened.;

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